
Vares: Private Eye (2004)

That summer a woman was running with the devil and it rained more than ever…

ジャンル : アクション, コメディ, 犯罪

上映時間 : 1時間 35分

演出 : Aleksi Mäkelä


Vares, a film noir comedy from Finland, is yet another twist on PULP FICTION. And, just in case we miss the similarities of splattered blood mixed with outrageous incidents, the movie explicitly references PULP FICTION and has a comedic scene in which two guys argue about McDonald's hamburgers. Still, VARES - PRIVATE EYE, by director Aleksi Mäkelä, manages to be kind of fun even not especially original. The script has more characters than the screenwriter can handle, leaving the audience frequently confused about who is doing what and why. The two best scenes are one about a wacky wedding and another about a guy who answers a cell phone call while he is busy enjoying the pleasures of a sex parlor.


Juha Veijonen
Juha Veijonen
Jussi Vares
Laura Malmivaara
Laura Malmivaara
Eeva Sunila
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Karl E. Miesmann
Markku Peltola
Markku Peltola
Jorma Tommila
Jorma Tommila
Antero Kraft
Minna Turunen
Minna Turunen
Ifigenia Multanen
Samuli Edelmann
Samuli Edelmann
Mikko Koitere
Pekka Valkeejärvi
Pekka Valkeejärvi
Jari 'Hillosilmä' Munck
Kari Hietalahti
Kari Hietalahti
Tetsuo Sinkkonen
Jasper Pääkkönen
Jasper Pääkkönen
Santeri Kinnunen
Santeri Kinnunen
Touko Reiman
Heli Sutela
Heli Sutela
Liisa, Eevan ystävä
Tommi Korpela
Tommi Korpela
Uusniitty, saattovartija
Pekka Huotari
Pekka Huotari
Lehtosuo, saattovartija
Jussi Lampi
Jussi Lampi
Pitkä mies
Niko Rajala
Niko Rajala
Pitkän miehen kaveri
Tero Jartti
Tero Jartti
Vanki suihkussa
Petri Manninen
Petri Manninen
Vanki suihkussa
Sulevi Peltola
Sulevi Peltola
Pornokauppias Viljanen
Svante Martin
Svante Martin
Poliisipäällikkö Bo Bergström
Tuula Nyman
Tuula Nyman
Eira Heino, Jarmon äiti
Tarja Saikkonen
Tarja Saikkonen
Oiva Lohtander
Oiva Lohtander
Werneri Ahokas
Pauliina Hukkanen
Pauliina Hukkanen
Pirre, Koitereen vaimo
Topias Tanska
Topias Tanska
Jaakko, Koitereen poika
Niko Saarela
Niko Saarela
Otto Lamberg
Otto Lamberg
Otto, baarimikko
Jorma Sairanen
Jorma Sairanen
Mikko Hirvonen
Mikko Hirvonen
Katja Sirkiä
Katja Sirkiä
Miesmannin seuralainen autossa
Mikko Salonen
Mikko Salonen
Tapio Kouki
Tapio Kouki
Mikko Takala
Mikko Takala
Poliisi rautatieasemalla
Aatto Hirvonen
Aatto Hirvonen
Jamina Blue
Jamina Blue
Ellen, eroottinen hieroja
Pena Loikkanen
Pena Loikkanen
Vartija vankilassa


Aleksi Mäkelä
Aleksi Mäkelä
Pekka Lehtosaari
Pekka Lehtosaari
Markus Selin
Markus Selin
Riikka Virtanen
Riikka Virtanen
Makeup Designer
Nina Lindholm
Nina Lindholm
Costume Design
Kalle Chydenius
Kalle Chydenius
Jyrki Rahkonen
Jyrki Rahkonen
Sound Designer
Kimmo Taavila
Kimmo Taavila
Pini Hellstedt
Pini Hellstedt
Director of Photography
Reijo Mäki
Reijo Mäki
Jussi Salonoja
Jussi Salonoja
Executive Producer
Jukka Helle
Jukka Helle
Executive Producer
Sattva-Hanna Toiviainen
Sattva-Hanna Toiviainen
Production Design


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秋田書店「週刊少年チャンピオン」で長年看板作品を務めている格闘コミック界の雄が、単発のOVAタイトルとしてリリースされたもの。 恐るべき格闘技の実力を秘めた少年・範馬刃牙は、空手の全日本王者である末堂厚と対峙し、これを打ち破った。そのことが呼び水となり、知る人ぞ知る地下闘技場へと招かれた彼は、恐るべき技を駆使する空手家・鎬昴昇と対戦することに。相手の神経を指先で斬り感覚を失わせるという鎬の得意技紐切りを食らってしまった刃牙は、片目の視力を失ってしまう。しかしその類まれなる彼の格闘センスは、一瞬にして紐切りのウィークポイントを見破っていた! 45分の尺で本作の魅力を描き切るため、原作における人気の対戦カードをピックアップ。実力派アニメーター・馬越嘉彦によって描かれたキャラクターたちは、作者・板垣恵介の独特のテイストを見事に表現している。OVAならではの激しさで迫る格闘シーンの作画にも要注目だ。
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V2: Dead Angel
The tough Detective Vares, get hired by a friend accused of murdering a girl. His job is to find the real killer, but people aren't talking. Before he can get traction another homicide takes place- and things move toward a dire conclusion.
Vares - The Kiss of Evil
A young college student is found stabbed to death,and private detective Vares life takes an interesting turn when the girls family asks him to investigate the case.
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Tough Finnish detective Jussi Vares gets hired by a friend at a newspaper to investigate a 15 year old mystery regarding the disappearance of 3 girls.
Vares: Garter Snake
In the heat of the night, a man from faraway plays the piano. In the local hillside prison, a bitter double-crossed convict stares at the city life over the roofs. A revenge is brewing in his mind; the blood-thirsty killer prepares his escape. Vares gets a client who needs private investigations. Despite the beautiful wife, Vares smells a rat... In the middle of the summer night, a shot rings out. One life comes to an end and Vares finds changes in his assignment. The clues lead him to first-hand encounters and second-hand bookshops; a visit to the gym reveals a drug-smuggling route from Stockholm... Vares finds himself entangled in hot money and cool silk. In the background slithers a cunning garter snake.
Vares - The Path Of The Righteous Men
The body of a young woman whose heart has been ripped out of her chest is found in a remote are in Finland. The finder of the body, a dismissed pastor, hires private investigator Jussi Vares to investigate the crime. Vares uncovers a criminal ring involved in extortion, religious scams, exploitation of minors and stock market speculation.
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The tango king Harry Koivikko was found dead six years ago in a sleazebag motel, with a knife is his back. The biggest manhunt in the county faded away without results. Jussi Vares gets a phone call from a down-and-out journalist; the informant tells Vares he knows the murderer. Then the journalist disappears without a trace and Vares has to face the biggest challenge of his career. To add insult to the injury, an old acquaintance Veikko Hopea gets his first prison furlough…