Shaolin Temple (1976)
ジャンル : アクション, アドベンチャー
上映時間 : 2時間 6分
演出 : Chang Cheh
There is no place more hallowed in the martial art world than China's Shaolin Temple. This special place deserves a special epic, which is what the martial arts maestro delivers in this battle between a brave brand of Chinese boxers and literally thousands of Qing troops - complete with betrayals, intrigues, and such novel fighting machines as 108 wooden robots. The conflicts grow in complexity, intensity and even suspense as monks struggle to stay alive in the face of overwhelming odds.
「欲望の翼」「ブエノスアイレス」のウォン・カーウァイ監督がトニー・レオンとマギー・チャンを主演に迎え、それぞれ家庭を持つ男女の不倫の愛を描いた恋愛ドラマ。1962年、香港。新聞編集者の男性チャウと商社で秘書として働く女性チャンは、同じ日に同じアパートに引っ越してきて隣人になる。やがて2人は互いのパートナーが不倫関係にあることに気づき、時間を共有するように。戸惑いながらも、強く惹かれ合っていくチャウとチャンだったが……。設定の一部や世界観は「欲望の翼」から引き継がれており、さらに2004年製作の「2046」へとつながっていく。第53回カンヌ国際映画祭で最優秀男優賞とフランス映画高等技術委員会賞を受賞。日本では2001年に劇場公開。18年2月、カーウァイ監督の「欲望の翼」デジタルリマスター版の公開にあわせて、Bunkamuraル・シネマで特別上映。2022年には4Kレストア版が「WKW4K ウォン・カーウァイ4K」(22年8月19日~シネマート新宿、グランドシネマサンシャイン、シネマシティほか)で上映。
Chechen rebels take over a Russian nuclear plant and it's up to a mysterious agent(Snipes) to stop them.
In Hamburg, Ibrahim "Ibo" Secmez, of Turkish descent, wants to direct the first German kung-fu movie. For now, he makes commercials for his uncle's kebab restaurant. Titzie, an aspiring actress and Ibo's German girlfriend, finds she's pregnant. Ibo is uncertain about fatherhood - compounded by his father's disowning him for getting a German girl pregnant - so Titzie sends him packing. He makes attempts at getting it right, but as the birth approaches, he's still not ready. In the background are three thugs in search of good tripe soup and a Capulet-Montegue feud between the kebab joint and a Greek taverna across the street. Can Ibo be the glove upon that hand?
When a woman's father goes missing, she enlists a local to aid in her search. The pair soon discover that her father has died at the hands of a wealthy sportsman who hunts homeless men as a form of recreation.
謎の異常気象が相次ぐイギリス。政府の極秘諜報機関「ミニストリー・シークレット・サービス」は気象学者のエマ・ピールに調査を依頼する。しかし研究所は何者かの手によって破壊され、極秘研究中だった気象シールドも壊されていた。監視カメラに映されていた人物はエマにそっくり。 そこでミニストリーのトップ、マザーの命令により、機関の諜報員ジョン・スティードはエマと共同で犯人を探し出すことに。機関のナンバー2、ファーザーは彼女が犯人ではないかと疑っていた。 2人はかつてミニストリーの職員だった天才科学者のオーガスト・デ・ウィンター卿に目をつける。彼はファーザーと手を組んで世界の気象を操り、世界征服を企んでいたのだ。ウィンターは全世界を氷河期に陥れると脅迫する。スティードとエマは彼の気象制御基地へ乗り組んだ。
Nico Toscani is an Italian immigrant, American patriot, ex-CIA agent, aikido specialist and unorthodox Chicago policeman. He is as committed to his job as he is to his personalized brand of justice—expert and thorough bone-crushing.
In this swordfighting comedy, a young noblewoman falls in love with a prince of the Imperial House. By accident, she acquires the martial arts skills of the White Dragon. New in her power, she learns that there are definite advantages in performing "good deeds" as the Little White Dragon.
Lyon Gaultier is a deserter in the Foreign Legion arriving in the USA entirely hard up. He finds his brother between life and death and his sister-in-law without the money needed to heal her husband and to maintain her child. To earn the money needed, Gaultier decides to take part in some very dangerous clandestine fights.
A CIA agent is interned for failing to kill an international terrorist. Escaping from his island exile, he teams up with a flamboyant arms dealer and sets out to find the terrorist and rescue the agent's family. Together they're a two-man arsenal... with enough voltage to rock the free world.
A man goes undercover in a hi-tech prison to find out information to help prosecute those who killed his wife. While there, he stumbles onto a plot involving a death-row inmate and his $200 million stash of gold.