
パラノーマル・アクティビティ2 (2010)

In 2009 you demanded it. Nothing can prepare you for what's next.

ジャンル : ホラー, 謎

上映時間 : 1時間 31分

演出 : Tod Williams
脚本 : Tom Pabst, Christopher Landon, Michael R. Perry


Just as Daniel and Kristi welcome a newborn baby into their home, a demonic presence begins terrorizing them, tearing apart their perfect world and turning it into an inescapable nightmare.


Sprague Grayden
Sprague Grayden
Kristi Rey
Brian Boland
Brian Boland
Daniel Rey
Molly Ephraim
Molly Ephraim
Ali Rey
Katie Featherston
Katie Featherston
Micah Sloat
Micah Sloat
Seth Ginsberg
Seth Ginsberg
Vivis Cortez
Vivis Cortez
William Juan Prieto
William Juan Prieto
Hunter Rey
Jackson Xenia Prieto
Jackson Xenia Prieto
Hunter Rey
David Bierend
David Bierend
Surveillance Camera Expert
Emily Brobst
Emily Brobst
Additional Voices (voice)


Tod Williams
Tod Williams
Tom Pabst
Tom Pabst
Christopher Landon
Christopher Landon
Michael R. Perry
Michael R. Perry
Michael R. Perry
Michael R. Perry
Jason Blum
Jason Blum
Oren Peli
Oren Peli
Michael Hothorn
Michael Hothorn
Terri Taylor
Terri Taylor
Kristin M. Burke
Kristin M. Burke
Costume Design
Michael Simmonds
Michael Simmonds
Director of Photography
Jennifer Spence
Jennifer Spence
Production Design
Gregory Plotkin
Gregory Plotkin
Akiva Goldsman
Akiva Goldsman
Executive Producer
Steven Schneider
Steven Schneider
Executive Producer
Jeanette Volturno
Jeanette Volturno
Line Producer
Damon Liebowitz
Damon Liebowitz
Niko Hovartos
Niko Hovartos
Assistant Art Director
Mark Gullesserian
Mark Gullesserian
Special Effects Coordinator
Ron South
Ron South
Visual Effects Editor
Michelle Eisenreich
Michelle Eisenreich
Visual Effects Producer
Mark A.Z. Dippé
Mark A.Z. Dippé
Visual Effects Supervisor
Michael T. Kennedy
Michael T. Kennedy
Visual Effects Supervisor
Kimberly Graham
Kimberly Graham
Casting Associate
Nancy Solomon
Nancy Solomon
Script Supervisor
Babette Stith
Babette Stith
Script Supervisor
Diane Weiss
Diane Weiss
Script Supervisor
Jennifer Caputo
Jennifer Caputo
Meegan E. Godfrey
Meegan E. Godfrey
J.J. Perry
J.J. Perry


A young journalist has to spend a night in Barcelona's Wax Museum to investigate paranormal activities. He has no idea Dr. Knox, an insane cannibal surgeon, hides in the museum at night.
Two friends' tour of Europe takes a dark turn when one of them contracts a mysterious illness. They race to find out what it is and how to cure it before the sickness consumes him completely.
Snuffet is a found footage snuff film with a psychotic twist. The victims are all puppets. Imagine a world exactly like our own except for one crucial detail... puppets are real and they coexist with humanity. Just like our world there is a seedy underbelly beneath the surface. Puppet racism, puppet hate crimes, puppet civil rights issues, and of course puppet serial killers. Human serial killers who hunt puppets to be specific. Our story follows a maniac's video diary as he hunts, mutilates, dismembers, and violates poor hapless Puppet Americans. Watch as they scream, bleed, and beg for mercy as a masked psychopath dismantles them one stitch at a time.
Kara Neme: Gelin Deresi
The events of Semih and his wife Burcu, who produce content for social media, in the camp they went to for the weekend.
South African enfant terrible filmmaker and artiste-cineaste Manus Oosthuizen meets with Rotten Tomatoes-approved indie film critic Babette Cruickshank in an Echo Park sound studio. With key members of Manus's crew joining, they record an audio commentary track for his new elegiac feature documentary Razzennest. But the session goes down a different path... cazzart! The ultimate elevation of arthouse horror, just not as you might expect.
Adrian and Esteban have been missing for a year. The police are at a standstill, despite having found their personal belongings in Cozumel, an island 12 miles away from the Riviera Maya. Alex friend of both, manages to get their cell phones, with which he will start his own parallel research. And he will discover that the truth is much more terrifying than you could imagine.
休暇を過ごす為、アッシュは恋人シェリルと妹や友人と共に森深くたたずむ別荘にやって来る。 暖炉を囲みながら夜更けまで楽しく過ごす若者たち。退屈しのぎに別荘の地下室に入りそこで見つけた 古いテープレコーダーを再生すると、そこからはかつて別荘の住人だった学者の古文書解読の経緯を 伝える音声が流れてくる。古文書の呪文の一節を朗読するその音声は唱えてはならない古代の死霊を 呼び出す禁句であった。薄気味の悪いテープの内容にナーバスになるアッシュの妹だったが、次の瞬間 愛らしい妹は恐ろしい形相になり、宙に浮かびながら死霊を呼び覚ました全員を皆殺しにすると吐き捨て 襲いかかってくる。死霊にとりつかれた妹をいさめるにはもはや地下室に閉じ込めるしかなく、その間 アッシュはテープから流れていた死霊から逃れる方法を思い出していた。その方法とはとりつかれた者 の体をバラバラに裂くしかないというものであった・・。思い悩むアッシュ達をあざ笑うように死霊達 は仲間に次々と憑依してゆく。
A Warning to the Curious
Five ghost hunters find more than they bargained for when wandering into a haunted house.
The Thin Man
A struggling You Tuber Bayden Redshaw and his brother Dylan John Redshaw and best friend Jordan Stopforth decide to do a YouTube video about a new urban legend that went viral in 2010, they decide to summon this urban legend in a ritual after seeing a video of another You Tuber doing it and then mysteriously going missing, thinking it's fake they go ahead and summon The Thin Man, little did they know this very well could be their final video.
The Investigation: The Mansfield Ghost
Lilly is a makeup and FX influencer hoping to expand her audience by live-streaming from a notoriously haunted house. She gets more than she bargained for when her investigation awakes the enity that resides there putting her and her viewers in real trouble.
Mahtab, accompanied by her little brother, must strictly follow the mysterious orders she receives via text messages. Apart from having to overcome all her phases, she only has an ambulance with a driver to help her, and she is also prohibited from calling the author of the messages sent to her cell phone.
Social media influencer, 'DropTheMike', seeks thrills and stardom in the most horrific places. When he’s offered the possibility of a lucrative sponsorship, he takes his online channel to one of the most haunted hotels in America. What begins as a fun challenge accompanied by friends descends into a personal hell, begging the timely question: how far would you go to pursue internet fame?
WNUF Halloween Special
Originally broadcast live on October 31, 1987, the "WNUF Halloween Special" is a stunning expose of terrifying supernatural activity that unfolded at the infamous Webber House, the site of ghastly murders. Local television personality Frank Stewart leads a group of paranormal investigators including Catholic exorcist, Father Joseph Matheson and the prolific husband-and-wife team Louis and Claire Berger. Together, the experts explore the darkest corners of the supposedly haunted Webber House, trying to prove the existence of the demonic entities within. Did they find the horrific truth or simply put superstitious rumors to rest?
Psychic Yuranbon: The Curse of a Woman
Carefully selected and recorded images of evil ghosts that could not be published in the popular psychic video series "Shinrei Manjura".
The Legend of Boggy Creek
A documentary-style drama based on true accounts of the Fouke Monster in Arkansas, Boggy Creek focuses on the lives of back country people and their culture while chronicling sightings of the monster.


