
Sijjin 4 (2017)

ジャンル : ホラー, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 34分

演出 : Alper Mestçi


Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.


Merve Ateş
Merve Ateş
Mirza Metin
Mirza Metin
Sebahat Adalar
Sebahat Adalar
Yasemen Buyukagaoglu
Yasemen Buyukagaoglu
Yasemin Kurttekin
Yasemin Kurttekin
Mana Alkoy
Mana Alkoy
Kivilcim Kaya
Kivilcim Kaya


Alper Mestçi
Alper Mestçi


Jamie returns to his hometown in search of answers to his wife's murder, which occurred after receiving a weird package containing a ventriloquist dummy named Billy, which may be linked to the legend of ventriloquist Mary Shaw. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair, where Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.
This follow-up to the George Romero/Stephen King-launched anthology series features five new tales of horror and a wraparound. The main stories deal with alternative realities ("Alice"), possessed communication devices ("The Radio"), vampires and serial killers in lust ("Call Girl"), mad inventors ("The Professor's Wife"), and hauntings from beyond the grave ("Haunted Dog").
Echelon Conspiracy
Mysterious cell phone messages promise a young American engineer untold wealth - then make him the target of a deadly international plot. Dangerous security operatives chase the engineer across the globe, while a powerful government official pursues a mysterious agenda that threatens the stability of the entire world.
Chainsaw-wielding maniac Leatherface is up to his cannibalistic ways once again, along with the rest of his twisted clan, including the equally disturbed Chop-Top. This time, the masked killer has set his sights on pretty disc jockey Vanita "Stretch" Brock, who teams up with Texas lawman Lefty Enright to battle the psychopath and his family deep within their lair, a macabre abandoned amusement park.
Ong Bak 2
Moments from death a young man is rescued by a renowned warrior. Realizing unsurpassed physical potential in the young boy he trains him into the most dangerous man alive. As he becomes a young man he goes on a lone mission of vengeance against the vicious slave traders who enslaved him as a youth and the treacherous warlord who killed his father.
Four Harlem friends -- Bishop, Q, Steel and Raheem -- dabble in petty crime, but they decide to go big by knocking off a convenience store. Bishop, the magnetic leader of the group, has the gun. But Q has different aspirations. He wants to be a DJ and happens to have a gig the night of the robbery. Unfortunately for him, Bishop isn't willing to take no for answer in a game where everything's for keeps.
デスノート the Last name
月はキラ対策本部に参入することに成功し、月とLの壮絶な頭脳戦が始まった。 一方、別の死神レムのデスノートを手に入れた少女・弥海砂(あまね ミサ)が現れる。海砂は、自らの寿命の半分と引き換えに、顔を見るだけで相手の名前と寿命が見える死神の目を得て、自身を「第2のキラ」と称してキラを否定する者を消し去っていく。
Monroe Hutchens is the heavyweight champion of Sweetwater, a maximum security prison. He was convicted to a life sentence due to a passionate crime. Iceman Chambers is the heavyweight champion, who lost his title due to a rape conviction to ten years in Sweetwater. WHen these two giants collide in the same prison, they fight against each other disputing who is the real champion.
Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker that requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.
