
Forest Primeval (2008)

The woods...are bleeding.

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 10分

演出 : Mark Polonia


Skull Mountain is the epicenter of a freak earthquake which unleashes evil demons into the surrounding forest. A pair of amateur treasure hunters and a troubled woman with a psychic link to the evil are the only ones left alive to confront the restless presence that's wreaking havoc and spilling the blood of the innocents in FOREST PRIMEVAL!


David Fife
David Fife
Kevin VanSant
Kevin VanSant
Cindy Wheeler
Cindy Wheeler
Shantee Proctor
Shantee Proctor
Dr. Dawson
Steve Torpy
Steve Torpy
Frank Humes
Frank Humes
John Polonia
John Polonia
Casey Kauffman
Casey Kauffman
Shower Girl


Mark Polonia
Mark Polonia
John Polonia
John Polonia
Mark Polonia
Mark Polonia
John Polonia
John Polonia
Mark Polonia
Mark Polonia


Superdimensional Romanesque Samy: Missing 99
A young schoolgirl Samy sees some bikers hurt some other girls and that makes the bikers come after Samy. While fleeing she gets the help of a boy and her dog, but she still ends up in a different world along with her dog. In there she helps a witch who has lost her glass eye. But bad demons search for her as well and soon she ends up in the fight between gods and demons because she holds a great power within.
Living in London with her family, Carol is the daughter of a famous musician, Lionel Mudagolas. While he is currently having difficulties playing his cello, she occasionally starts to listen an unfamiliar voice calling her name. Wondering if her father's situation might be connected to the bad phase of her favorite band, Gable Screen, and the inexplicable silence of the Big Ben, Carol is suddenly transported to another world. There she finds out that she might be the girl predestined to fight Gigantica, a demon lord who recently brought chaos to this strange land.
Chupacabra vs. the Alamo
San Antonio, Texas. The bodies of various drug cartel members are turning up mangled and drained of blood. Tough DEA agent Carlos Seguin discovers that the grisly murders are being committed by a pack of chupacabras, which are lethal predatory creatures of local legend. Carlos, his feisty new partner Tracy Taylor, wayward estranged son Tommy, and several others make a desperate last stand against the bloodthirsty beasts at the famous fort The Alamo.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 千年呪い歌
Young women disappear one after another in drizzling rain. They all hear the “cursed song” of the Cage Song before they vanish into thin air. Kitaro and his friends investigate these mysterious cases when they meet Kaede Hiramoto, a high school girl who finds herself involved in this mystery. With the help from the librarian of Yokai Library, they find out that the curse was caused by an evil Yokai that was released from 1,000 years of sealing. To save Kaede, they are to gather the 5 ancient musical instruments and perform the ritual to seal the evil Yokai again, which has to be done within 48 hours!
ゴーカイジャー ゴセイジャー スーパー戦隊199ヒーロー 大決戦
海賊戦隊ゴーカイジャーが地球に来訪する数年前、宇宙帝国ザンギャックが地球を侵略し始めた。地球を守るべく立ち上がった34のスーパー戦隊は、満身創痍になりながらも全ての力を集約させザンギャックの第1艦隊を退けるも、その代償としてスーパー戦隊の力はレンジャーキーとなって宇宙へ散らばっていった。これが後に「レジェンド大戦」として語られることとなる。 そして数年後の現在。力を失った戦士たちがそれぞれの人生を歩む中、ゴーカイジャーは宇宙から集めたレンジャーキーを使い、地球へ再侵攻するザンギャックと戦っていたが、ゴセイジャーに変身しようとした際に本物の天装戦隊ゴセイジャーの5人が現れレンジャーキーを奪ってしまう。力を取り戻したゴセイジャーは変身を遂げ、さらにゴセイナイトのレンジャーキーを返却するよう詰め寄ったため両戦隊の争いに発展してしまう。 そのころ、ザンギャックの旗艦ギガントホースに黒十字王が出現。ザンギャックと同盟を組んだ黒十字王はかつてスーパー戦隊に敗れた救星主のブラジラ、総裏大臣ヨゴシマクリタイン、冥府神ダゴンらを蘇らせる。さらにゴーカイジャーとゴセイジャーが激突している途中、ギガントホースで攻撃し、ゴーカイジャーからレンジャーキーが入った宝箱を奪い取る。そしてゴーカイジャーとゴセイジャーは3人の強敵によって分断され、別々の異空間へと飛ばされてしまった。
Os Trapalhões na Terra dos Monstros
In a television program Angelica (Angelica), the daughter of a businessman who aspires to be a singer, eventually earning his "crazy dream", which is recording a video clip at the top of Sugar Loaf in Rio de Janeiro, with the Domino Group . The father forbids it to go, so she runs away with her boyfriend to the Sugar Loaf. When her father learns commands Didi (Renato Aragão), Dede (Dede Santana), Mussum (Mussum) and Zechariah (Zechariah) to think in three days or call the police. Trying to find her, the quartet falls into a hole in the Sugar Loaf which is populated by strange creatures, some good, the Grunks, and some bad, the Barks.
Shriek of Terror
