
Lateef (2015)

An Unfold Fact

ジャンル : スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 58分

演出 : Israr Ahmed


Lateef is a middle-class man who aspires to become a doctor. But, this dream is shattered when he gets arrested in a drug raid.


Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Nawazuddin Siddiqui
Kader Khan
Kader Khan
Police Commissioner
Murali Sharma
Murali Sharma
Zafar Dongri
Mukesh Tiwari
Mukesh Tiwari
ACP Sawant
Pratima Kazmi
Pratima Kazmi
Akhilendra Mishra
Akhilendra Mishra


Israr Ahmed
Israr Ahmed
Amina Ahmed
Amina Ahmed
S Sachindra
S Sachindra
Badshah Khan
Badshah Khan
Anis Sabri
Anis Sabri
Original Music Composer
Gunwant Raj
Gunwant Raj
Original Music Composer
Gunwant Sen
Gunwant Sen
Original Music Composer
Yasin Darbar
Yasin Darbar
Original Music Composer
Iqbaal Sargam
Iqbaal Sargam
Original Music Composer
Israr Ahmed
Israr Ahmed


Three old high school friends meet in a Michigan motel room to dissect painful memories from their past.
T2 トレインスポッティング
Permanent Midnight
Juggling increasing career success and a growing heroin habit, a television comedy writer attempts to go down a path of improvement.
Grocery store clerk Simon occasionally sells drugs from his cash register at work, so when soap opera actors Adam and Zack come looking for Ecstasy on a quiet Christmas Eve, they are surprised to find Ronna covering his shift. Desperate for money, Ronna decides to become an impromptu drug dealer, unaware that Adam and Zack are secretly working for obsessed narcotics officer Burke.
アルファ・ドッグ 破滅へのカウントダウン
Johnny Trueloveは自分をタフだと思いたがっている。彼は、裏社会の人物と麻薬の売人の息子です。また、自分の思い通りにならないことがあると、強気に出るのも好きだ。ジェイク・マズルスキーがジョニーへの支払いを怠ると、ジョニーと彼の「ギャング」がジェイクの15歳の弟を誘拐して人質にしたため、マズルスキー家にとって事態は悪化する。今の問題は、「盗まれた少年」をどうするか?
マンハッタンのミッションスクールに通うジムたちは、バスケットボールに夢中な無垢な不良少年であったが、教師である神父にいじめられたのをきっかけにドラッグを始めてしまい、やがて退学、泥棒、ホームレス、果ては殺人と、彼らを破滅の道へと招いていく…。 ジム・キャロルの実体験にもとづく全米ベストセラー青春文学『マンハッタン少年日記』の映画化。レオナルド・ディカプリオが堕ちていく純粋な少年を迫真の演技で体現している。全体的に乾いたシンプルな演出が施されており、ウェットなセンチメンタルになることを巧みに避けているのが、逆に悲劇のリアリティを高めている。共演もマーク・ウォールバーグなど、後にブレイクした若手俳優が多数出演。(的田也寸志)
The Babysitters
Seventeen-year-old Shirley is a good student who works as a babysitter in order to make money for college. One night Michael, a father Shirley works for, confesses he's unhappy with married life. Shirley has a crush on Michael, and seizes this moment to kiss him. Michael is so happy he presents Shirley with a big tip, which gives her an idea. Shirley plans to make extra money by setting up her teenage friends with other unhappy fathers.
Slaking a thirst for dangerous games, Kathryn challenges her stepbrother, Sebastian, to deflower their headmaster's daughter before the summer ends. If he succeeds, the prize is the chance to bed Kathryn. But if he loses, Kathryn will claim his most prized possession.
相棒と女房に裏切られ、背中から銃で撃たれた男――ポーター。飲んだくれのヤブ医者の治療により瀕死の状態からどうにか蘇った。5か月の治療で背中の傷は癒えたが、心の傷は一向に癒える気配がない。それを癒す術は、裏切った相棒と女房への復讐、そして奪われた7万ドルを取り戻すことだけだった。 ポーターは怒りを胸に秘め街を徘徊し、非合法な手段で瞬く間に小金と銃を手に入れる。彼はただ、本来自分の取り分だったはずの7万ドルを取り返したいだけだ。しかし、復讐のためには手段を選ばないポーターの常軌を逸した行動は、様々な人間の思惑を巻き込み、事態を最悪の方向へ加速させていくのであった。
Z Inc. ゼット・インク
A virus spreads through an office complex causing white collar workers to act out their worst impulses.
アルティメット2 マッスル・ネバー・ダイ
アメリカ国内の商業施設で自爆テロ事件が発生。政府は 犯人はメキシコ経由で不法入国したと考え、 国境地帯で密入国ビジネスを仕切る麻薬カルテルを混乱させる任務を、 CIA工作員のマット・グレイヴァーに命じる。マットは、 カルテルへの復讐に燃える旧知の暗殺者アレハンドロに協力を要請。 麻薬王の娘イサベルを誘拐し、 カルテル同士の戦争を誘発しようと企てる。 しかし、その極秘作戦は、 敵の奇襲やアメリカ政府の無慈悲な方針変更によって想定外の事態を招いてしまう。 メキシコの地で孤立を余儀なくされたアレハンドロは、 兵士としての任務と復讐心、そして人質として保護する少女の命の狭間で、 過酷なジレンマに直面していく。


