35 and Single (2016)

#Single: Girl behind the camera

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 13分

演出 : Paula Schargorodsky


I’m Paula. 35. Argentine. Over the past 10 years I've been compulsively shooting everyone and everything for no particular reason. All my love stories and breakups have been recorded and systematically stored. While I kept changing boyfriends every 2 years, I shot my friends with their boyfriends, husbands, their bellies and now surrounded by children. Yes, some of us just don't follow the norm. Should I settle down or remain a free spirit?


Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky
Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Ravi Shankar
Sri Ravi Shankar
Julieta Laso
Julieta Laso
Julieta Laso


Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky
Julieta Steinberg
Julieta Steinberg
Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky
Gabriel Chwojnik
Gabriel Chwojnik
Martín Grignaschi
Martín Grignaschi
Sound Director
Rosario Suárez
Rosario Suárez
Paula Schargorodsky
Paula Schargorodsky


チャックとラリー おかしな偽装結婚!?
Firefighters Chuck Ford and Larry Valentine are guy's guys, loyal to the core—which is why when widower Larry asks Chuck to pose as his lover so that he can get domestic partner benefits for his kids, his buddy agrees. However, things get dicey when a bureaucrat comes calling, and the boys are forced to present a picture of domestic bliss.
スパングリッシュ 太陽の国から来たママのこと
フロール(パスベガ)はメキシコ人で、娘により良い生活を送るために米国に移住します。 そこに到着すると、彼女は英語の知識の欠如がもたらす障壁にもかかわらず、裕福な家族であるクラスキース(アダムサンドラーとティーレオニ)の家で仕事を得ます。
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Dede is a sole parent trying to bring up her son Fred. When it is discovered that Fred is a genius, she is determined to ensure that Fred has all the opportunities that he needs, and that he is not taken advantage of by people who forget that his extremely powerful intellect is harboured in the body and emotions of a child.
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Three perspectives on loneliness, how it feels and how it can be survived: “If I could just dance with somebody once more.”
A mother and her two teenage sons move to a seemingly nice and quiet small coastal California town yet soon find out that it's overrun by bike gangs and vampires. A couple of teenage friends take it upon themselves to hunt down the vampires that they suspect of a few mysterious murders and restore peace and calm to their town.
パーフェクト・マン ウソからはじまる運命の恋
Holly is tired of moving every time her mom Jean breaks up with yet another second-rate guy. To distract her mother from her latest bad choice, Holly conceives the perfect plan for the perfect man, an imaginary secret admirer who will romance Jean and boost her self-esteem.
New York City is full of lonely hearts seeking the right match, and what Alice, Robin, Lucy, Meg, Tom and David all have in common is the need to learn how to be single in a world filled with ever-evolving definitions of love.
1944年、アメリカ。12歳のジョニーは兄のジャックと共に両親の畑仕事を手伝っていた。しかし、一家の貧しい生活は一向に楽にならず、父は酒に溺れる日々だった。そんなジョニーの心のなぐさめとなったのは、兄ジャックの優しさと、ラジオから流れてくるゴスペルやカントリー音楽だった。ある時、最愛の兄が突然の事故でこの世を去ってしまう。出来のいい息子を失ったショックでますます荒れる父親とジョニーとの確執は広がっていく。そして、空軍に入隊したジョニーは実家を離れ、ドイツに駐屯する。除隊後に初恋の女性ヴィヴィアンと結婚、子供も授かった。訪問セールスの仕事の合間に友人とゴスペル・バンドを組んで音楽を楽しむジョニーだったが、家計は苦しく、徐々に夫婦の仲も冷え切っていく。 そんなある日、ジョニーは街角で偶然見かけたレコード会社で、オーディションの機会を得る。そこで空軍時代に書いた囚人の心の叫びとも言える歌を熱唱し、その実力を認められる。そして瞬く間にプロのミュージシャンとしての第一歩を踏み出すことになった。早速、同じレコード会社のジェリー・リー・ルイスやエルヴィス・プレスリーらと全米中をツアーでまわっていた時、ジョニーは少年時代からの憧れだったジューン・カーターと出会い、すぐに意気投合する。この出会いが、これからの彼らの長い運命の始まりとなるのだった……。
Mollie is a single working mother who's out to find the perfect father for her child. Her baby, Mikey, prefers James, a cab driver turned babysitter who has what it takes to make them both happy. But Mollie won't even consider James. It's going to take all the tricks a baby can think of to bring them together before it's too late.
An unexpected phone call brings an elderly woman to her childhood country cottage, and memories of an orphan boy she knew 47 years ago come flooding back to her.
In an effort to prevent family history from repeating itself, meddlesome mom Daphne Wilder attempts to set up her youngest daughter, Milly, with Mr. Right. Meanwhile, her other daughters try to keep their mom's good intentions under control.
When eccentric candy man Willy Wonka promises a lifetime supply of sweets and a tour of his chocolate factory to five lucky kids, penniless Charlie Bucket seeks the golden ticket that will make him a winner.
As WWII looms, a wealthy widow hires an amateur archaeologist to excavate the burial mounds on her estate. When they make a historic discovery, the echoes of Britain's past resonate in the face of its uncertain future‎.
At “Prom,” every couple has a story and no two are exactly alike. As the big dance approaches for Nova Prescott, it’s a battle of wills as she finds herself drawn to the guy who gets in the way of her perfect prom. Fellow seniors Mei and Tyler harbor secrets, while others face all the insecurity and anticipation that surrounds one of high school’s most seminal events.
十数人のアンジェレノが、早朝から深夜までバレンタインデーをナビゲートします。3組のカップルが一緒に目覚めますが、それぞれの関係はうまくいかないでしょう。小学生の男の子は初恋の人に花束を渡したいと思っています。2人の高校3年生は、正午に初めてのセックスを計画します。テレビのスポーツレポーターは、LAでロマンスを見つけるという任務を受ける。クォーターバックのスター選手は、自分の将来について考えている。見知らぬ二人が飛行機の中で出会う。長年連れ添ってきた祖父母が危機に直面する。I Hate Valentine's Day "ディナーは、孤独な人や嘘をついている人を誘う。