
Einstein et la Relativité Générale, une histoire singulière (2015)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 52分

演出 : Quentin Lazzarotto


Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity has revolutionised our understanding of gravity, space and time. Initially acclaimed, then forgotten, and now rediscovered, the adventure of this hundred-year-old theory has marked the scientific history of the 20th century. From its inception, a mathematical difficulty arose that could have nipped the theory in the bud: the Schwarzschild singularity. In the company of great international relativistic physicists, the viewer embarks on a discovery of this theory with a singular destiny. We discover a "curved" universe that proves to be even stranger than Einstein had envisioned, and harbours some objects - such as black holes - that still challenge today's scientists.


Alexandre Astier
Alexandre Astier
Albert Einstein (voix off)


Quentin Lazzarotto
Quentin Lazzarotto
Jean Eisenstaedt
Jean Eisenstaedt
Assistant Director
Jean-Philippe Uzan
Jean-Philippe Uzan
Assistant Director
Vincent Gaullier
Vincent Gaullier


Gravity and Me: The Force That Shapes Our Lives
Professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the amazing science of gravity. As well sculpting our universe, gravity also affects our weight, height and even the rate at which we age.
In the late 21st century, a subculture of humans have emerged who have been modified genetically by a vampire-like disease, giving them enhanced speed, incredible stamina and acute intelligence. As they are set apart from "normal" and "healthy" humans, the world is pushed to the brink of worldwide civil war aimed at the destruction of the "diseased" population. In the middle of this crossed-fire is - an infected woman - Ultraviolet, who finds herself protecting a nine-year-old boy who has been marked for death by the human government as he is believed to be a threat to humans.
アップサイドダウン 重力の恋人
In an alternate universe where twinned worlds have opposite gravities, a young man battles interplanetary prejudice and the laws of physics in his quest to reunite with the long-lost girl of his dreams in this visually stunning romantic adventure that poses the question: what if love was stronger than gravity?
Four 1950s cultural icons who conceivably could have met but probably didn't, fictionally do so in this modern fable of post-WWII America. Visually intriguing, the film has a fluid progression of flashbacks and flashforwards centering on the fictional Einstein's current observations, childhood memories, and apprehensions for the future.
Albert Einstein helps a young man who's in love with Einstein's niece to catch her attention by pretending temporarily to be a great physicist.
Chasing Einstein
Follow leading scientists around the world and to the edge of the universe on their quest to solve one of the greatest mysteries of the universe, the mysterious invisible “dark matter.”
Galaxy of Horrors
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out. Featuring eight intense stories of the unknown and other-worldly, equally wonderful and terrifying. Visit the GALAXY OF HORRORS, if you dare! Curated from Rue Morgue & Unstable Ground's Little Terrors Festival.
Young Einstein
Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beatuiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take advantage of the naive genius and his invention.
Einstein's Universe
A documentary produced in 1979 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein. Narrated and hosted by Peter Ustinov and written by Nigel Calder.
Gravitation - Urkraft des Universums
The Beginning and End of the Universe
Prof. Jim Al-Khalili tackles the biggest subject of all, the universe. Through a series of critical observations and experiments that revolutionised our understanding of our world Jim guides us through the greatest cosmic detective story of all. He takes us from the beginning of the universe to the end time and answers the question: where did the universe come from and how will it end?
Einstein on the Beach
This seminal work of avant-garde opera from composer Philip Glass and director Robert Wilson arrives full-circle, coming to France, the site of its 1976 Avignon Festival world premiere, at the tail end of this 2014 revival tour for a landmark Theâtre du Châtelet production and a first ever filming by award-winning arts filmmaker Don Kent. Eschewing conventional narrative, the opera revolves loosely around pacifist Einstein’s relationship to the creation of the atomic bomb.
The Hunt for the Amber Room
It's the greatest myth of the German post-war era: The Amber Room. Since its disappearance in 1945 from Koenigsberg Castle, legions of treasure hunters have tried and failed to find the room. It is said that Physics genius, Albert Einstein hid the legendary Amber Room from the Nazis in the turmoil of the last days of the war. It bears a secret within its amber - in wrong hands, it could destroy mankind! Our adventurers, Eik, Katharina and Justus, come across an incredible trace and with the help of Einstein's great-granddaughter Mila, together they fight off a ruthless pharmaceutical magnate who spares no effort to get ahold of the Amber Room. From Europe's biggest monument in Leipzig, through the halls of Munich's German Museum, across the dunes of St. Peter-Ording, to the Nazi caves of the Berchtesgaden Alps. The adventurous hunt begins. Written by Dreamtool Entertainment
「魔法でもないのに、なぜ物は地面に落ちるの?」  物語の舞台となるのは、アルベルト・アインシュタイン博物館。主人公である魔法使いの少年リンブラダーと不思議なロボット・アルビィX3が、時間と空間をめぐる神秘的な旅へと出発します。2人はそこで重力の秘密を見つけ出し、想像力や友情の大切さについても学んでいくのです
Wicked tells the story of Elphaba, the future Wicked Witch of the West and her relationship with Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. The first of a two-part feature film adaptation of the Broadway musical.
Frames of Reference
An educational physics film utilizing a fascinating set consisting of a rotating table and furniture occupying surprisingly unpredictable spots within the viewing area, Leacock’s Frames of Reference (1960), features fine cinematography by Abraham Morochnik, and funny narration by University of Toronto professors Donald Ivey and Patterson Hume, in a wonderful example of the fun a creative team of filmmakers can have with a subject other, less imaginative types might find pedestrian.
The Extraordinary Genius of Albert Einstein
The core of the video is a pedagogical workshop on the Theory of Special Relativity as part of the educational process conducted by our youth leadership. Not for the sake of understanding the theory itself, but using Einstein's particular discovery as a case study to demonstrate and walk people through real human thinking, as being something above sense perceptions or opinions. We end with reflecting on the principle of relativity in terms of social relations and individual identities or thought processes, asking the question - how was Einstein able to make his breakthrough?


破格のメガヒットによって映画史を塗り替え続ける「アベンジャーズ」シリーズが、この春ついに完結。最凶最悪の敵"サノス"によって、人類の半分が消し去られ、最強チーム"アベンジャーズ"も崩壊してしまった。はたして失われた35億の人々と仲間を取り戻す方法はあるのか? 大逆転へのわずかな希望を信じて再び集結したアイアンマン、キャプテン・アメリカ、ソーたちに残されたのは、最強の絆だけ──。"今はここにいない"仲間のために、最後にして最大の逆襲が始まる!
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