
Yaroslav the Wise (1982)

ジャンル : アクション, 履歴, ドラマ

上映時間 : 2時間 36分

演出 : Hryhoriy Kokhan


In the XIth century Kyivan Rus' (Ukraine-Rus') reached its zenith under the reign of Yaroslav. He established enduring ties with many of the ruling European dynasties, strengthened the borders of Rus' and tried to free it from the influence of the Byzantine Empire. Since 988 the church of Rus' had been autonomous, apart from the right of Constantinople to appoint the Metropolitan.


Yuri Muravitsky
Yuri Muravitsky
Pyotr Velyaminov
Pyotr Velyaminov
Liudmyla Smorodina
Liudmyla Smorodina
Konstantin Stepankov
Konstantin Stepankov
Leonid Filatov
Leonid Filatov
Konstyantyn Artemenko
Konstyantyn Artemenko


Hryhoriy Kokhan
Hryhoriy Kokhan
Hryhoriy Kokhan
Hryhoriy Kokhan
Pavlo Zahrebelny
Pavlo Zahrebelny
Larysa Zhylko
Larysa Zhylko
Production Design
Nikolay Karpov
Nikolay Karpov
Stunt Coordinator
Mykhailo Veprynsky
Mykhailo Veprynsky
Yevhen Stankovych
Yevhen Stankovych
Original Music Composer


Around the year 1000 AD warlike people, the so-called "tjuder", roam in northern Scandinavia. As they brutally kill a family in a remote area, including the parents and their little daughter, the family's teenage son, Aigin, observes the slaughter. He manages to flee from these killers and reaches a camp with other Lapps whose inhabitants are worried if he has been able to hide his track. Afraid of the murderous people, they decide to flee to the coast. The boy stays alone to avenge his family's murder. Unfortunately, they get him before he can do anything and force him to lead them to the other Lapps. He guides them but has a plan to destroy the barbarous people before reaching the camp.
The Order
When Rudy, an artifacts smuggler, goes to Jerusalem to rescue his kidnapped archeologist father, he faces deportation by a scheming police chief. Now, to find his dad and recover a sacred scroll, he'll have to outwit officials and a ruthless sect. With the help of a beautiful Israeli cop, Rudy battles a faction of religious zealots determined to see a holy war at all costs.
森鴎外の同名小説を、八尋不二と依田義賢が共同で脚色し、溝口健二がメガホンをとった文芸作品。特に美術と撮影はレベルが高く、ヴェネチア国際映画祭で銀獅子賞を受賞した。美しいラストシーンは、ゴダールが「気狂いピエロ」において引用したことでも知られる。  平安時代末期、農民を救うため将軍にたてついた平正氏が左遷された。妻の玉木、娘の安寿と息子の厨子王は越後を旅している途中、人買いにだまされ離ればなれになってしまう。玉木は佐渡に、安寿と厨子王は丹後の山椒大夫に奴隷として売られた。きょうだいはそれから十年もの間、奴隷としての生活を続けるが、ついに意を決して逃げ出すことにする。しかし追っ手に迫られ、安寿は厨子王を逃すため池に身を投げるのだった。
A Scottish warlord and his wife murder their way to a pair of crowns.
The War Lord
A knight in the service of a duke goes to a coastal village where an earlier attempt to build a defensive castle has failed. He begins to rebuild the duke's authority in the face of the barbarians at the border and is making progress until he falls in love with one of the local women.
The Battle Wizard
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
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This is a very theatrical version, full of sound & fury, histrionics and big arm movements. Cynical audiences might not buy into it, but if you were to go back to the early 1600s this is probably the way you'd see it. The plot of Macbeth, if you were snoozing during high school English class, is about an 11th century Scottish warrior who hatches a dubious plan to steal the throne. Spurred on by his wife Lady Macbeth, who wears the pants in the household, he finds himself swiftly slipping down the path of evil.
千年医師物語 ~ペルシアの彼方へ~
Lady Godiva of Coventry
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Scotland, 11th century. Driven by the twisted prophecy of three witches and the ruthless ambition of his wife, warlord Macbeth, bold and brave, but also weak and hesitant, betrays his good king and his brothers in arms and sinks into the bloody mud of a path with no return, sown with crime and suspicion.
The Undefeated
In 1950, long after the world has finished fighting World War II, a fight continues behind the newly drawn Iron Curtain: as the Ukrainians keep fighting both Nazi and Soviet abuses, General Roman Shukhevych (Hryhoriy Hladiy) is forced by brutal circumstances and his own sense of honor and duty to lead this effort as an underground war. As portrayed by the film, Shukhevych is a genteel family man who is also a complex character (revolted by ethnic discrimination, a music lover and a military genius) that with his charisma fuels his countrymen with desire for freedom. In the end, Shukhevych's efforts are unable to defeat the Soviets despite paying for his resistance with his life, but they re-enforce Ukrainian patriotism as an underground force until Ukraine finally recovers its freedom from Soviet tyranny.
シェイクスピアの同名戯曲を「SHAME -シェイム-」「スティーブ・ジョブズ」のマイケル・ファスベンダーと「エディット・ピアフ~愛の讃歌~」「サンドラの週末」のマリオン・コティヤール主演で映画化した歴史ドラマ。監督はオーストラリア出身で、デビュー作「スノータウン」に続いてこれが長編2作目の新鋭、ジャスティン・カーゼル。  激しい内戦で荒廃したスコットランド。ダンカン王に忠誠を誓うグラミスの領主マクベスは獅子奮迅の活躍で反乱軍を撃退、戦友バンクォーとともに戦場を後にしようとした時、彼の前に3人の魔女が現われ、マクベスがスコットランド王になると予言する。やがてマクベスは、夫の王位獲得に執着する夫人からダンカン王暗殺の計画を吹き込まれる。一度は覚悟を決めるも、やはり罪悪感から決行をためらってしまうマクベスだったが…。
ウィンター・オン・ファイヤー: ウクライナ、自由への闘い
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The Stone Forest
The god Wotan gives the young Prince Sigmund of Valhalla and his sister Brunhilde, the leader of the Valkyries, the task of defending the Petrified Forest. This is threatened by the Vikings (led by the aggressive Hunding), who plans an invasion of the forest in search of the secret treasure of the Nibelung, the possession of which gives one unlimited power. After crossing the border and invading Valhalla, Hunding finds an ally in the daughter of one of Sigmund's loyal followers, Erika, who is embittered by unrequited love. She helps the Vikings raid the camp of the Valhalla residents and kill many warriors. Sigmund swears vengeance and pursues them with the remaining men. However, thanks to other traitors in Sigmund's ranks, Hunding succeeds in capturing him and his fiancée Siglinde, Erika's sister. At the end, Sigmund escapes and, with the help of the Valkiries, succeeds in stopping the invaders and defeating Hunding in a duel.
Slovo House
Chain-smoking artists, poets and playwrights were among the colourful array of intellectuals living in the ‘Slovo House’ in 1920s Ukraine. The communist paradise was built under Stalin's approval, but it quickly became a prison. The brutal Soviet regime spied on the inhabitants, destroying their eccentric way of life and sealing their fate. This fascinating film explores the extraordinary story of the building and its residents.
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With breathless pace, Hélène Chatelain ("the woman" in "La Jetée") reconstructs the life of Nestor Makhno from his writings, Soviet propaganda films, reactions of workers today and the memory he has left in the hearts & minds of his people in Gouliaïpolié, in the east of the Ukraine.