
Midnight Crazy Trail (2018)

ジャンル : アニメーション

上映時間 : 24分

演出 : Kazushige Yusa


Shout and Crunchy are "trash throw away-ers" who work in the dead of night. Makina is a 16-year-old witch who has come to the world of humans and to London to study for one year about how to become a proper bride. But Makina searches for Shout and Crunchy, and begs them to throw away her "Witch's Book." Truthfully, Makina wants to quit being a witch and become a normal girl, and the book is just a hindrance. But the book is not something one can simply just throw away.



Kazushige Yusa
Kazushige Yusa
Shinichi Watanabe
Shinichi Watanabe
Storyboard Artist


「ここがどこなのか、という問いにはお答えできません」 「これよりお二人にはゲームをして頂きます」 「ゲームは命をかけて行なって頂きます」 「そして、ゲームが終わるまで当店から出ることはできません」 強制的にルールを課せられた男二人。 やがて剥き出しになっていく人間の本性。 デスゲームの果てに待ち受けるものは?
Buta the sword for hire is recruited by the Tufugu Pirates on their voyage to seek a stockpile of treasure. On board he discovers a child Kitsune locked away below deck. After some misunderstandings and with the promise of more money, the two of them go on their own adventure.
Wardrobe Dwellers
The mother of an office lady sends her an old dresser. It's much too big for her small apartment, and the receiver is confused on what to do with it. One night she falls asleep after having a few drinks and wakes up after hearing strange sounds. She sees a child's figure by the table eating some rice crackers just before it slips into the wardrobe, but the wardroebe appears to be empty... Thus her life with six spirit children begins. Submitted by Production I.G for the initial Young Animator Training Project.
黒の栖 -Chronus-
Dudu the Floatie
Papa has long promised his daughter Mika that he will take her to the beach during summer vacation, but as a golf caddy he keeps getting called into work when the weekend rolls around. This time, she even had a new inflatable toy she wanted to bring to share with her father and go swimming in the ocean together: A dugong she names Dudu. Unbeknownst to her, her father is very afraid of the water due to a childhood incident.
万能野菜 ニンニンマン
小学2年生のまりちゃんは、ニンジン、ピーマン、牛乳が大嫌いで、食べると気絶してしまうほどだ。ある日、苦手な食べ物をムリヤリ食べたら、ニンニンマン、ぴーマン、ミルクたち、ヘンテコな《お化け》が現れた! ニンニンマンたちはノリのいい魔法を使って、まりちゃんのトラブルを解決しようと活躍する。はたしてまりちゃんは、気まずくなってしまった親友のモモちゃんと仲直りができるのだろうか?
アルヴ・レズル -機械仕掛けの妖精たち-
西暦二〇二二年。神経細胞を模した極微細無線通信装置「ナーヴセラー・リンカー・ナノマシン(NLN)」が完成。NLNにより、意識とネットワークをシームレスにリンクさせることを可能にした。 だが、人と機械の垣根を崩すその技術は、数万もの人の意識をネットワークの彼方へと喪わせる災厄「アーリー・ラプチャー」を引き起こし――。
The son of a samurai who lost his parents during the attack of English ships on a Japanese town is given the name Ryo and becomes the bodyguard of Ryoma Sakamoto, a man who has his own plan to fight for the country.
Red Ash: Gearworld
In a futuristic world, the "Nanorace," people whose genes contain nanomachines that grant them special abilities, are controlled and suffer prejudice from the "Purerace" of normal human beings. Beck, a legendary hunter with the power of "Red Ash," aims to undergo the surgical procedure to become Purerace. Alongside the large yet timid mechanic Tyger, they use their parallel machine to fly to the old world, doing dangerous jobs. One day, they suddenly run into Call, a girl pursued by the duo of Safari and Stripe. Call, Beck, and Tyger together travel to the clockwork world. But Safari, Stripe, and their leader Deny, stubbornly pursue Call, and are finally in a position to make their attack on Beck and his friends.
小学3年生の姫乃が田舎の大きな屋敷に引っ越してきた。 しかし、そこはなんと忍者屋敷だった! 炎を操る赤巻、水回り担当の青巻、日曜大工担当の黄色巻。 忍者たちは、姫乃を姫と勘違いして、 それぞれの得意ワザでこじんまりと問題を解決していく。 しかし、忍者の力はそれだけではなかった。 青巻と黄色巻の分身が合体して混ざると緑巻が、 同様に赤巻と青巻で紫巻が、赤巻と黄色巻で橙巻が誕生するのだ! そんな色とりどりの忍者たちとの不思議な生活が始まる一方で、屋敷に近づくのは巨大な竜巻。姫乃一家はどうなるのか!? カラフル忍者は姫乃を守ることができるのか!?
Grandfather's Lamp
A boy finds a strange object while playing hide-and-seek. His grandfather tells him the story of his own youth, and the important role the old lamp played. This story is about the modernization of Japan and the changes that came with it.
Midnight Crazy Trail
Shout and Crunchy are "trash throw away-ers" who work in the dead of night. Makina is a 16-year-old witch who has come to the world of humans and to London to study for one year about how to become a proper bride. But Makina searches for Shout and Crunchy, and begs them to throw away her "Witch's Book." Truthfully, Makina wants to quit being a witch and become a normal girl, and the book is just a hindrance. But the book is not something one can simply just throw away.
地球は20世紀以降、数百年に亘る自然破壊や生態系破壊、核や生物兵器などを使用した戦争により、大地が汚染や崩壊で荒廃し、大多数の動植物が死滅していった。そして、地球史上6度目の大量絶滅‘ビッグシックス’を迎えた。 そんな中、人間は空中に都市を建設し、絶滅寸前の動物達を移住させ、種の保存を試みた。空高くに隔離されたこの空中都市では、長い年月をかけて動物達が進化を遂げた。人工的な遺伝子交配を経て進化した彼らは、言語を獲得し、二足歩行をする特殊な生命体として文明を築き始め、何不自由なく幸せな暮らしを営むまでに発展を遂げた。もはや、下界の存在を思う者は居なくなっていた―― ある日、一粒の植物の種が空中都市に紛れこんでくる。種を拾った空中都市の子供達は、外の世界を覗いてみたいという衝動を抑えられなくなり、まだ見ぬ世界へ冒険に出ることを決意した。 ひとたび地上に降りると、決して戻れないということを知らずに……
キズナ 一撃
Kizuna Todoroki is a young girl who fights using the teachings of the Wadachi Ju-ken school. After winning a big martial arts tournament and cash prize, Kizuna's family are visited by a woman journalist for an interview but are interrupted by a new group of challengers. Studio Ascension's entry for the initial Young Animator Training Project.