Foreign Intrigue (1956)
Robert Mitchum is the hunted . . . Europe is the hunting ground !
ジャンル : スリラー
上映時間 : 1時間 35分
演出 : Sheldon Reynolds
Millionaire Victor Danemore, living on the French Riviera, dies suddenly of a heart attack. His secretary, Dave Bishop, wants to know more about his employer's life. Surprisingly, not even his young wife knows anything about her husband's background or how he earned his fortune. Clues lead Bishop to Vienna and Stockholm, where he learns that Danemore was blackmailing people who cooperated with the Nazis during World War II.
映画史に燦然と輝く名作として知られるキャロル・リード監督の傑作サスペンス。第2次大戦後のウィーンを舞台に、謎の死を遂げた友人の真相究明に奔走する男の姿を描く。 第2次大戦後のウィーンに、アメリカから友人ハリーを訪ねてやってきた作家ホリーは到着早々、ハリーが事故で死んだと知らされる。不審に思ったホリーは、事件の真相究明を決意。事故現場にいた3人のうち、身元の確認がとれない“第三の男”とは…。 イギリスの作家グレアム・グリーンの原作・脚本を、名匠キャロル・リード監督が光と影を効果的に使った映像美で描いた不滅の名作。アカデミー撮影賞、カンヌ映画祭グランプリ受賞。
Richard Hanney has a rude awakening when a glamorous female spy falls into his bed - with a knife in her back. Having a bit of trouble explaining it all to Scotland Yard, he heads for the hills of Scotland to try to clear his name by locating the spy ring known as The 39 Steps.
00メンバーらによるジブラルタルでのNATOの演習訓練中、「スパイに死を」との標札とともに、004が殺害された。訓練に参加していた007ことボンドは暗殺者を追跡。死闘の末に暗殺者を倒す。 その後、ボンドはソ連が支配する東側のチェコスロバキアにいた。ソ連の重要人物コスコフ将軍から、ボンドを名指ししての亡命の協力依頼が英国情報部に入りその任務のために現地へ潜入していた。先に潜入していた同僚のソーンダースとともに、クラシック演奏会場から脱出したコスコフを援護する。
ソ連崩壊前、ソ連の化学兵器工場に006ことアレックと共に侵入したボンドだったが、責任者のウルモフ大佐によりアレックが拘束されてしまう。ボンドはやむなく彼を見捨て秘密工場を爆破し、任務を達成した。 それから9年後。20世紀も終わりに近く、ソ連は既に崩壊していた。ボンドはモナコでロシアの犯罪組織「ヤヌス」のメンバーであるゼニアをマークしていたが、彼女と将軍になっていたウルモフは、対電磁波装甲を施したNATOの最新鋭戦闘ヘリコプター・タイガーを、デモンストレーションを行っていたフリゲート艦上から奪取・逃走する。 その後ゼニアとウルモフは、ロシアの秘密宇宙基地に現れ、ソ連時代の秘密兵器「ゴールデンアイ」を起動させ、兵士と職員を皆殺しにする。女性コンピューター技術士のナターリアは、奇跡的に生き残り脱出した。 ボンドは「ゴールデンアイ」とヤヌスの関係の手掛かりを求めてサンクトペテルブルクへ行き、そこで9年前殺されたはずのアレックと再会して、意外な真実を知る。
Freckles Winslow comes home from college and the sheriff accuses him of murder, gangsters put him on the spot, and his girl friend, Jane, falls in love with a confidence man.
As Long as You're Near Me (German: Solange Du da bist) is a 1953 West German drama film directed by Harald Braun. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
A section chief at the Bureau of Construction is in a shady relationship with a construction company. Then a new, young and honest subordinate is assigned to work under the section chief. Once he learns about the shady relationship, however, the new subordinate skillfully conceals the corruption and joins the corrupt, shady relationship.
Emily Russo and her son are victims of a carjacking that results in the Sam's death. No one believes that thugs dressed as cops are the perpetrators; in fact Emily is accused of committing the murder herself and inventing the carjacking story as a cover. On the run from the police, she tries to find and killers on her own and discovers that the crime might not have been as random as it first appeared.
A former American G.I. joins a yakuza family after his release from prison in post-World War II Osaka.
When Polly Fisher, a circus aerialist, is hurt while performing, she is taken to the house of a nearby minister, John Hartley. As she recuperates, they fall in love with each other and secretly marry. But when the truth leaks out , John's congregation rebels at having a circus woman as their minister's wife, and he is fired. Polly decides to leave John in hopes of giving back to him the calling that means so much to him. But fate steps in and rearranges all plans.
This story actually happened in the region around the city of Sumperk in Jeseniky Mountains in May 1945. The disappearance of Agnes, the German wife of a Czech forester Jan Olsan is a dark mystery. She is the only one who knows who and for what reason is looking for her. It's the end of the war, times are bad and the Czechs are coming back from the inland to the frontier. The guards are forming and soldiers are coming. Fate brings together the outlaw Jan and his German brother-in-law Jurgen who has just returned from the eastern front line. Both men are looking for exactly the same woman and that is Agnes. But Agnes escaped; she is running away through the deep woods followed by the most powerful man of the county. Running away for what she had witnessed. The fatality of the relationship between Agnes and Jan can only be learned in the mountains on this thorny journey.
An attorney is terrorized by the criminal he put away years ago when he was a cop.
One-armed war veteran John J. Macreedy steps off a train at the sleepy little town of Black Rock. Once there, he begins to unravel a web of lies, secrecy, and murder.
Based upon the final confession of Adolf Eichmann, made before his execution in Israel, of his role in Hitler's plan for the final solution.