
機動警察パトレイバーREBOOT (2016)

We are not heroes in a robot anime show. As police officers, we protect the city and its people.

ジャンル : アニメーション, サイエンスフィクション, アクション

上映時間 : 7分

演出 : Yasuhiro Yoshiura
脚本 : Yasuhiro Yoshiura


あの『機動警察パトレイバー』が、ファン待望の完全新作アニメーション(短編)で復活! 僕たちは、ロボットアニメの主人公じゃない。街と人々を守る警察官なんです。


Koichi Yamadera
Koichi Yamadera
Megumi Hayashibara
Megumi Hayashibara


Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Kazunori Ito
Kazunori Ito
Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Yasuhiro Yoshiura
Hideaki Anno
Hideaki Anno
Executive Producer


Ariel Deluxe
Those incompetent aliens are still plotting to conquer the Earth! The only obstacle in their path is the giant, feminine robot ARIEL! But the young pilots have lives of their own... When Kazumi receives a mysterious love letter from a secret admirer, should she cancel her first date just to save the Earth?
TANK S.W.A.T. 01
Masamune Shirow presents a story about the Dominion Tank Police dealing with terrorists taking over the NT Building with AI driven tanks.
Denkou Choujin Gridman: boys invent great hero
22 years ago… A boy, Takeshi Todo, who attempted to take over the world with the devil of the computer world together. He reformed himself after the battle and now needs the power of the hyper agent. Again, the evil is going to appear in the real world. A materialized monster is now approaching! Enter the battle code! The access code is… “GRIDMAN.”
I can Friday by day!
A diary. Purikura stickers. Blue-white 3rd Planet Administration Treaty Army. 7:00 am. Triangle situation. Camouflage pattern. The secret toasted bread. 1088th Independent Mobile Platoon. SaHa E233. Type Otsu Foreign Legion. Beast-vehicle. “Hi, guys.” Campfire. Pan-galactic rare crystal Ikemeshium. Tears.
機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN VI 誕生 赤い彗星
 宇宙世紀0079年1月23日、サイド5、ルウムでジオン、地球連邦の雌雄を決する戦いが始まった。圧倒的劣勢に追い込まれたジオンは、秘策である人型兵器「モビルスーツ」で編成した特別強襲大隊を投入し戦況を一気に逆転させ、大勝利を収める。なかでも、ジオン軍のシャア・アズナブルは、赤いモビルスーツ「ザクⅡ」で戦果を上げ少佐に昇進、"赤い彗星"の異名をとる。  ルウム会戦後、地球連邦軍はジオンに反撃すべく"V作戦"を計画。その裏側で、サイド7の少年アムロ・レイは自ら行動し、新兵器「ガンダム」の秘密を探っていた。  一方、地球の南極大陸でのジオン、地球連邦の両軍の高官がそろう早期和平交渉の場でルナツーから世界中にある声明が発信される…。
SF西遊記 スタージンガー
Princess Aurora, the only survivor of her planet destroyed by evil mutants, is resolved to put an end to the mutant menace in the galaxy along with three enhanced human cyborgs Jesse Dart, Porkos and Aramus, she travels space in the Cosmos Queen to the Dekkos System to fight the final battle.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk II
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk. II delivers with more tongue-in-cheek humor than the first series. In "The Rolling Colony Affair," a colony is hosting a cabaret show featuring the girls of Gundam. But the show turns disastrous when men and mobile suits go crazy over the girls, sending the colony rolling out of control. A parody of the videogame RPG genre, "Gundam Legend" has Amuro, Kamille and Judau sent on a perilous quest to rescue the princess of the Zeta Kingdom from Char Aznable and his vicious Zeon MS forces.
Robot Taekwon V 84
The seventh movie in the popular Korean movie series Robot Taekwon V.
Tekkaman Blade: Twin Blood
Twin Blood is an alternate version of Blade and Evil's first battle, with drastically different character and mecha designs from the rest of the series. Blade/D-Boy does not need Pegas to transform and the armor more closely resembles the Radam humanoids from Tekkaman Blade II.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk III
The third installment of SD Gundam shorts.
The first theatrically release of the SD Gundam series. Contains two shorts, "The Storm-Calling School Festival" and "The Tale of the SD Warring States: The Chapter of the Violent Final Sky Castle".
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk IV
The SD Gundams are at it again: first with a race among all of the prior SD Gundam characters, then the SD Zeons run a space travel agency in the second episode.
Mobile Suit SD Gundam Mk V
The Warring-States-Era SD Gundams are back to dispel evil spirits and an evil plot taking place in the ruins of Jaburo City.
Tokio of the Moon's Shadow
The Earth, the third planet of the solar system, is not only the popular tourist resort chosen as the 100 famous views among the universe but also the danger spot where many brutal invaders are coming. Eight guardians of the solar system fight against the enemy to save the earth, the treasure of the universe. Tokio, the guardian of moon among them, becomes familiar with a blind girl Setsuko, through his favorite ham radio and comes to love her...
Mobile Suit SD Gundam
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
The Wings of Rean
Because his friends fired a rocket into the US Army camp, Suzuki was wanted by the US Army and the police. While he was running away the sea surface suddenly rose, and when a brilliant light appeared he saw a strange looking battleship flying in the air. He was dumped into the sea and when he crawled onto the battleship there was a beautiful girl standing there. She said her name was Lyx, the princess of another world, and added, "My Father is Japanese, Shinjiro Sakomizu. Please help me, Suzuki." Based on the novel series by the Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino.
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュⅠ 興道
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュⅡ 叛道
コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュⅢ 皇道
2006~08年に計2シーズンが放送された人気アニメ「コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ」を再構築した劇場版3部作の完結編。全50話のテレビアニメを再編集し、新作カットを加えて全編新規アフレコを行った。世界支配をもくろむ巨大帝国ブリタニアと、ブリタニアに反旗を翻す黒の騎士団がついに激突する。それは、黒の騎士団を率いる仮面の男ゼロ=ルルーシュの思惑通りだったが、妹ナナリーの存在がルルーシュの計算を狂わせていく。一方、ブリタニアの第2皇子シュナイゼルが黒の騎士団に接触。ゼロの秘密を明かし、黒の騎士団の統制を内部から揺るがせようとしていた。そうして戦いは激化していき、あらゆる人々の怒りや悲しみ、執着や願いも飲み込んでいくが……。
機動戦士ガンダム サンダーボルト Bandit Flower
イオとの死闘を制したダリルは、ジオン残党軍の一員として地球にいた。彼は奪われたサイコ・ザクの情報を得るための諜報任務に就いていたのだ。 一方、新たな仲間と共に「サンダーボルト作戦」に参加したイオの前に、南洋同盟国境守備隊隊長を名乗るペール中佐が立ち塞がる。 海中で、氷原で、密林で繰り広げられる、ジオン、連邦、南洋同盟、三つ巴のモビルスーツ戦。 戦争はまだ、終わってはいなかった――。