La guerrera vengadora (1988)
ジャンル : アクション
上映時間 : 0分
演出 : Raúl Fernández
A chemistry teacher decides to take matters into her own hands when her brother is murdered and the police cannot help her.
劇場アニメ版第4作目。2018年10月19日公開。『魔法少女リリカルなのは Reflection』と一体の作品で後編となる。
愛妻に先立たれ、メキシコ国境付近の町で牧場を営みながら愛犬と暮らす元海兵隊の腕利き狙撃兵、ジム・ハンソン。ある日、メキシコの麻薬カルテルの魔の手を逃れ、越境してきた母子を助けたことから、彼の運命は大きく変わり始める。カルテルに撃たれた母親は、ジムに11歳の息子ミゲルを託して絶命した。ミゲルをシカゴに住む親類のもとに送り届けてほしい――日々の生活に手いっぱいのジムだったが、仕方なくこれを引き受ける。一方、米国に侵入したカルテルは執拗に彼らを追撃。迫りくる危機に、ジムは必死に抵抗する。果たして彼は、ミゲルを守り、シカゴにたどり着くことができるのか? 命を懸けた戦いの火ぶたが、切って落とされた!
Sean Haggerty only has an hour to deliver his illegal cargo. An hour to reassure a drug cartel, a hitman, and the DEA that nothing is wrong. An hour to make sure his wife survives. And he must do it all from the cockpit of his Cessna.
After being busted for a heist, a former CIA contractor is sent to a Mexican prison. His former CIA boss offers him freedom if he can break into the prison vault and steal $50 Million.
迷宮都市オラリオ---『ダンジョン』と通称される壮大な地下迷宮を保有する巨大都市。人と神が共存するこの世界で、少年ベル・クラネルは、女神ヘスティアと出会った。女神と眷属の契りを交わした少年は、英雄への憧憬を胸に抱き、冒険の日々を送っていた。迷宮都市が蒼然と輝く”神月祭”の夜、少年は、選ばれた者にしか抜けないといわれる、伝説の『槍』を引き抜いていしまう。そして、彼の前に現れた一柱の女神。少年に託される新たな冒険。目指すはオラリオから遥か遠く離れた秘境の地。「悲劇のヒロインなんて、どこにもいない。みんなを救って見せる---」 これは、運命に選ばれし少年と、月夜に降り立った女神が紡ぐ、【約束の物語(ファミリア・ミィス)】
When a Las Vegas performer-turned-snitch named Buddy Israel decides to turn state's evidence and testify against the mob, it seems that a whole lot of people would like to make sure he's no longer breathing.
製薬会社の管理部長としてシカゴ本社とメキシコ工場を行き来し、朝から晩までマジメに働いたのに、もうすぐクビに! 友達だったはずの経営者に騙された上に、最愛の妻にまで離婚される始末・・・ 。パッとしない負け犬人生を歩んではきたけれど、さすがにこれほどのどん底は初めてのハロルドは、極悪モンスター上司のリチャードと、彼の愛人で共同経営者のエレーンへのリベンジを誓う。メキシコで〈偽装誘拐〉を演じ、身代金5億円を奪うという、生涯初の悪事を企てたのだ。ところが、ハロルドが死ねば、会社に保険金が入ることに気づいたリチャードは殺し屋を雇う。さらに、リチャードの会社の医療大麻の製造レシピを狙うメキシコの麻薬組織のボスが、ハロルドの〈本気の誘拐〉に参戦! 果たして、貯めに貯めた悪運を爆発させた、ハロルドの一発大逆転の切り札とは?
Fernando Almada is 'El Griego' a world famous ventriloquist now on the brink of madness. Because he can no longer find an audience for his show, his strange personality makes him abuse the puppets he works with. But they seem to have a life of their own. Now Fernando is swep into a world of terror as the puppets seek their revenge!
Masked hero El enmascarado de oro faces a criminal that turns invisible.
A singing cowboy falls foul of alien invaders and beautiful women from Venus.
La Araucana is a Chilean film based on an epic poem in Spanish about the Spanish conquest of Chile, by Alonso de Ercilla; it is also known in English as The Araucaniad. It is considered the national epic of the Kingdom of Chile and one of the most important works of the Spanish Golden Age
Young couple run off to join the Mexican Revolution, in part because she has a crush on Francisco Villa.
This beautiful, atmospheric Chilean movie (made by an Argentinian director) was unfortunately "cannibalized" by Jerry Warren, who kept about a third of the original footage, together with another third of "La dama de la muerte" (another superb Chilean movie of the same period, made by Argentinian director Carlos Hugo Christensen), then added his own senseless "additional sequences" with John Carradine and Katherine Victor, the final result being the atrocious CURSE OF THE STONE HAND.
A graceful prince of a far away planet is forced to abandon his reign in order to escape from the perfidious Nitron, "the vampire interplanetary" that means to conquer the universe. When damage forces the spaceship in which he is traveling to the Earth, a girl aboard his craft confronts two generous champions of freedom and autonomy, "Mysterious El" and "El Volador", who are Masked Wrestlers from Bolivia. They take great care that she is familiarized with the land habits of earthlings, including making love and drinking beer. The prince learns from his new friends all the secrets of a galaxy ring, which can destroy all evil as well as burn rocks. Fearing that they will be attacked by the enemy, the girl decides to hide herself behind the identity of the earth singer Larossa, who had died a year previous.
A newlywed couple find themselves broke when the woman's father dies deeply in debt. Forced to sell their belongings, they move into a rundown house from which they get very bad vibes. It's not long before some very strange and disturbing people begin showing up at the house.
Chilean exiles in Paris discuss the problems facing them. They kidnap and attempt to re-educate a touring singer from their fatherland.
Two salesmen in Honduras are looking everywhere for their lost pal.
Six hundred year old witch butts heads with a scholar over the possession of a rare ancient grimoire and then discovers that his daughter's fiance is the reincarnation of her first boyfriend.
Mexican adaptation of the famed fairy tale.
The Sabine tribe battles Romulus in the early days of Rome after Romans seize their women as unwilling brides.
Heirs of a bankrupt relative decide that the only way they can avoid sacrificing their inherited property to pay debts is by opening a brothel.
Dr. Satan, a mad scientist and sorceror, plans to take over the world. In order to do so, he wakes up three zombie slaves from the dead and attempts to make a deal with the devil. He sends his zombie servants to do harm to anyone who stands in his way. Will anyone be able to stop him?
Rafael Inclan plays the campy hero in the Mexican By Hook or Crook. Known as the "Super-Mexican", detective Inclan is in his own way as dangerous as France's Inspector Clouseau. A series of murders have occured in the uppermost circles of society. Inclan vows to solve the killings, or die trying (which is a strong possibility). There's a belly-laugh a minute in this silly confection, which since its 1985 release has popped up with regularity on the various Spanish-language TV cable services.
Scientists do an investigation on sharks as they believe they can cure deadly diseases.
Lola finds herself into the world of violence and drug trafficking when her father is murdered for refusing to put his truck to the service of a powerful cartel, with protections at high police levels. Knowing the local officials will not serve out justice, she takes matters into her own hands. Armed with a machine gun, she'll attempt to get revenge by her own hands - but the enemy has more firepower than her.
Two detectives infiltrate a smuggling gang to take revenge for the murder of their brother and his family.
Trio of karate/wrestler superheroes vs. space aliens!