
Eyes of the Condor (1987)

Shocking Air-Fights that'll leave you speechless

ジャンル : アクション, アドベンチャー, 犯罪

上映時間 : 1時間 28分

演出 : Chalong Pukdeewichit


It's Davian International Ltd's ambitious and utterly charming crime-caper featuring a jewel thief, two cops, a bald Indian, two Caucasian baddies and a squadron of dwarves, all looking for the legendary Eye of the Condor, a precious diamond. It's not just your regular kung fu voiceovers; Davian's team use a plethora of silly and inappropriate voices, squeaks, panting and squarks, not least the penguin sounds uttered by the five munchkins.


Sorapong Chatri
Sorapong Chatri
Kenny Hemmings
Douglas Dull
Douglas Dull
Craig James
Craig James
Joe Samenchai
Joe Samenchai
Thom Tatien
Thom Tatien


Chalong Pukdeewichit
Chalong Pukdeewichit


Thriller: A Cruel Picture
A young woman, muted after a sexual assault as a child, is trained to seek violent revenge on those who have wronged her after being kidnapped and forced to work as a prostitute.
Monroe Hutchens is the heavyweight champion of Sweetwater, a maximum security prison. He was convicted to a life sentence due to a passionate crime. Iceman Chambers is the heavyweight champion, who lost his title due to a rape conviction to ten years in Sweetwater. WHen these two giants collide in the same prison, they fight against each other disputing who is the real champion.
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.
So Close
A conflict of interest between two high-kicking assassin sisters is complicated as they're pursued by the criminals who hired them and an equally high-kicking female cop.
Little Monsters
A young boy is scared of the monster under his bed. He asks his 6th grade brother to swap rooms for the night as a bet that the monster really exists. Soon the brother becomes friends with the monster and discovers a whole new world of fun and games under his bed where pulling pranks on kids and other monsters is the main attraction.
Paul Blart: Mall Cop
Mild-mannered Paul Blart has always had huge dreams of becoming a State Trooper. Until then, he patrols the local mall as a security guard. With his closely cropped moustache, personal transporter and gung-ho attitude, only Blart seems to take his job seriously. All that changes when a team of thugs raids the mall and takes hostages. Untrained, unarmed and a super-size target, Blart has to become a real cop to save the day.
When a nuclear missile was fired at Washington in 1945, Captain America managed to detonate it in the upper atmosphere. But then he fell miles into the icy depths of the North Atlantic, where he remained lost for over sixty years. But now, with the world facing the very same evil, Captain America must rise again as our last hope for survival.
Mysterious Wakanda lies in the darkest heart of Africa, unknown to most of the world. An isolated land hidden behind closed borders, fiercely protected by its young king: Black Panther. But when brutal alien invaders attack, the threat leaves Black Panther with no option but to go against the sacred decrees of his people and ask for help from outsiders.
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow
The children of the Avengers hone their powers and go head to head with the very enemy responsible for their parents' demise.
Jack Conrad is awaiting the death penalty in a corrupt Central American prison. He is "purchased" by a wealthy television producer and taken to a desolate island where he must fight to the death against nine other condemned killers from all corners of the world, with freedom going to the sole survivor.
An Israeli counterterrorism soldier with a secretly fabulous ambition to become a Manhattan hairstylist. Zohan's desire runs so deep that he'll do anything -- including faking his own death and going head-to-head with an Arab cab driver -- to make his dreams come true.
2018年、再選を目指すアメリカ大統領により、選挙PRのために月に送り込まれた黒人モデルのワシントンは無事に月面に上陸。しかし、すぐに鉤十字を身にまとう月面ナチス親衛隊クラウスに拉致されてしまう。なんと彼らは第二次大戦後地球を後にしたナチスだった! 彼らは月へと逃亡し、地球へ復讐を果たすべく月の裏側に第四帝国を築き、軍備を増強していたのであった。 ワシントンをガイドに、月面総統閣下は地球への侵略を開始する。地球ではアメリカを中心に急遽地球防衛軍を結成。前人未踏の宇宙規模の戦いが今、始まる! <ティモ・ヴオレンソラ監督が放つSFアクションコメディ。>
Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms
With the budget of the UniSol program cut by the government, a gang of mercenaries takes control of the new line of Universal Soldiers to use them for their own nefarious ends. In doing so, they clash with Luc Deveraux, survivor of the first incident with the UniSols, alongside his long-lost and newly-resurrected brother Eric and news reporter Veronica Roberts.
バイカーケアリーフォードは故郷に戻り、ガールフレンドのシェーンと会い、未完のビジネスの世話をします。 2か月前に彼が町を離れたとき、フォードは、冷酷な麻薬の売人であり、バイカーギャング "The Hellions"のリーダーであるヘンリーに属するいくつかのバイクを持っていました。 現在、ヘンリーは、タンクにガソリンよりも少し価値のある自転車を回収しようとして、フォードを絞っています。
ソビエト連邦が、それまでの戦闘機を凌駕する高性能な新型戦闘機「MiG-31 ファイヤーフォックス」を開発したとの情報がNATOにもたらされる。これに衝撃を受け、軍事バランスが崩れることを恐れたNATO各国は対抗すべく戦闘機の開発を検討するが、間に合いそうもない。そのため、その技術を機体もろとも盗み出すことを決定し、ロシア語をネイティブで話し、考えることができる元米空軍パイロット、ミッチェル・ガントに白羽の矢を立てたのであった。