A Ship E-rect (2011)
ジャンル :
上映時間 : 1時間 55分
演出 : Ettore Buchi
After spotting a ship lost at sea an all-male team of coastguards decide to investigate the vessel and discover several silent and horny women on board and a series of fuck-fests begin! The pleasure halts when after an intense orgy, the women disappear and only one sexy phantom remains...
1962年。イタリアから希望の国アメリカに向けて出港したアントニア・グラーザ号。贅の限りを尽くしたこの豪華客船は、航海中に突然その消息を絶った。それから40年後の現在。海難救助用のタグボート”アーティスティック・ウォリアー”のクルーたちは、謎の男からベーリング海に浮かぶ巨大漂流戦のサルベージ依頼を受ける。その船こそが40年前に消息を断ったゴーストシップ=アントニア・グラーザ号であることも知らずに……。一体この船で何が起きたのか? 乗船していた1,100人もの人間が忽然と姿を消したのはなぜか? 謎と恐怖が支配する、ゴーストシップへようこそ──。
Two guys whose love lives are a wreck look forward to finding ladies on the high seas. Unfortunately, they've mistakenly been booked on a gay cruise.
365日ホテルで働きっぱなしのドラキュラ。 それを見かねたメイヴィスは、モンスターご用達の豪華客船クルーズの家族旅行を提案する。はじめは乗り気ではなかったドラキュラだが、ミステリアスな船長エリカに出会い、恋に落ちてしまう。しかし、彼女に不信感を抱くメイヴィスは父を止めようとする。
Using intimate footage recorded by passengers and crew, The Last Cruise is a first-person account of the nightmare that transpired aboard the ill-fated Diamond Princess cruise ship, which set sail from Japan on the earliest days of the COVID-19 pandemic.
「オリエント急行殺人事件」に続きオールスター・キャストで映画化されたアガサ・クリスティのミステリ。原作は『ナイルに死す』。美貌と聡明さを兼ね備えた上、つい最近莫大な遺産を相続したリネット・リッジウェイは、親友ジャクリーンの婚約者と突然婚約をし、人目を避けてエジプトへハネムーンに旅立った。しかし豪華客船カルナーク号には、彼女に何らかの利害関係や遺恨、ないし敵意を抱いている者たちが勢揃いしていた……。壮大なエジプトの景色を背景に、物語中バラバラになっていた様々な謎が最後には全て一本の線で結ばれるという、クリスティ推理劇の醍醐味が存分に堪能出来る推理映画の傑作。D・ニーヴンを始め、M・ファロー、J・バーキン、O・ハッセー、J・ウォーデンらの素晴らしい役者陣に加え、ポアロ役のP・ユスティノフの演技が絶品! 文句のない第一級の推理映画。
Not long before marine officer van Hauen goes off to war and heavy-heartedly leaves his family, he coincidentally discovers that his wife has a secret liaison with the dubious Count Spinelli. What the van Hauens do not yet know, is that the sleazy Spinelli has a hidden agenda. (stumfilm.dk)
J.P. Tannen (Jon Voight) wants a second chance to be a father to his children ... but someone else has taken his place. Determined not to just be a friendly 'uncle' in their lives, he gets permission from his ex-wife Kathleen (Millie Perkins) and her new husband (Richard Crenna) to take the kids on a Mediterranean cruise. On the journey he comes to realise it's not that easy and, feeling overwhelmed, begins to doubt his abilities until a tragedy back home forces him to become the father he always hoped to be.
A young girl inhabits an isolated island with her scientist father and communicates with a reclusive author of the novel she's reading.
The gang from Dorm Daze is back, but this time they're on a cruise ship on a tropical voyage through the high seas. The cruise makes an educational stop at the island of San Paradiso, where the students are supposed to explore an important archaeological site. Things go from normal to crazy as their visit coincides with every other college's spring break. The moment the boat docks, classes are over! For these Billingsley students, their Semester at Sea will be an adventure no one will ever forget.
A couple falls in love and agrees to meet in six months at the Empire State Building - but will it happen?
A group of martial arts students are en route to an island that supposedly is home to the ghosts of martial artists who have lost their honor. A Hitler lookalike and his gang are running a female slavery operation on the island as well. Soon, the two groups meet and all sorts of crazy things happen which include cannibal monks, piranhas, zombies, and more!
A year after Sheila is killed in a hit-and-run, her multimillionaire husband invites a group of friends to spend a week on his yacht playing a scavenger hunt-style mystery game — but the game turns out to be all too real and all too deadly.