Timeline: The History of WWE – 1995 – As Told By Kevin Nash
The WWE would soon feel the explosion of what has come to be known as the second boom period. But in 1995, those benefits could not yet be reaped. Business was down, the B shows were cancelled. What could turn this around? Vince hoped it would be a group of guys working at the top of his card…a group that became known as the clique. Kevin Nash will take us back to ’95 when the kliq was formed, and he was given the strap. But was he REALLY Vince’s “guy?” Join Kevin for a journey into this pivotal year as the kliq solidified their stranglehold on the WWE.
Spider Woman
Michael Wong is walking in a circle, he is not only facing a complex human relationship as well as inharmonious relationship with some terrible persons. Those affairs push Michael to the death.
The Spider Woman Strikes Back
A young girl goes to work as a live-in caretaker for a spooky old woman. She doesn't know that every night, the woman drains some blood from her to feed her strange plant.
Tangled Web: Making Kiss of the Spider Woman
Rare documents and details of the film's story. From its initial option to its critical reception and legacy. Director David Weisman, who also produced "Kiss of the Spider Woman", comes off as rightful creative force behind the production, as it was his true passion. Very detailed comments from all the participants, from the author of the book to the lawyer for the production company, the actors, director, writers, producer, and crew members.
Spider Woman
A witch is burned on the stake, but her spirit has possessed a giant spider and is on the rampage. Enraged and thirsty for vengeance, a mob of torch bearing villagers march through an eerie wood in search of an evil child-eating woman. But dealing their own brand of justice, this might just be the worst mistake of their lives, as the one they seek possesses a darker power then they would have ever imagined. Spider woman spins the nightmarish tale of an unsuspecting group of people encountering a mystical world of buried secrets, human possession and gigantic spiders. Evil never takes kindly to those who oppose it...and in this case, its counterattack pounces with eight-legged agility.
10 years ago, a boy abandoned his alcoholic mother. Now a man, he returns to meet her.
A writer adrift in the icy slopes of Kashmir, discovers a woman with a strange and silent past.
The Spider Woman
Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of so-called "pajama suicides". He knows the female villain behind them is as cunning as Moriarty and as venomous as a spider. Based on "The Sign of Four" and the short stories "The Dying Detective", "The Final Problem", "The Speckled Band" and "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot".
My Pretty Pony
The story follows an elderly man on his deathbed who gives his young grandson a pocket watch and warns the boy against the dangers of letting time slip away.
Illis n Lwazir 2
Finalist of Tropfest Australia 2012
Nova Remnants
A nova remnant consists of matter left behind by a cataclysmic nuclear explosion, causing the intense and sudden brightening of a star. Due to the relatively short time-span over which they occur, nova remnants generally no longer exist by the time their light reaches us on Earth.
Atlantic Wall
An American soldier is trapped behind enemy lines on the eve of D-Day.
The Felistas Fable
Felistas is cursed. She stinks. No one can stand to stay near her. This causes her to separate from her family and live as a lonely outcast in an abandoned house. But one day, a witchdoctor finds a solution. A cry-baby man can inherit the smell from her. Felistas is hesitant to grab the opportunity, because she does not want another person to live through the pain that she has, but she longs to reunite with her husband and child. So she kidnaps such a man, Dan, who is a virgin desperate to get married. However, Dan recently got a job that makes him very rich. This attracts the attention of Kate, a gold-digger woman who he has wooed for a long time, and that of a corrupt cop, Jomba, who frames him for murder in an extortion scheme. As Felistas races against time to deliver Dan to the witch and win back her husband’s love, it turns into a high-energy chase with a voluptuous Kate and a trigger-happy Jomba hot on her tail.
1:13:7 Ek Tera Saath
This story is about paranormal activities happening around us in our daily life which sometimes gets noticed and at times not.
Shamelessly She-Hulk
A young lawyer living in Los Angeles deals with the trials and tribulations of becoming a famous superheroine, and making a film about how all of that came to be. Visited by her cousin Bruce, who is on the run from the law, Jennifer Walters is shot by thugs hired by the gangster Nick Trask, and left for dead. Bruce saves her with an emergency blood transfusion, but in the process she takes on his powers and becomes a sensational new heroine. As her own father, Sheriff Morris Walters, declares war on the green "monster" she's become, and as Nick Trask declares war on her and her friends, Jennifer must decide if she's really the monster they say she is - the sort who would kill Nick Trask - or something entirely new. And she must decide if her blossoming romance with childhood friend Zapper is more important than her future as a superhero.
A former astronaut is hired to take a submersible to the lowest point in the ocean. As the submersible gets closer to its destination, supernatural events transpire.