An up-and-coming journalist finds his world and faith increasingly challenged when he's granted the interview of a lifetime – with someone who claims to be God.
Three well-off young men—former students at Rome’s prestigious all-boys Catholic high school San Leone Magno—brutally tortured, raped, and murdered two young women in 1975. The event, which came to be known as the Circeo massacre, shocked and captivated the country, exposing the violence and dark underbelly of the upper middle class at a moment when the traditional structures of family and religion were seen as under threat.
An action film about the ambitions, conspiracy, and betrayal of different organizations surrounding the life-changing project of building the largest resort in Gangneung.
歴史的なスキャンダルを映画化!衝撃の実話ミステリー。 リドリー・スコット監督がジョディ・カマー、マット・デイモン、アダム・ドライバー、ベン・アフレックという豪華キャストを迎え、実話を元に、歴史を変えた世紀のスキャンダルを描くエピック・ミステリー。《STORY》 中世フランス──騎士の妻マルグリットが、夫の旧友に乱暴されたと訴えるが、彼は無実を主張し、目撃者もいない。真実の行方は、夫と被告による生死を賭けた“決闘裁判”に委ねられる。それは、神による絶対的な裁き── 勝者は正義と栄光を手に入れ、敗者はたとえ決闘で命拾いしても罪人として死罪になる。そして、もしも夫が負ければ、マルグリットまでもが偽証の罪で火あぶりの刑を受けるのだ。 果たして、裁かれるべきは誰なのか?あなたが、 この裁判の証人となる。
Stéphane decides to move to the beautiful mountains of Cantal in order to reconnect with his 8-year-old daughter, Victoria, who has been silent since her mother's disappearance. During a walk in the forest, a shepherd gives Victoria a puppy named "Mystery" who will gradually give her a taste for life. But very quickly, Stéphane discovers that the animal is in reality a wolf… Despite the warnings and the danger of this situation, he cannot bring himself to separate his daughter from this seemingly harmless ball of hair.
Clémence, the fearless mayor of a town near Paris, is completing the final term of her political career. With her faithful right-hand man Yazid, she has long fought for this town plagued by inequality, unemployment and slumlords. However, when Clémence is approached to become Minister, her ambition arises, questioning her devotion and commitment to her citizens. Will her political integrity and election promises survive her newly found ambition?
Vic and Melinda Van Allen are a couple in the small town of Little Wesley. Their loveless marriage is held together only by a precarious arrangement whereby, in order to avoid the messiness of divorce, Melinda is allowed to take any number of lovers as long as she does not desert her family.
Julián is a successful video-game designer whose life is plagued by a dark secret. But when Diana pops up in his life, the man will feel as though a chance at happiness is within his grasp.
A young girl finds solace in her artist father and the ghost of her dead mother.
ある事情で家を出てきた17歳のユイと、 両親を事故で亡くしたショックで声を失った8歳のひより。 居場所を失った二人は、ふしぎなおばあちゃん・キワさんと出会い、 海を見下ろす岬に建つ、ふしぎな古民家 “マヨイガ”に住むことに。
After witnessing a haunting in their hospital, two doctors become dangerously obsessed with obtaining scientific proof that ghosts exist.
景部高等学校に転入してきた謎の美少女、シオン(cv土屋太鳳)は抜群の運動神経と天真爛漫な性格で学校の人気者になるが…実は試験中の【AI】だった! シオンはクラスでいつもひとりぼっちのサトミ(cv福原遥)の前で突然歌い出し、思いもよらない方法でサトミの“幸せ”を叶えようとする。 彼女がAIであることを知ってしまったサトミと、幼馴染で機械マニアのトウマ(cv工藤阿須加)、人気NO.1イケメンのゴッちゃん(cv興津和幸)、気の強いアヤ(cv小松未可子)、柔道部員のサンダー(cv日野聡)たちは、シオンに振り回されながらも、ひたむきな姿とその歌声に心動かされていく。 しかしシオンがサトミのためにとったある行動をきっかけに、大騒動に巻き込まれてしまう――。 ちょっぴりポンコツなAIとクラスメイトが織りなす、ハートフルエンターテイメント!
While visiting her fiancé's mother in southern Italy, a woman must fight the mysterious and malevolent curse intent on claiming her daughter.
A Texan traveling across the wild West bringing the news of the world to local townspeople, agrees to help rescue a young girl who was kidnapped.
After failing to make it on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly begins training a misfit group of young dancers for a competition.