
Galaxis (1995)

ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション, アクション

上映時間 : 1時間 31分

演出 : William Mesa


Legend says that the sacred crystal is the source for all life and was created at the beginning of time. Kyla has sought the crystal to use its powers for himself and he takes the crystal after smashing the defenders on the Planet Sintaria. But there is another identical crystal on Earth and Ladera heads there to get it before the evil Kyla. She finds that Jed has taken the crystal from is hiding place, but Victor and his inexhaustible hit men want it for money they gave to Jed. Ladera easily handles the weak earthlings and saves Jed, but Kyla is also after the crystal. Jed and Ladera must find the crystal before Kyla, the clueless cops or the dimwitted villains.


Brigitte Nielsen
Brigitte Nielsen
Kristin Bauer van Straten
Kristin Bauer van Straten
Richard Moll
Richard Moll
Craig Fairbrass
Craig Fairbrass
Lord Tarkin
Sam Raimi
Sam Raimi
Nervous Official
John H. Brennan
John H. Brennan
Jed Sanders
Roger Aaron Brown
Roger Aaron Brown
Detective Carter
Cindy Morgan
Cindy Morgan
Detective Kelly
Louisa Moritz
Louisa Moritz
Bar Lady at Sharkey's
Michael Paul Chan
Michael Paul Chan
Manny Hopkins
Jane Clark
Jane Clark
Rape Victim
Russ Fega
Russ Fega
George Cheung
George Cheung


William Mesa
William Mesa
Nick Davis
Nick Davis
Nile Niami
Nile Niami
Patrick D. Cheh
Patrick D. Cheh
William Mesa
William Mesa
Matsune Suzuki
Matsune Suzuki
Eung Pyo Choi
Eung Pyo Choi
Executive Producer
Barry L. Collier
Barry L. Collier
Executive Producer
Paul L. Newman
Paul L. Newman
Executive Producer
Christopher L. Stone
Christopher L. Stone
Original Music Composer
Gregory Hobson
Gregory Hobson
Patrick Lussier
Patrick Lussier
Amy Elisabeth Sabel
Amy Elisabeth Sabel
Claire Kaufman
Claire Kaufman
Art Direction
Sharon Rosenberg
Sharon Rosenberg
Costume Design
Robert C. New
Robert C. New
Director of Photography
Charles Wood
Charles Wood
Production Design
Robert Kurtzman
Robert Kurtzman
Makeup Supervisor
Howard Berger
Howard Berger
Makeup Supervisor
Gregory Nicotero
Gregory Nicotero
Makeup Supervisor
Stephen Alesch
Stephen Alesch
Set Designer
Phillip Seretti
Phillip Seretti
Sound Supervisor
Phillip Seretti
Phillip Seretti
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Dave Lockwood
Dave Lockwood
Visual Effects Supervisor
William Mesa
William Mesa
Visual Effects Director
Tina Mesa
Tina Mesa
Visual Effects Producer
Rick Hilgner
Rick Hilgner
Visual Effects
Marc Meisenheimer
Marc Meisenheimer
Cindy Maxwell
Cindy Maxwell
Script Supervisor


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護送車が武装集団に襲われ、多数の凶悪犯罪者たちが市中に散った。彼らを捉えるため、伝説の特殊捜査班「バッドガイズ」が再び結成される・・・。 凶悪犯罪者たちがチームを組んで事件を追うという人気TVシリーズの続編映画。豪腕マ・ドンソクの鉄拳アクションが冴え渡る。
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