
China's Lost Pyramids (2010)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー

上映時間 : 50分

演出 : Steven R. Talley


In China, there exists an astonishing place. A burial ground to rival Egypt’s Valley of the Kings, where pyramid tombs of stupendous size are full of astonishing riches. In 221 BC, China's first Emperor united warring kingdoms into a nation that still exists today. To memorialise this achievement, he bankrupted the national treasury and oppressed thousands of workers to build one of the world’s biggest mortuary complexes. China's second dynasty, the Han, inherited the daunting challenge of building larger tombs to command respect and establish their right to rule without running the nation into the ground. Although no Han emperor's tomb has been opened, the tombs of lesser Han aristocrats have revealed astonishing things: complete underground palaces (including kitchens and toilets) and at least one corpse so amazingly well-preserved some believe Han tomb-builders knew how to "engineer immortality".


Craig Parker
Craig Parker


Steven R. Talley
Steven R. Talley
Steven R. Talley
Steven R. Talley
Cameron Crawford
Cameron Crawford
Steven R. Talley
Steven R. Talley
Alex Stoloff
Alex Stoloff
Original Music Composer
Joel Peterson
Joel Peterson
Camera Operator
Giles Pike
Giles Pike
Camera Operator
Brent Nazaroff
Brent Nazaroff
Sound Recordist
Suzanne Lloyd
Suzanne Lloyd
Production Manager
Nikki Stirling
Nikki Stirling
Production Coordinator
Mark Orton
Mark Orton
Katie Brockie
Katie Brockie
Andrew Waterworth
Andrew Waterworth
Executive Producer
Madeleine Carter
Madeleine Carter
Executive Producer


レッドクリフ Part I
三国時代の中国。漢の丞相の曹操(のちの魏の礎を築いた)は、北部を平定した後、南部も制圧するために兵を進める。その目的は、天下統一に邪魔な劉備・孫権の抹殺だけでなく、今は周瑜の妻となった天下一の美人小喬の奪取にもあった。荊州にいた劉備軍は南下して軍を立て直そうとするが、途中の当陽県長坂にて追いつかれ、敗走する。 夏口へ逃げた劉備は、部下の諸葛亮(孔明)の提案に従い、孔明を孫権(のちに呉を建国)のもとへ派遣する。孔明は孫権の総司令である周瑜と意気投合し、2つの勢力は共に曹操と戦う同盟を結ぶ。孫権は数万の軍勢を派遣し、劉備軍とともに長江の赤壁付近で曹操軍と相対し、両者互いに決戦のために水軍と陸軍を動かすのだった。
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