In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.
Paranormal Activity: Tokyo Night
Koichi takes care of his sister, who has recently returned from a trip abroad in the United States as she is not well. While caring for her, he records evidence of ghosts in their home.
Using a special camera that can see spirits, a family must protect their daughter from an evil entity with a sinister plan.
パラノーマル・アクティビティ 呪いの印
Seventeen-year-old Jesse has been hearing terrifying sounds coming from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul.
ウェス・クレイヴンズ ザ・リッパー
A serial killer returns to his hometown to stalk seven children who share the same birthday as the date he was allegedly put to rest.
今回は、ウェイアンズ・ブラザーズがエクソシストの風刺パロディで物語を始めます。ジェームズ・ウッズが型破りな司祭であるマクフェリー神父の役を演じ、ナターシャ・リオンを異世界の精神から救い出します。 その後、彼らが中断した物語を取り上げて、ワヤン兄弟はヒロインのシンディ・キャンベルとコミカルに再会します。 クレイジーな教授は、科学実験を行うという口実の下で週末の遠出のために、彼女と彼女のクラスメートのグループを、冒険と新しい経験に熱心に募集します。 週末の活動が展開するにつれて、継続的な驚きが楽しみを続けています。
10年前にベストセラーを執筆して以来、その後全く売れないノンフィクション作家のエリソン(イーサン・ホーク)は、妻トレイシー(ジュリエット・ライランス)と二人の子供と共に、ペンシルヴァニア州郊外の一軒家へ引っ越した。しかしエリソンは、以前そこである事件が起きた事を、家族に伝えていなかった。 その家は、かつてスティーヴンソンという一家が住んでいたが、家族は惨殺され、幼い娘が失踪するという事件が起きていた。エリソンは、事件の真相を調べて本を書き、作家として起死回生を図るために越して来たのだ。
Becca, an anxious, non-vampire teen is torn between two boys. Before she can choose, Becca must get around her controlling father, who embarrasses Becca by treating her like a child. Meanwhile, Becca's friends contend with their own romantic issues - all of which collide at the prom.
When a team of explorers ventures into the catacombs that lie beneath the streets of Paris, they uncover the dark secret that lies within this city of the dead.
インシディアス 最後の鍵
Parapsychologist Elise Rainier and her team travel to Five Keys, NM, to investigate a man’s claim of a haunting. Terror soon strikes when Rainier realizes that the house he lives in was her family’s old home.
FBI捜査官ケビン・コープランド(ショーン・ウェイアンズ)、マーカス・コープランド(マーロン・ウェイアンズ)兄弟は捜査上の失敗をくりかえし、もはや解雇寸前のところまで追い込まれていた。 上司のエリオット・ゴードン(フランキー・フェイゾン)は、誰もやりたがらない任務を買って出たコープランド兄弟に最後のチャンスをあたえる。それはクルーズ運行会社の超わがまま令嬢ブリトニー・ウィルソン(メイトランド・フォード)、ティファニー・ウィルソン(アン・デュデク)姉妹を誘拐犯から守る警護任務だったのだが、警護中に起こした交通事故でウィルソン姉妹の顔に傷を負わせてしまう。 ウィルソン姉妹は「こんな顔じゃ、外に出られない」とホテルにこもり、失敗をとりつくろうとするコープランド兄弟は女装をしてウィルソン姉妹になりすますのだった。