Boone: The Bounty Hunter (2017)
You can run but you can't hide
ジャンル : アクション
上映時間 : 1時間 26分
演出 : Robert Kirbyson
When fame-seeking reality show bounty hunter, Boone, attempts to bring down a drug lord and his empire, he uncovers more than he bargains for and learns that justice means more than ratings.
Fight everyone and trust no one: it's the code of survival practiced by martial-arts master Casey Bowman after his life of domestic bliss is shattered by a savage act of violence. Vowing revenge, the fearless American stealthily tracks the killer from Osaka to Bangkok to Rangoon with the help of a wise and crafty sensei. His only clues: a series of victims whose necks bear the distinctive mark of strangulation by barbed wire. Fighting to avenge as well as to survive, Casey must sharpen his razor-like responses and take his battle skills to the next level, even using deep meditation to fake his own death. His target: the sinister drug lord Goro, who is flooding the streets with deadly meth cooked at his remote jungle factory. To prepare for his ultimate confrontation, Casey must finally become an invisible warrior worthy of the name Ninja. But just when his prey is cornered, an unexpected twist shows Casey that his battle is only beginning: he truly can trust no one.
A batch of unhatched critter eggs are mistaken for Easter eggs by the country-folk inhabitants of Grover's Bend and, before long, the ferocious furballs are on the rampage again.
When Travis, the mouthy son of a criminal, disappears in the Amazon in search of a treasured artifact, his father sends in Beck, who becomes Travis's rival for the affections of Mariana, a mysterious Brazilian woman. With his steely disposition, Beck is a man of few words -- but it takes him all the discipline he can muster to work with Travis to nab a tyrant who's after the same treasure.
姉がコロンビアで誘拐されたことを知った、女流作家ジョーン。姉から届いた1枚の地図を持って救出に向かうが、それはエメラルドの在り処を示す宝の地図だった!? 密林を舞台に繰り広げられるアクション・アドヴェンチャー。
Nico Toscani is an Italian immigrant, American patriot, ex-CIA agent, aikido specialist and unorthodox Chicago policeman. He is as committed to his job as he is to his personalized brand of justice—expert and thorough bone-crushing.
In a far-future time ruled by the supernatural, a young girl requests the help of a vampire hunter to kill the vampire who has bitten her and thus prevent her from becoming a vampire herself.
A massive ball of furry creatures from another world eat their way through a small mid-western town followed by intergalactic bounty hunters opposed only by militant townspeople.
この新しい冒険では、マイアミの麻薬探偵マイク・ローリー(ウィル・スミス)とマーカス・バーネット(マーティン・ローレンス)が、マイアミのエクスタシーデザインの陰謀を暴こうとするハイテクチームの一員として割り当てられます。 しかし、彼らは無意識に麻薬王、ジョニー・タピア(ジョルディ・モラ)が関与する致命的な陰謀を発見します。 さらに悪いことに、DEAの秘密捜査官であるマーカスの美しい姉妹であるシド(ガブリエルユニオン)は、クロスファイアに巻き込まれ、ヒーローたちを法の端に追いやることを余儀なくされました。 キューピッドがマイクとシドの上を飛行し始めると、すべてがさらに複雑になり、保護者の兄弟の怒りを引き起こします。
「ブライズメイズ 史上最悪のウェディングプラン」のポール・フェイグ監督が、同作で大ブレイクしたメリッサ・マッカーシーと再びタッグを組み、共演にサンドラ・ブロックを迎えて贈る全米大ヒット・アクション・コメディ。ボストンの麻薬組織を捜査するためコンビを組むハメになった堅物女FBI捜査官と地元の破天荒女刑事が繰り広げるドタバタ劇をコミカルに描く。
In the future, America is a dystopian wasteland. The latest scourge is Ma-Ma, a prostitute-turned-drug pusher with a dangerous new drug and aims to take over the city. The only possibility of stopping her is an elite group of urban police called Judges, who combine the duties of judge, jury and executioner to deliver a brutal brand of swift justice. But even the top-ranking Judge, Dredd, discovers that taking down Ma-Ma isn’t as easy as it seems in this explosive adaptation of the hugely popular comic series.
「貴族」マイエル=リンクが、都の名門エルバーン家の少女シャーロットを拉致する事件が発生した。エルバーン家は、"D"に加え、「貴族」たちでさえ恐れる凄腕のハンター一味・マーカス兄妹にもシャーロットの救出を依頼した。 "D"、マーカス兄妹、マイエル=リンクと彼が雇った怪物の用心棒「バルバロイの民」が入り乱れての追跡行の行きつく先、最終決戦の場は、悪名高い女「貴族」カーミラの居城であった。
Husband and wife, Will and Dawn, are in financial crisis after learning the job Will was counting on to salvage their financial future has disappeared in the midst of a market collapse. They set out to drive home on the winter highway back to their city, and in a moment of altruism, pick up siblings Lee and Cheryl, a pair of hitchhikers on their way to start a new life. In the midst of the night they nearly collide with an old man wandering on the snowy highway, hyperthermic and horrifically frostbitten. While searching for his ID they discover a wad of cash, a hand drawn map with GPS coordinates, and a single gold coin inside his coat. Will and Dawn reluctantly go along with Lee’s plan to report him to the police as a John Doe and pocket the money. In an attempt to save their financial struggles, all four venture off into the snowy wilderness in search of the buried gold.
アベンジャーズの一員ソーの前に死の女神・ヘラが現れた。復讐と野望に燃えるヘラは、ソーの故郷へ攻撃をはじめる。故郷を奪われたソーは、この最強の敵を倒すため盟友ハルク、宿敵ロキらと型破りのチーム“リベンジャーズ”を組み極限バトルに挑む。 そこには、ソーの運命を変える秘密が隠されていた。