Hugo Stiglitz is a treasure hunter who leads an expedition that includes Roberto Ballesteros, an important scientist, and Edna Bolkan, a beautiful anthropologist, into the jungle. The group arrives at an ancient tomb and after opening it, they take the bones found inside. But the remains in the tomb seem connected to a high priest who was sacrificed. By violating the tomb, the group has unwittingly awoken a diabolical being named Chaneque, who will commit the bloodiest murders in order to retrieve the stolen remains. The key to the plot is a little girl who the beast intends to kill
Empires of the Deep
For thousand of years, legends of beautiful mermaids have enchanted people from all over the globe. Their fascinating and mysterious world has always captured the imagination of humans. In film history, there hasn't been a single movie that has uncovered and explored this mystical world. What secrets lurk beneath the depths? And why do beautiful mermaids seduce human men? "Mermaid Island" is the first underwater fantasy film to unveil and answer these questions.
The Halloween That Almost Wasn't
Upset by rumors that Halloween may end, Dracula calls his mild-mannered monsters together and delivers an ultimatum - either regain their frightening image, or leave his Transylvania castle forever.
O Incrível Monstro Trapalhão
Dr. Jegue is a fumbling inventor and scientist, who in his spare time helps his friends Kiko, Sassá, and Quindim in a mechanic's shop. The four are great friends of Carlos Alberto, a stock car driver who suffers from the frames of rival Hugo and his gang. By doing scientific research in his mini-lab, Jegue discovers two powerful formulas: one extracted through the Quince tree, an abundant fictitious plant in the Northeast; and another that turns Dr. Jegue into a big, bearded, moody man with powerful strength. The Marmeleiro formula is tested in a race at the Interlagos Autodrome in the old track and the news of a "new fuel" becomes the main news of the country. Soon, buyers from all over the world come to Brazil to try to buy the formula, offering a lot of money for it, but Jegue, not ambitious, decides not to sell the formula anymore and leaves it in his country.
Three competing parties all race against time to track down an elusive creature known only as the Snowman.
Holla If I Kill You
Once the hottest comic in America, Hollaback's name was in hip-hop songs, all over the media making Eminem look like MC Hammer. Then, in a flash, it's gone. He's played out. It's so bad that even the places he used to headline won't let him in the door. Well, Hollaback isn't going to take it. He's not about to let his fifteen minutes of fame slip away while getting booed off the stage. No one better diss Holla... it may cost them their life.
Polonia Brothers horror anthology, includes four short stories of terror.
Black Mass
During World War II, four American GIs get caught up behind enemy lines. They seek shelter in an old church where they meet a bizarre priest. Soon they learn the Nazis have been tapping certain supernatural powers. The GIs must then combat their toughest opponent yet... evil in its purest form.
After moving into a boardinghouse, a young woman becomes the object of her lonely neighbor's obsessions.
When a woman is being called in the middle of the night, she finds out that it's not her husband laying next to her.
遥かな昔、謎の異星人「降臨者」が地球に残した3つの「ユニット」と呼ばれる物体。高校生の深町晶は偶然その1つを手に入れ、殖装体「ガイバー」となってしまい、降臨者の遺したデータを悪用し世界征服を目論む秘密結社「クロノス」に追われることとなる。 「調製」と呼ばれる遺伝子操作により強大な力を持った怪人「獣化兵(ゾアノイド)」達との激闘。クロノス幹部の殖装体「ガイバーII」の襲撃。そして獣化兵を遥かに凌ぐ力を持つ「超獣化兵(ハイパーゾアノイド)」。晶は苦戦しつつもガイバーの能力でこれらの強敵を撃退する。 「ガイバーIII」巻島顎人の暗躍もあり、クロノス日本支部を壊滅させるが、世界規模の組織であるクロノスには到底太刀打ちできず、次第に追い詰められていく晶たち。 「獣神将試作体(プロト・ゾアロード)」である村上征樹やクロノス内部の反乱分子達との出会いを経て、晶たちは降臨者がかつて使用していた生体宇宙船(遺跡宇宙船)を手に入れる。しかし最高位の調製体「獣神将(ゾアロード)」で構成された「クロノス十二神将」と総帥アルカンフェルの登場により晶たちはなすすべもなく敗北する。 そして199X年8月17日、世界規模のクーデターの成功により、クロノスの統治する世界が実現した。 それから1年。「巨人殖装(ガイバー・ギガンティック)」という強大な力を得て復活した晶は、人類の命運を担う戦いへと身を投じていく。その彼を中心に敵・味方が交錯する。 かつて敵として戦ったが、クロノスを裏切り晶に味方する「戦闘生物(バトルクリーチャー)」アプトム。再調製を受け十二神将の1人として晶たちの前に立ちはだかる、かつての同志村上。晶から巨人殖装を奪い、自らの軍団を率いて世界の覇者を目指す、野望の男ガイバーIII・顎人。野心を持ち反逆を企てるが失敗し、力を奪われ組織を追われた元獣神将リヒャルト・ギュオーの謀略。ギュオーと手を結ぶ、新たに登場した四人目の殖装体「ガイバーII F」、その女性殖装者ヴァルキュリア。 降臨者自身の手による調製を受け、数万年を生きるクロノスの盟主、獣神将アルカンフェルの真意とは何か。 それぞれの思惑を胸に戦いは続く。
Vulcan, Son of Giove
A superhero battles lizard men and other monsters that are terrorizing the countryside.
Blood Red Planet
From beyond the galaxy comes a terror heading toward earth, destroying everything in its path: a rogue planetoid from the outer reaches of the cosmos itself. After a failed attempt by the Omega 1 to eliminate the mysterious space entity, the crew of the Omega 2 blast off as the last hope for mankind. As minutes and seconds tick away, the motley crew discovers the terrible secret inside the planetoid. They're the only ones keeping the human race from total extinction! Can the world be saved ?!