
Royal Hearts (2018)

ジャンル : テレビ映画, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 24分

演出 : James Brolin


Kelly, a hopeless romantic in Montana eager to finish her dissertation, and her father, Hank, a rancher, receive news that he has inherited an estate from a faraway land. When they travel there, they discover that Hank has not only inherited the estate, but the title that goes along with it – KING!


James Brolin
James Brolin
Hank Pavlik
Cindy Busby
Cindy Busby
Kelly Pavlik
Andrew Cooper
Andrew Cooper
Lachlan Nieboer
Lachlan Nieboer
King Nikolas
Martin Wimbush
Martin Wimbush
Howard Crossley
Howard Crossley
Jeremy Colton
Jeremy Colton
Glynis Barber
Glynis Barber
Olivia Niță
Olivia Niță
Claudiu Trandafir
Claudiu Trandafir
Nicholas Aaron
Nicholas Aaron


James Brolin
James Brolin
Robin Jill Bernheim
Robin Jill Bernheim
Kerry Lenhart
Kerry Lenhart
John J. Sakmar
John J. Sakmar
Brad Krevoy
Brad Krevoy
Executive Producer
Carolyn McLeod
Carolyn McLeod
Luminita Lungu
Luminita Lungu
Costume Designer
John R. Graham
John R. Graham
Charles Norris
Charles Norris
Sorin Dima
Sorin Dima
Production Design
Phil Parmet
Phil Parmet
Director of Photography
Vince Balzano
Vince Balzano
Associate Producer
Molly Brolin
Molly Brolin
Associate Producer
Amy Krell
Amy Krell
John J. Sakmar
John J. Sakmar
Co-Executive Producer
Kerry Lenhart
Kerry Lenhart
Co-Executive Producer
Eric Jarboe
Eric Jarboe
Executive Producer
Amanda Phillips Atkins
Amanda Phillips Atkins
Executive Producer
Jimmy Townsend
Jimmy Townsend
Executive Producer
James Brolin
James Brolin
Executive Producer
Scott Hart
Scott Hart
Executive Producer
Robin Jill Bernheim
Robin Jill Bernheim
Co-Executive Producer


