
La buona uscita (2016)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 37分

演出 : Enrico Iannaccone


The plan of a rich criminal to avoid a trial by expatriating involves many characters.


Marco Cavalli
Marco Cavalli
Marco Macaluso
Gea Martire
Gea Martire
Lucrezia Sembiante
Andrea Cioffi
Andrea Cioffi
Andrea Macaluso
Enzo Restucci
Enzo Restucci
Mario Minale
Francesca Romana Bergamo
Francesca Romana Bergamo
Pino Iadanza
Pino Iadanza
Pino Bertrand
Gennaro Maresca
Gennaro Maresca
Lucrezia's husband
Luca Saccoia
Luca Saccoia
Giuseppe De Vincentis
Giuseppe De Vincentis
Commissioner (as Peppe De Vincentis)
Raffaele Ausiello
Raffaele Ausiello
Park guardian
Gianluca Cammisa
Gianluca Cammisa
Dream runner
Marco Ciotola
Marco Ciotola
Philosopher of the park #1
Noemi Coppola
Noemi Coppola
Dandy girlfriend
Rita Corrado
Rita Corrado
Teddy bear
Pasquale Fernandez
Pasquale Fernandez
Son of the butcher
Armando Iodice
Armando Iodice
Umberto Longobardi
Umberto Longobardi
Briefcase man
Andrea Pagliano
Andrea Pagliano
Park philosopher # 2


Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Alex Marano
Alex Marano
Line Producer
Luciano Stella
Luciano Stella
Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Umberto Manente
Umberto Manente
Enrico Iannaccone
Enrico Iannaccone
Alex Marano
Alex Marano
Production Manager
Emanuele Cecere
Emanuele Cecere
Aurelio Langella
Aurelio Langella
Key Grip
Francesco Sacco
Francesco Sacco
Marino Guarnieri
Marino Guarnieri


エリート・スクワッド ブラジル特殊部隊BOPE
After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.
Set in the Bronx during the tumultuous 1960s, an adolescent boy is torn between his honest, working-class father and a violent yet charismatic crime boss. Complicating matters is the youngster's growing attraction - forbidden in his neighborhood - for a beautiful black girl.
相棒と女房に裏切られ、背中から銃で撃たれた男――ポーター。飲んだくれのヤブ医者の治療により瀕死の状態からどうにか蘇った。5か月の治療で背中の傷は癒えたが、心の傷は一向に癒える気配がない。それを癒す術は、裏切った相棒と女房への復讐、そして奪われた7万ドルを取り戻すことだけだった。 ポーターは怒りを胸に秘め街を徘徊し、非合法な手段で瞬く間に小金と銃を手に入れる。彼はただ、本来自分の取り分だったはずの7万ドルを取り返したいだけだ。しかし、復讐のためには手段を選ばないポーターの常軌を逸した行動は、様々な人間の思惑を巻き込み、事態を最悪の方向へ加速させていくのであった。
ネバー・サレンダー 肉弾英雄
Jake Carter and another former Marine, Luke Trapper, join forces to rescue a young kidnapped girl from a gang of international criminals.
While scouting out apartments in London for her Venetian boyfriend, Carla rents an apartment that overlooks the Thames. There she meet the lesbian hyper-horny real estate agent Moira.
The Last Earth Girl
Who Will You Be When the World Ends? - When it is announced that the world will end in 7 years, a young woman must decide what is truly important to her in life and what she is willing to sacrifice to reach her goals.
夜神 月(やがみ ライト)はある日、奇妙な黒いノートを拾う。それは死神・リュークが落とした、ノートに名前を書かれた人間が死ぬ「デスノート」だった。犯罪者を裁く法律に限界を感じていた月は、世の中を変えるため、ノートの力で犯罪者を次々と葬り始める。やがて犯罪者を葬る者の存在に気付いた人々は殺し屋(=Killer)の意味から「キラ」と呼び始め、キラを神と崇め崇拝する者まで現れた。 一方、警察組織はキラの行為はあくまでも連続殺人であるとし、その調査・解決のためにある人物を送り込んだ。警察を裏から指揮し、数々の難事件を解決してきた世界的名探偵L(エル)である。 天才同士の戦い、求める世界の違いから起こったこの闘いに勝つのは死神の力を持つキラか、それとも警察を動かすLか。


The Overtaxed
Mr. Pezzella owns and operates a well-established luxury-clothing store. He does not like and does not consider it right to pay taxes and therefore uses a tax consultant to be able to evade more taxes.
Edge of Fear
After being stabbed in the heart by ruthless home invaders, a man is left for dead. Now weak, outnumbered, and knife sticking from his chest, he attempts to do the impossible: save his wife from these murderers before he bleeds to death.
Family Heist
A high-profile burglar reconciles with his two daughters (half-siblings) to help him retaliate against his ex-partner who betrayed him.
Standing Tall
The film tells the story of Malony and his education as he grows from a six-year-old into an 18-year-old. A minors’ judge and a caseworker work tirelessly to try to save the young offender.
Lasciami per sempre
Celebration of an extended family
ピザボーイ 史上最凶のご注文
30分の配達時間もろくに守れず、堕落した日々を過ごすピザ配達人ニック(ジェシー・アイゼンバーグ)はある日、銀行強盗を企てる2人組から注文を受けてピザを配達したところ、彼らの計画に巻き込まれてしまう。10時間で爆発するという時限爆弾を体に取り付けられ、強盗せざるを得ない状況になったニックは、絶交しているインド人の親友チェット(アジズ・アンサリ)に頼み込み、協力してもらうことになるが……。 『ソーシャル・ネットワーク』のジェシー・アイゼンバーグが、『ゾンビランド』のルーベン・フライシャー監督と再びタッグを組んだアクションコメディー。30分の配達時間を厳守できないダメなピザ配達人が、時限爆弾を取り付けられ時間内に銀行強盗するはめになり、絶交中の親友を巻き込み大騒動を繰り広げる。製作にベン・スティラーが参加するほか、主人公の相棒役にはアメリカの人気コメディアン、アジズ・アンサリがふんするなど、コメディー・ファンにはたまらない面々がそろっている。
Malarazza: una storia di periferia
Rosaria is a young mother, wife of Tommasino Malarazza, downfallen boss of a famous Mafia family in Catania. Forced to marry him because she was pregnant, Rosaria is humiliated everyday by a violent husband, who spends his days drinking and gambling. The woman lives in fear and keeps her head down to protect her son Antonino. She can only rely on her queer brother Franco.
Kickboxer: Retaliation
One year after the events of "Kickboxer: Vengeance", Kurt Sloan has vowed never to return to Thailand. However, while gearing up for a MMA title shot, he finds himself sedated and forced back into Thailand, this time in prison. He is there because the ones responsible want him to face a 6'8" 400 lbs. beast named Mongkut and in return for the fight, Kurt will get two million dollars and his freedom back. Kurt at first refuses, in which a bounty is placed on his head as a way to force him to face Mongkut. Kurt soon learns he will have no other choice and will undergo his most rigorous training yet under some unexpected mentors in order to face Mongkut in hopes to regain his freedom.