ポリス・ストーリー2 九龍の眼/クーロンズ・アイ
正義感からの行き過ぎ捜査で、交通整理係に降格になったチェン刑事。今日もかつて自分が逮捕した悪人チュウの汚い挑発に熱くなり、大乱闘を起こしてしまった。署長から休暇を言い渡されたチェン刑事は、売り言葉に買い言葉で辞表を提出。恋人メイとバリ旅行を計画するが、たまたま立ち寄ったショッピング・センターで爆破事件に遭遇。休暇を返上し、不動産企業を脅迫する爆弾魔一味を追い詰める。 「香港国際警察 NEW POLICE STORY」で再始動したジャッキー・チェンの代表作となる人気シリーズ第2弾。恋人役マギー・チャンとの愉快な掛け合い、ダイナミックな爆破シーンなど、前作からパワーアップした見どころ満載な作品。
相変わらず組織から理解されずにいたジェームズ・ボンドは、将来を誓い合いながらもヴェネツィアで死んだ英国金融活動部(FATF)のヴェスパーを操っていた男、「ミスター・ホワイト」を唯一の手掛かりとしてその背後にある組織を探っていた。 場所はイタリアの古都シエーナ。ボンドはアストンマーチン・DBSで謎の組織の構成員が操るアルファロメオ・159と激しいカーチェイスを繰り広げた末、何とか銃撃をかわしてミスター・ホワイトを「M」のもとに連行するも尋問中に仲間内で突然の裏切りが起こる。結局、ミスター・ホワイトは裏切り者の手引きにより逃走、ボンドは裏切り者を追跡の末、生け捕りにせず殺してしまう。
ダミアンは彼の養父母の死後、ロバート・ソーンの弟リチャード夫妻に引き取られ養子として暮らしていた。 ダミアンはリチャードの子マークと共に陸軍士官学校へ通い始める。ダミアンの正体を探る神父ブーゲン ハーゲンよりダミアンの正体を知ったリチャードの伯母はダミアン殺害を謀るが惨たらしく事故死してしまう。 この頃から再びダミアン以外のソーン一族が変死しはじめるのだった。ダミアン自身も自分の周りで起こる怪異や 自分に備わっていく不思議な力に戸惑い悩んでいくが、行く先々で彼に尊敬の念を持つ狂信的な人々に支えられ て行く。ダミアンを引き取ってから周りで起こる怪異に、伯母がかつて言っていたダミアンのばかげた正体 に確信を得るためブーゲンハーゲン神父を尋ねるリチャードだったが神父は既に亡くなっており彼の遺品を 調べていくなかで恐ろしいダミアンの正体を信じることとなってしまう。
Once an architect, Frank Bannister now passes himself off as an exorcist of evil spirits. To bolster his facade, he claims his "special" gift is the result of a car accident that killed his wife. But what he does not count on is more people dying in the small town where he lives. As he tries to piece together the supernatural mystery of these killings, he falls in love with the wife of one of the victims and deals with a crazy FBI agent.
テキサスチェーンソー ビギニング
1939年8月、一人の赤ん坊が食肉処理工場の血まみれの床で生まれた。その子は生まれながらの奇形児で、生肉の包装紙に包まれ、すぐにゴミ箱に捨てられた。たまたまゴミを漁っていた女に拾われた赤ん坊はトーマスと名付けられ、女の家族ヒューイット家で育てられる。 トーマスは6歳のとき、自傷性の変性顔面異常症と診断されるが、その頃から動物を殺して解体するなど異常性が際立っていた。 やがて9歳から食肉処理工場で働き始めた彼は、30歳のとき食肉処理工場が閉鎖されたショックから工場長をハンマーで殴り殺してしまう。住む土地に異常な執着を持つヒューイット家は、逮捕に来た地元の保安官を殺害し、その人肉を食卓に並べた。かくしてヒューイット一家の殺戮が始まった。 ある男女4人が交通事故に合い、内3名が保安官の格好をしたホイト・ヒューイットのパトカーに拘束されヒューイット家の自宅に連れて行かれてしまう。そこには冷酷な殺人鬼と変貌しつつあるレザーフェイス(トーマス)が待ち構えていた。
A sheriff's deputy fights an alternate universe version of himself who grows stronger with each alternate self he kills.


Sijjin 2
While maintaining a happy marriage with Adnan Hijri 2-year-old son lost their lives in an accident will be picked up. They had continued to live in the same home are no longer strangers. Hicran on top of it also begins to live that can not be explained by events in psychology is further distorted. Eventually a woman goes to a teacher and her second blood "41 stitches" learned that they called a spell. Known as the most powerful magic of "41 stitches magic" it can be made ​​in 41 different faith. Hicran magic is to find the person who intends to solve and 41 from the intent of which is essential for learning. This search will bring face to face the facts could not even imagine it.
Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this so that she and Kudret will be together. However, she is not prepared for the evil that this spell unleashes.
Sijjin 3: The Forbidden Love
Growing up, siblings Sedat and Kahder live a happy life with their childhood friend Orhan. The trio's kinship is further strengthened by the union of Orhan and Kahder in a holy matrimony. However, when the siblings are involved in a fateful accident, Orhan's faith is put to the test in his desperate attempt to save his sanity by making a deal with the devil, all in the name of love.