The Prince & Me: A Royal Honeymoon
At last! The newly crowned King of Denmark, Edward, and his wife and Queen, Dr. Paige Morgan, find time to fly to Belavia for their secret honeymoon. What better way to spend the Christmas holidays than at a fabulous ski resort? But as they take a tour of Belavia's natural beauty, Eddie and Paige discover that the evil Prime Minister Polonius has given orders to bulldoze the precious forests - to drill for oil. Then, the couple bump into Paige's ex-boyfriend, Scott. Eddie immediately becomes jealous - furthermore he suspects Scott cannot be trusted. Paige and Eddie must do everything they can to save the forest, even if it means putting aside their honeymoon.
砂漠の真ん中に聳え立つ孤城に、ひとりの王が住んでいた。その名も、国王シャルル5+3+8=16世。わがままで疑心暗鬼の王は、手元のスイッチ一つで、気に障る臣下を次々に「処分」していった。 望みさえすれば、なにものでも手に入れることが出来るはずの王シャルルは、ひとりの美しい羊飼い娘に片思いをしている。 城の最上階に隠された秘密の部屋の壁に掛かった一枚の絵の中にその娘はいて、隣合わせた額縁の中の煙突掃除屋の少年と深く愛し合っていた。 嫉妬に狂う王を後に、ふたりは絵の中から抜け出し、一羽のふしぎな鳥の助けを借りて城からの脱出を試みる。
スーパーマリオ 魔界帝国の女神
6500万年前、巨大隕石の落下によって、恐竜世界と人間世界が2つに引き裂かれた。絶滅したと思われていた恐竜は進化し、独自の世界を地下に作り上げていった。 そして現代のニューヨーク・ブルックリン。ある1人の女性が教会の前で何かを置きその場を去って行く。それは1つの大きな卵と小さな石。教会のシスター達はこれらを拾う。シスター達の前で何と卵から人間の赤ん坊が生まれた。更に20年の時が経った。ブルックリンで配管工の仕事を請け負うマリオとルイージの兄弟は、地下の下水路で化石発掘を行う調査チームのリーダーであるデイジーと知り合う。ある日、マリオとルイージはデイジー、マリオの恋人ダニエラと外食を楽しむ。食事後マリオ達と別れたダニエラが突然2人の謎の男に誘拐され、その次にデイジーも誘拐されてしまった。マリオ達は後を追い地下を訪れた。そこではデイジーが謎の入り口に引きずり込まれ、マリオ達もその入り口に飛び込んだ。その先には広大な地下空間に広がる恐竜人の帝国を発見した。デイジーを探してさ迷う2人に、地下帝国の王クッパの手が迫る。
強力なタラミス女王は、コナンに最愛の死の王国から彼女を返すことを約束しますが、条件を課します。彼女は、彼に貴重な石と美しい若い王女で覆われた伝説の角を持って来なければなりません。 コナンが無視しているのは、女王がホーンを使って眠っている神ダゴスを目覚めさせ、若い王女を犠牲にしたいということです。 致命的で超自然的な敵に直面したコナンは、タラミス、さらには神ダゴスさえも倒すために、善の力を召喚しなければなりません。
ライオン・キング3  ハクナ・マタタ
D’Artagnan’s Daughter
It is 1654, in the South of France. When horsemen follow a runaway slave into the convent where he's taken sanctuary and kill both the fugitive and the Mother Superior, they little realise that one of the novices is the spirited daughter of retired musketeer D'Artagnan.
The Prince & Me 2: The Royal Wedding
With just weeks before their royal wedding, Paige and Edvard find their relationship and the Danish monarchy in jeopardy when an old law is brought to light, stating that an unmarried heir to the throne may marry only a woman of noble blood or else he must relinquish his crown.
Queen Victoria 至上の恋
When Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert dies, she finds solace in her trusted servant, Mr. John Brown. But their relationship also brings scandal and turmoil to the monarchy.
ヴィクトリア女王 世紀の愛
Long ago in a land with an ailing king, there was a pair of boys who looked exactly alike, a pauper called Mickey and the other, the Crown Prince.
Sisi/Last Minute
The immature young ruler of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Franz Joseph, was extremely shy around women but (according to this film) was constantly being propositioned, lewdly or otherwise, by ambitious courtesans. When he was finally married to his Empress, the teen-aged Bavarian princess Sisi (Elizabeth), it seems that his relief knew no bounds, for he was now sure that he would never have to think about sex ever again. According to the filmmakers, this is the true history of that marriage. This story is a complete reversal of the romantic legend depicted in the popular 1955 film Sissi, which helped brighten the emerging stardom of Romy Schneider.
The Blue Light
Hans the farmer is drawn into war as a soldier. Returning from the front, having been defrauded of his pay by his own king, he makes his way home. On his trip, he encounters a witch who asks him to fetch the light from a spring. He keeps it when the witch tries to deceive him and he discovers her foul magic. When the light is ignited, a little man appears who must serve the owner of the light, but it only has power if the owner has faith in himself. His courage bolstered, Hans goes to the king once more to demand his wages be paid.
The Fifth Musketeer
King Louis XIV has without his knowledge a twin brother, Philippe, but when he is told, he immediately locks up his brother in the Bastille. The king wants to increase his popularity and stages an assassination against himself where Philippe is dressed as king Louis. But Philippe manages to escape the assassination and everybody believes him to be the real king...
Don Sallust is the minister of the King of Spain. Being disingenuous, hypocritical, greedy and collecting the taxes for himself, he is hated by the people he oppresses. Accused by The Queen, a beautiful princess Bavarian, of having an illegitimate child to one of her maids of honor, he was stripped of his duties and ordered to retire to a monastery.
はじまりの冒険者たち レジェンド・オブ・クリスタニア
The Prisoner of Zenda
Anthony Hope's classic tale gets a decidedly 'un-classic' treatment at the hands of Peter Sellers. Following the story somewhat, friends of the new King Rudolph of Ruritania fear for his life, and switch him with a look-a-like London cabby. Throw in two(!) lovely blondes, treachery, and a battle for life and honour, and enjoy life at its zaniest.
サンフランシスコで母親と2人で暮らすミアは冴えない女子高生。人前に立つことも運動も苦手で、地味で野暮ったい彼女をまともに相手にしてくれるのは親友のリリーとその兄のマイケルのみ。それでも消防署をリフォームした個性的な家で、奔放な画家の母と共に自由且つ幸せに暮らしていた。 そんなある日、ミアは、自分の亡き父フィリップが、ヨーロッパにあるジェノヴィア(架空の国、スペインとフランスの間にある小国の設定)の女王クラリスの息子であり、女王の孫である自分が唯一の王位継承者であることを知らされる。突然のことに、ミアは、事実を隠し続けて来た母にも、自分を王女としてジェノヴィアに連れて行こうとする祖母にも反発する。それでも、王位継承とは別に、王女としてのお披露目となる舞踏会に出席するために「プリンセス教育」を受けることを、ミアはしぶしぶ承諾するしかなかった。