
Les Municipaux (Ces héros) (2018)

ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Éric Carrière, Francis Ginibre



Éric Carrière
Éric Carrière
Francis Ginibre
Francis Ginibre
Bruno Lochet
Bruno Lochet
Sophie Mounicot
Sophie Mounicot
Lionel Abelanski
Lionel Abelanski
Le maire
Marthe Villalonga
Marthe Villalonga
Maman de Gilbert
Eric Delcourt
Eric Delcourt
Annie Grégorio
Annie Grégorio
La boulangère
Bérénice Maugat
Bérénice Maugat
Sandra Jouet
Sandra Jouet
Julien Croquet
Julien Croquet
Yves Pujol
Yves Pujol
Patrick Chanfray
Patrick Chanfray
Angélique Panchéri
Angélique Panchéri
Nathalie Levy-Lang
Nathalie Levy-Lang
La femme du maire
Franck Migeon
Franck Migeon
Constance Pittard
Constance Pittard


Éric Carrière
Éric Carrière
Francis Ginibre
Francis Ginibre
Éric Carrière
Éric Carrière
Jean-Claude Aumont
Jean-Claude Aumont
Director of Photography


Roger Cobb is an author who has just separated from his wife. He moves into a new house and tries to work on a novel based on his experiences in the Vietnam War. Strange things start happening around him; little things at first, but as they become more frequent, Cobb becomes aware that the house resents his presence.
The Griswalds win a vacation to Europe on a game show, and so pack their bags for the continent. They do their best to catch the flavor of Europe, but they just don't know how to be be good tourists. Besides, they have trouble taking holidays in countries where they CAN speak the language.
『ミクロキッズ』で子どもたちをミクロ化し、『ジャイアントベイビー』では赤ん坊を巨大化させるなど、人類にとって意義あるはずの発明を次々と生み出しているにもかかわらず、なぜか結果として周囲を大パニックに陥らせてばかりいる天才科学者サリンスキー博士を主人公とした、『ミクロキッズ』シリーズの第3作。 今回は、ついに博士夫妻が友人夫婦まで巻き込んでミクロ化。 彼らにとって最大の脅威となるのはもはや巨人にしか見えない彼らの子どもたち。
ライオン・キング3  ハクナ・マタタ
Van Wilder has been attending college for far too many years and is scared to graduate, but Van’s father eventually realizes what is going on. When he stops paying his son's tuition fees, Van must come up with the money if he wants to stay in college, so he and his friends come up with a great fund-raising idea – throwing parties. However, when the college magazine finds out and reporter, Gwen is sent to do a story on Van Wilder, things get a little complicated.
Set in a world where superheroes are commonly known and accepted, young Will Stronghold, the son of the Commander and Jetstream, tries to find a balance between being a normal teenager and an extraordinary being.
When he finds out his longtime girlfriend is pregnant, a commitment-phobe realizes he might have to change his lifestyle for better or much, much worse.
天国から来たわんちゃん チャーリーのお話
1939年のアメリカルイジアナ州ニューオーリンズで雑種のシェパード犬チャーリーとブルドッグのカーフェイスは犬用カジノを経営していた。しかし儲けの半分を分けることに嫌気のさしたカーフェイスはチャーリーとその相棒であるダックスフンドのイッチーを嵌めて犬用の刑務所に収監させてしまう。 その後チャーリーとイッチーは脱獄に成功しカジノに舞い戻るが、カーフェイスに嵌められたと気付いていないチャーリーはカーフェイスの策略により車と共に川に突き落とされ死亡する。死んだチャーリーは犬の天国に行くが、カーフェイスに対する復讐の捻により死に切れず命の時計を奪い下界に舞い戻る。
101匹わんちゃんII パッチのはじめての冒険
ポンゴとパーディタの99匹の子犬たち。その内の一匹、パッチは兄弟にのけものにされ、親にも忘れられ、挙句の果てにはロンドンから農場への引っ越しの日にすら忘れ去られてしまう。 テレビ好きのパッチは、大好きな犬のヒーローのサンダーボルトの番組のオーディション会場へと向かい、遂にサンダーと仲良くなるのだが…。
When Mitchie gets a chance to attend Camp Rock, her life takes an unpredictable twist, and she learns just how important it is to be true to yourself.
Arthur is a 30-year-old child who will inherit $750 million if he complies with his family's demands and marries the woman of their choosing.
Gray Wheeler just lost everything. But it could be the best thing that ever happened to her. After the death of her fiancé, Gray moves in with her late love's best friends. While Sam and Dennis do their best to cheer Gray up, Fritz doesn't seem to care. Once Gray breaks through Fritz's defenses, however, she finally sees why her fiancé thought so highly of him. As they spend more time together, Gray learns that her chances for love have not died out with her fiancé. But when some surprise guests show up on their doorstep, it'll take the love of all of her new friends to help Gray learn that life may be messy, but love is messier.
Bachelor football star Joe Kingman seems to have it all. He is wealthy and carefree, and his team is on the way to capturing a championship. Suddenly, he is tackled by some unexpected news: He has a young daughter, the result of a last fling with his ex-wife. Joe must learn to balance his personal and professional lives with the needs of his child.
くまのプーさん ザ・ムービー/はじめまして、ランピー!
ある静かな朝のこと、100エーカーの森にラッパみたいな不思議な音が響き渡り、プーさんと仲間たちはびっくり。その音の正体は、世にも恐ろしい生き物と言われる“ズオウ”に違いありません。 みんなは“ズオウ”を捕まえる探検に出かけますが、危険すぎるからと置いてきぼりにされたルーは、ひとりで“ズオウ”を探すことに。すると、とっても人なつこくて遊ぶのが大好きなランピーという名の“ズオウ”の子どもに出会い、仲良しになります。ルーは、ランピーもみんなのことを怖いと思い込んでいることに気づき、仲良しになるためにランピーをズオウの谷から連れ出しますが・・・。
オープン・シーズン2 ペットVS野生のどうぶつたち


