
The Shanghai Cobra (1945)

Charlie Chan at his best in his most thrilling adventure!

ジャンル : 謎, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 4分

演出 : Phil Karlson
脚本 : George Callahan, George Wallace Sayre


Someone is attempting to steal radium stored in a bank. Death by cobra venom connects a number of murders. Charlie Chan investigates.


Sidney Toler
Sidney Toler
Charlie Chan
Benson Fong
Benson Fong
Tommy Chan
Mantan Moreland
Mantan Moreland
Birmingham Brown
James Cardwell
James Cardwell
Ned Stewart
Joan Barclay
Joan Barclay
Paula Webb
Walter Fenner
Walter Fenner
Police Inspector Harry Davis
Roy Gordon
Roy Gordon
Walter Fletcher
Arthur Loft
Arthur Loft
Bradford Harris
Addison Richards
Addison Richards
John Adams
Janet Warren
Janet Warren
Record Machine Operator
Gene Roth
Gene Roth
Joe Devlin
Joe Devlin
James Flavin
James Flavin
H.R. Jarvis
George Chandler
George Chandler


Phil Karlson
Phil Karlson
Earl Derr Biggers
Earl Derr Biggers
George Callahan
George Callahan
George Wallace Sayre
George Wallace Sayre
George Callahan
George Callahan
Original Story
James S. Burkett
James S. Burkett
Vincent J. Farrar
Vincent J. Farrar
Director of Photography
Ace Herman
Ace Herman
Glenn Cook
Glenn Cook
Production Manager
Tom Lambert
Tom Lambert
Sound Recordist


G.I.ジョー バック2リベンジ
億万長者トウェインから招待状を受け取った5人の探偵は、霧の立ちこめるビクトリア調の豪邸に続々と到着した。しかしホストから“時計の針が真夜中の零時を告げる時、このダイニング・ルームで誰かが殺されるだろう。この殺人事件を解いた者には世界一の名探偵の名誉が与えられる”と告げられるや、邸の出入口と窓には全てロックがされてしまった。一体犯人の目的は……? 豪華キャストで描くミステリー・コメディの快作。
「オリエント急行殺人事件」に続きオールスター・キャストで映画化されたアガサ・クリスティのミステリ。原作は『ナイルに死す』。美貌と聡明さを兼ね備えた上、つい最近莫大な遺産を相続したリネット・リッジウェイは、親友ジャクリーンの婚約者と突然婚約をし、人目を避けてエジプトへハネムーンに旅立った。しかし豪華客船カルナーク号には、彼女に何らかの利害関係や遺恨、ないし敵意を抱いている者たちが勢揃いしていた……。壮大なエジプトの景色を背景に、物語中バラバラになっていた様々な謎が最後には全て一本の線で結ばれるという、クリスティ推理劇の醍醐味が存分に堪能出来る推理映画の傑作。D・ニーヴンを始め、M・ファロー、J・バーキン、O・ハッセー、J・ウォーデンらの素晴らしい役者陣に加え、ポアロ役のP・ユスティノフの演技が絶品! 文句のない第一級の推理映画。
A young cobra and his scorpion best friend go on a journey across the Sahara desert to save a new-found love.
David, a college student, is looking for a job. He is hired by Dr. Stoner as a lab assistant for his research and experiments on snakes. David also begins to fall for Stoner's young daughter, Kristina. However, the good doctor has secretly brewed up a serum that can transform any man into a King Cobra snake-and he plans to use it on David.
Land of the Pharaohs
In ancient Egypt the Pharaoh Khufu is obsessed with acquiring gold and plans to take it all with him into the "second life." To this end he enlists the aid of Vashtar, an architect whose people are enslaved in Egypt. The deal: build a robbery-proof tomb and the enslaved people will be freed. During the years that the pyramid is being built a Cyprian princess becomes the pharaoh's second wife, and she plots to prevent Khufu from taking his treasure with him when he dies .. as well as helping him make the journey early.
During the British Raj, the orphan of a British soldier poses as a Hindu and is torn between his loyalty to a Buddhist mystic and aiding the English secret service.
Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen
Famous detective Charlie Chan is called out of retirement to help a San Francisco detective solve a mysterious series of murders. With his bumbling grandson as his sidekick, Chan also encounters an old nemesis known as the Dragon Queen who is the prime suspect.
Cobra Woman
A man (Jon Hall) tracks his kidnapped bride (Maria Montez) to a jungle island, where her twin is the high priestess.
Jaws of Satan
A preacher whose ancestors were Druids battles Satan, who has taken the form of a huge snake.
Cult of the Cobra
While stationed in Asia, six American G.I.'s witness the secret ritual of Lamians (worshipers of women who can change into serpents). When discovered by the cult, the High Lamian Priest vows that "the Cobra Goddess will avenge herself". Once back in the United States, a mysterious woman enters into their lives and accidents begin to happen. The shadow of a cobra is seen just before each death.
Dangerous Money
A treasury agent on the trail of counterfeit money confides to fellow ocean liner passenger, Charlie Chan, that there have been two attempts on his life.
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise
On a cruise ship from Honolulu to San Francisco, the famous Chinese detective encounters four more murders while trying to figure out the murder of a Scotland Yard friend.
Charlie Chan in The Jade Mask
The latest assignment for respected detective Charlie Chan has come directly from the government and involves the disappearance of a scientist named Harper, who was working on an extremely important serum. When the scientist is killed, Chan must sort through all very likely suspects, including the man's sister and his butler.
The Trap
When a troupe of showgirls with their impresario and press agent vacation at a Malibu Beach resort, two of them are garroted. Charlie takes on the case assisted by Number Two Son Jimmy and faithful chauffeur Birmingham Brown.
Charlie Chan in the Secret Service
Charlie Chan is an agent of the US government working in Washington DC and he is assigned to investigate the murder of the inventor of a highly advanced torpedo. Aiding Chan is his overeager but dull-witted son Tommy and his daughter Iris.
Charlie Chan at Treasure Island
Charlie Chan's investigation of a blackmail-induced suicide as a case of murder leads him into a world of magick and mysticism peopled with a stage magician, a phoney spiritualist, and a for-real mind reader.
Charlie Chan in Shanghai
When a prominent official is murdered at a banquet honoring Charle Chan, the detective and son Lee team up to expose an opium-smuggling ring.