
Best Of Havoc #1 (2001)

Over 200 of the most Awesome Crashes

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 1時間 0分


Havoc is the original motorsport disaster series - often emulated but never equalled in its ability to amuse, entertain and even shock! Now in Best of Havoc 1 we present the very best crashes from many thousands of hours of original motorsport archive in one entertaining and often hilarious DVD. There's metal curling madness in all its forms, trucks doing the monster mash, Formula Fordsters taking up aeronautics, mud-wrestling quads, the Formula 2 'take-off' at the Nurburgring, Bike GP rodeo riders, Paris-Dakar dune-busters, manic motocrossers and the 10 out of 10 performances of the nutty Norwegian rally brigade - these are just a few of over 200 megaprangs that have crashed their way into the Havoc hall of fame!


Richard Nichols
Richard Nichols


Peter Prenton Jones
Peter Prenton Jones
Sound Director
Phil Woodhead
Phil Woodhead
Brian Kreisky
Brian Kreisky
Executive Producer


Andrea Dovizioso: Undaunted
Follow Italy’s Andrea Dovizioso through a challenging season — one that saw him defy injury and his critics to win races and finish runner-up in the MotoGP™ world championship.
Valentino Rossi’s MotoGP Trail of Glory
World Champion Valentino Rossi hasn’t just brought the crowds back to motorcycle racing, he’s brought a new generation of enthusiasts to the track. Sit back and watch his secrets unfold: he’s always relaxed, always enjoying himself and always very, very fast.
Story of two young people who belong to different worlds. It is the chronicle of a love improbable, almost impossible but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discover the first great love. Babi is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in goodness and innocence . Hache is a rebellious boy, impulsive, unconscious, has a appetite for risk and danger embodied in endless fights and illegal motorbike races, the limit of common sense
Biker Boyz
A mythic motorcycle tale of father and son", this is the story of Manuel Galloway, also known as "the King of Cali", the president of a motorcycle club whose members are all African-American men, mostly white-collar workers who exchange their suits and ties at night and on weekends for leather outfits and motorcycle helmets.
伝説のレーサーたち -命をかけた戦い-
Set in the golden era of Grand Prix Racing '1' tells the story of a generation of charismatic drivers who raced on the edge, risking their lives during Formula 1's deadliest period, and the men who stood up and changed the sport forever.
Climbing aboard their mammoth recreational vehicle for a cross-country road trip to the Colorado Rockies, the Munro family – led by dysfunctional patriarch, Bob – prepares for the adventure of a lifetime. But spending two weeks together in one seriously small space has a way of cramping their style.
Three Steps Over Heaven
A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.
Full Spead Ahead
A drifter lands a job as an officer in México City's elite motorcycle police unit and gets home with a mate of this unit. The mate is in love with a girl, but he and she are always making jealous to each other. The drifter and the mate get involved themselves in a fight to become the winner of conquering ladies and performing unit acrobatic tricks, interfering with their friendship and profession.
エンツォ レーサーになりたかった犬とある家族の物語
A family dog - with a near-human soul and a philosopher's mind - evaluates his life through the lessons learned by his human owner, a race-car driver.
1944年、アメリカ。12歳のジョニーは兄のジャックと共に両親の畑仕事を手伝っていた。しかし、一家の貧しい生活は一向に楽にならず、父は酒に溺れる日々だった。そんなジョニーの心のなぐさめとなったのは、兄ジャックの優しさと、ラジオから流れてくるゴスペルやカントリー音楽だった。ある時、最愛の兄が突然の事故でこの世を去ってしまう。出来のいい息子を失ったショックでますます荒れる父親とジョニーとの確執は広がっていく。そして、空軍に入隊したジョニーは実家を離れ、ドイツに駐屯する。除隊後に初恋の女性ヴィヴィアンと結婚、子供も授かった。訪問セールスの仕事の合間に友人とゴスペル・バンドを組んで音楽を楽しむジョニーだったが、家計は苦しく、徐々に夫婦の仲も冷え切っていく。 そんなある日、ジョニーは街角で偶然見かけたレコード会社で、オーディションの機会を得る。そこで空軍時代に書いた囚人の心の叫びとも言える歌を熱唱し、その実力を認められる。そして瞬く間にプロのミュージシャンとしての第一歩を踏み出すことになった。早速、同じレコード会社のジェリー・リー・ルイスやエルヴィス・プレスリーらと全米中をツアーでまわっていた時、ジョニーは少年時代からの憧れだったジューン・カーターと出会い、すぐに意気投合する。この出会いが、これからの彼らの長い運命の始まりとなるのだった……。
ホット・ファズ  - 俺たちスーパーポリスメン!
ロンドンの首都警察に勤めるニコラス・エンジェルは、大学を首席で卒業し、警察学校でもトップの成績を残し、検挙率もトップで幾度もの表彰を受けた頭脳明晰でスポーツ万能なエリート警察官。ところが彼はその余りの有能さゆえ、上司や同僚から迷惑がられ、田舎町サンドフォードに左遷させられてしまう。 ほとんど犯罪など起こらないサンドフォードでニコラスを待っていたのは、呑気でいい加減な仲間たちと共に退屈な仕事に従事するばかりの日々。首都警察の頃と同じ調子で真面目に働く彼は周囲と馴染めず、ここでも浮いた存在になっていく。しかし、この一見平穏な村には、ある恐ろしい秘密があった。
マンディ 地獄のロード・ウォリアー


The Staircase II: The Last Chance
Explosive developments - implicating both the forensics laboratory of the police department of North Carolina, and Duane Deaver, its chief - shed new light on the case of murder suspect Michael Peterson.
Return to the Batcave - The Misadventures of Adam and Burt
Adam West and Burt Ward are taken on a crazy adventure when the Batmobile is stolen from a car museum and they must track down the thief and return it. After solving a puzzle, they realize that the clues to finding the fiend who stole the Batmobile are hidden in their past. During the search, they flashback to their three seasons in tights, including their many sexual escapades.
Of Unknown Origin
A man who recently completed rebuilding a townhouse becomes obsessed with a rat infestation until it becomes an interspecies duel.