Lamp Post Lane (2010)

Just because he’s not there doesn’t mean he’s not watching.

ジャンル : スリラー, ホラー, 謎

上映時間 : 57分

演出 : Rick Jansen


A teenage girl living with her grandmother discovers that someone is secretly living in their attic.


Alyssa Jansen
Alyssa Jansen
Alyssa Featherston
Jamey DuVall
Jamey DuVall
Mr. Shelley
Rick Jansen
Rick Jansen
Marje Warner
Marje Warner
Grandma Featherston
Kel Jansen
Kel Jansen
Jonathan Nunes
Jonathan Nunes
Gaven Doyle (voice)
Cory Jansen
Cory Jansen
John Dittle
John Dittle
Megan Monroe
Megan Monroe
Tracy Landers


Rick Jansen
Rick Jansen
Justin Phillips
Justin Phillips
Michael McCormack
Michael McCormack
John Dittle
John Dittle
Assistant Director
Brittani Kuzma
Brittani Kuzma
Makeup Artist
Chris Oxford
Chris Oxford
Rick Jansen
Rick Jansen
Chris Oxford
Chris Oxford
Justin Phillips
Justin Phillips
Conrad Hardin
Conrad Hardin
Set Decoration
Presley Adamson IV
Presley Adamson IV
Camera Operator
Rick Jansen
Rick Jansen
Ruby Jansen
Ruby Jansen
Alisha Jansen
Alisha Jansen
Kel Jansen
Kel Jansen
Bobby Kuzma
Bobby Kuzma
Joy Jansen
Joy Jansen
John Dittle
John Dittle
Chris Oxford
Chris Oxford
Justin Phillips
Justin Phillips
Brittani Kuzma
Brittani Kuzma
Set Decoration
Chris Oxford
Chris Oxford
Camera Operator
Rick Jansen
Rick Jansen
Camera Operator
Justin Phillips
Justin Phillips
Camera Operator
Christin Wheeler
Christin Wheeler
Production Office Assistant


0:34 レイジ 34 フン
Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets
Check Point
Port City North Carolina: During a routine camp out, a local vagrant discovers plans for an invasion in America. When he tries to notify the local Sheriff about his discovery, the Sheriff dismisses his claims and has him locked up for loitering. When the Sheriff notices odd interactions with other towns folk he begins to look into the vagrants' claim of a sleeper cell living amongst the locals within this small town. After evidence of a beheading is exposed, others begin to fear that the insurgents attack on hometown USA. Questions and tempers begin to rise. Why this little beach community with it's Norman Rockwell way of life? A town where everyone knows one another... or so they thought. When the truth is blind and justice seems lost, It will take an army of five unlikely heroes banding together to infiltrate the insurgents and foil their invasion plans.
An enigmatic vagrant cons himself into the home life of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the process.
Mona Bergeron is dead, her frozen body found in a ditch in the French countryside. From this, the film flashes back to the weeks leading up to her death. Through these flashbacks, Mona gradually declines as she travels from place to place, taking odd jobs and staying with whomever will offer her a place to sleep. Mona is fiercely independent, craving freedom over comfort, but it is this desire to be free that will eventually lead to her demise.
The Vagrant
A business man buys a house, but he has a hard time trying to get rid of its previous tenant, a dirty bum.
Chu Chu and the Philly Flash
Flash used to be a talented baseball player, but he took to drinking and now he sells stolen watches in the streets. One day he meets Chu Chu, who, before falling into alcoholism like him, was a successful entertainer. Now she still dances, but in the streets, for no more than a cent or two. Luck seems to smile at them the day stolen government documents literally fall from the sky. They decide to return them to their legal owners, but instead of the expected reward money, all they get is a load of trouble.
Street of No Return
A rock star-turned-bum, his vocal chords severed at the height of his career for the love of a woman, drunkenly roams the city, torn apart by sponsored race riots. When accused of murder, he may have the chance to get revenge on the magnate who maimed him.
The Man Who Found Himself
Young Jim Stanton is a conscientious surgeon, but spends too many off-duty hours pursuing his passion for aviation to suit his stuffy father. When it is discovered that a passenger killed in a plane that Jim crashes was a married woman, the resulting scandal prompts the hospital to put Jim on probation. His pride wounded, Jim takes to the open road and enjoys the simpler life of a vagabond. In Los Angeles--where he is arrested for vagrancy and put to work on a road crew--Jim runs into old pal Dick Miller, who gets him a job as a mechanic for Roberts Aviation. But maintaining his anonymity becomes more difficult, particularly when a pretty nurse, Doris King, decides to make Jim's redemption her personal crusade.
Hell's Drifter
A malevolent vagrant decides to make life hell for an injured accident victim.
Lamp Post Lane
A teenage girl living with her grandmother discovers that someone is secretly living in their attic.
A college student struggles during his Sophomore year.
前作から5年。再び.44マグナム・S&W M29を手に、ハリーはサンフランシスコで、自らも”駒”になった、死亡予想ゲーム“デッドプール”を元に展開する連続殺人事件に挑む。サンフランシスコ市警のハリー・キャラハン(クリント・イーストウッド)刑事は賭博王ジャネロを強引な手口で逮捕した。テレビ中継でその模様を報道されたハリーは有名人となるが、その中継をテレビで秘かに見つめる人物が「死亡予想」と書かれたリストにハリーの名を書く。一方、市警はテレビ中継の一件以来、人気者になった彼の身を案じ、護衛も兼ねた相棒に中国人の刑事クワン(エヴァン・キム)を配置させる。やがてホラー映画に出演中のロックシンガーのジョニー(ジム・キャリー)が強力な合成ヘロインを口に押し込まれ殺害される事件が起こる。現場に駆けつけたハリーは、発見者である映画監督のピーター(リーアム・ニーソン)に出会うが捜査に結びつく情報は得られない。そしてチャイナタウンのレストランで強盗事件にハリーが遭遇した際、犯人の流れ弾に当たりジョニーが出演する映画の経理を担当していた男が死亡し、その胸ポケットから「死亡予想」と書かれたリストが見つかる。リストにはジョニーや他の有名人と共にハリー自身の名前も書かれていた…。
Needful Things
A mysterious new shop opens in a small town which always seems to stock the deepest desires of each shopper, with a price far heavier than expected.
REC / レック 2
After returning from a wedding reception, a couple staying in an isolated vacation house receive a knock on the door in the mid-hours of the night. What ensues is a violent invasion by three strangers, their faces hidden behind masks. The couple find themselves in a violent struggle, in which they go beyond what either of them thought capable in order to survive.
Dr. Daniel Challis and Ellie Grimbridge stumble onto a gruesome murder scheme when Ellie's novelty-salesman father, Harry, is killed while in possession of a halloween mask made by the Silver Shamrock mask company. The company's owner, Conal Cochran, wants to return Halloween to its darker roots using his masks -- and his unspeakable scheme would unleash death and destruction across the country.
テロリスト対策の専門家のジョン・カッターは自分の妻が目の前で人質に捕られ殺害されてからは心に傷を負い一線を退き、今は航空会社のハイジャック対策の講師をしていた。そんなある日、友人で会社の仲間でもあるデルヴェッキオから新しいテロ対策の仕事を進められる。 しぶしぶながらも最後は折れてカッターはその仕事のための会議に出席するため飛行機に搭乗する。しかし、その飛行機には凶悪なテロリストのチャールズ・レーンも護送のため乗り合わせいて、仲間と共に飛行機をハイジャックしてしまう。混乱のなかでカッターは事態を収拾するべく反撃を開始する。