Les Municipaux : Trop c'est trop
The small port of Port-Vendres, rich of 280 municipal employees, is shaken by a rumor: the mayor, with the help of his head of department, enarque and Parisian, have a black design to reduce the number.
Gaston Lagaffe
Gaston is a new guy at the Peticoin start-up. With his delusional inventions, he will change the lives of his colleagues. Cat, seagull, cow, and gaffophone will be at the center of the mishaps of this genius laidback handyman who wants only to do good, but has the gift of annoying Prunelle, his boss. Can those Gaston's gaffes galore prevent the buy-out of the Peticoin by Mr. de Mesmaeker?
Family Is Family
Valentin D is a hot designer architect who claims to be an orphan because he is too ashamed to admit he is the son of working-class scrap metal merchants from the north of France.
Les Tuche 3
After a groundbreaking presidential election, Jeff Tuche becomes the new President of France and moves in the Elysee with his family to govern the country.
Finding Momo
One evening, when they come home, Mr. and Mrs. Prioux are astounded to find that a certain Patrick has moved into their place. This strange young man has returned home to his parents in order to introduce his wife.
The Tuche Family: The American Dream
Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.
The Visitors: Bastille Day
Stuck in the corridors of time, Godefroy de Montmirail and his faithful servant Jacquouille are projected to a time of profound political and social upheavals: the French Revolution... specifically, The Terror, time of great dangers, during which the descendants of Godefroy and Jacquouille had their castle and all their property confiscated by arrogant aristocrats, fleeing and lifes hanging by a thread.
Mr. Know-It-All
A football coach afraid of commitment has to take care of his nephew with Asperger's Syndrome.
Marry Me, Dude
Yassine asks his best friend Fred to marry him in order to avoid deportation...
The ambitious police officer Cruchot is transferred to St. Tropez. He's struggling with crimes such as persistent nude swimming, but even more with his teenage daughter, who's trying to impress her rich friends by telling them her father was a millionaire and owned a yacht in the harbor.
Jocelyn is a selfish and misogynist businessman. He tries to seduce a young pretty woman by pretending to be handicapped, till the day he meets her sister, who is also in a wheelchair.
Camping 3
Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...
Three childhood friends - Elise, Sonia and Cecile - leave for a summer in the South of France to help clear Cecile’s holiday house before it is put up for sale. There, they soon become the prime targets of three horny young men, for whom these single forty-year-old women are much more attractive than girls their age.
The sequel to The Visitors reunites us with those lovable ruffians from the French Medieval ages who - through magic - are transported into the present, with often drastic consequences. Godefroy de Montmirail travels to today to recover the missing family jewels and a sacred relic, guarantor of his wife-to-be's fertility. The confrontation between Godefroy's repellent servant Jack the Crack and his descendent, the effete Jacquart, present-day owner of the chateau, further complicates the matter.
Looking for Teddy
A father enlists the help of an airport employee on a quest to find his daughter's teddy.
The second installment of Gendarmes series, tells the story of Sergeant Cruchot, who, together with his faithful comrades, has been sent to the International Congress of Gendarmerie in N.Y.
The whole clique of Cruchot's police station is retired. Now he lives with his rich wife in her castle - and is bored almost to death. He fights with the butler, because he isn't even allowed to do the simple works. But when one of the clique suffers from amnesia after an accident, all of the others reunite and kidnap him, to take him on a tour to their old working places and through their memories. In their old uniforms they turn St. Tropez upside down.
The Gendarme Gets Married
The Saint-Tropez police launch a major offensive against dangerous drivers. Marechal Cruchot (Louis de Funès) relishes the assignment, which he pursues with a manic zeal. Cruchot is after an offending driver, who turns out to be Josépha (Claude Gensac), the widow of a highly regarded police colonel. When they meet, Cruchot falls instantly in love....
Cruchot's police office moves into a new building. They do not only get high tech equipment, but also four young female police officers to educate. All of them scramble to work with them -- and cause pure chaos while being distracted by the fine ladies. Then they get into real trouble when one after the other of their female colleagues is kidnapped.
This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.