
Alien Force (1996)

They're here... and they're fighting mad!

ジャンル : アクション, サイエンスフィクション

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Ron Ford


A meteor containing the souls of billions of alien predators crashes on Earth. The alien ruler who encased the evil souls in the meteor sends his top warrior to Earth to find the meteor before his evil rival finds it and uses it to destroy Earth.


Tyrone Wade
Tyrone Wade
Roxanne Coyne
Roxanne Coyne
Burt Ward
Burt Ward
Omnipresent Praxima
Michael Wayne
Michael Wayne
FBI Agent Jack Vincent
Valerie Belardinelli
Valerie Belardinelli
FBI Agent Dana Harley
Jane Mun
Jane Mun
Ron Ford
Ron Ford
Troy Charles
Randal Malone
Randal Malone


Ron Ford
Ron Ford
Ron Ford
Ron Ford
Mark J. Gordon
Mark J. Gordon
Ron Ford
Ron Ford


War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave
Two years after the Martian invasion, George Herbert's worst fears are realized: The Aliens have returned. As a second wave of Martian walkers lay waste to what's left of Earth, an alliance of military forces prepares a daring attack on the Red Planet itself. Once again, the future of mankind hangs in the balance.
Daleks' Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.
Doctor Who and his companions are hurled into the future and make a horrifying discovery: the Daleks have conquered Earth! The metal fiends have devastated entire continents and turned the survivors into Robomen.
スターゲイト コンティニュアム
Attack from Space
The superhero Starman is sent by the Emerald Planet to protect Earth from belligerent aliens from the Sapphire Galaxy. The Sapphireans (or "Spherions") kidnap Dr. Yamanaka and force him to use his spaceship against the Earth.
Alien Hunter
Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.
The Day of the Triffids
After an unusual meteor shower leaves most of the human population blind, a merchant navy officer must find a way to conquer tall, aggressive plants which are feeding on people and animals.
Snow Devils
A heroic expedition braves snow-whipped precipices and discovers the dreaded humanoids. But wait – these are extraterrestrial yetis who zipped in from outer space to conquer Earth by melting the polar ice caps with high-energy proton fields. Will mankind be global-warmed into surrender?
Radar Men from the Moon
Commando Cody, 'Sky Marshal of the Universe', works with American scientists Joan Gilbert and Ted Richards in the development of a flying suit and a rocket to the Moon. When the nation's defences are being sabotaged and destroyed, Cody learns that an atomic-gun is being used and that the men on the moon are the culprits.
Alien Terror
In the late 1800's, Boris Karloff has discovered a way to use nuclear power. He creates a beam weapon and blows up a big rock. Outer space aliens are scared and one alien who looks a lot like James Cameron with a big fake nose only this one isn't fake lands and brings other aliens who take over the bodies of Karloff and his assistant. The assistant is a Jack the Ripper style killer who has done a few nasty murders which have riled the townsfolk. The body-snatched bodies become radioactive and start killing flowers and other stuff (but don't die themselves) and some stuff happens and in the end Karloff destroys the beam weapon equipment (and his lab and house), then the aliens leave and warn us that if anyone ever does it again there will be trouble.
The story is based around "spermulites", the alien inhabitants of a dying planet. The only way they can save their planet is by sucking the men of planet earth dry of sperm, kind of like horny vampires.
The Man from Planet X
While watching for a planet that may collide with earth, scientists stationed in Scotland are approached by a visitor from outer space.
スターウォーズブームの中製作された、映画「海底軍艦」の宇宙版リメイク。1980年代、世界各地でUFO騒ぎがおき、また電波障害により大混乱が発生した。これを宇宙からの侵略の前兆と捉えた国連宇宙局・宇宙防衛軍 (UNSF) は、宇宙防衛艦の設計建造を滝川正人に依頼、一方で隊員の訓練を開始した。しかし次第にその騒ぎは収まり、滝川は平和な地球には必要ないとして宇宙防衛艦の建造を中止、退任してしまった。 1988年秋、再びUFO騒動と大規模な通信障害が発生。国連宇宙局の三好は宇宙防衛艦「轟天」を完成させる使命を帯び、滝川を説得するため日本に帰還する。滝川は消極的だったが、彼を暗殺しようとした刺客から三好、室井、冬木によって救われる。さらに、宇宙ステーション・テラが「巨大なローマ船」という通信を残して爆発。国防軍は滝川に轟天の建造の再開と乗員の編成を要請する。 敵のUFOヘル・ファイターによって世界各地の大都市と地上の国連軍基地が壊滅状態となる中、滝川は隊員達を再招集、太平洋マウグ島で轟天の完成を急ぐ。侵入した工作員の妨害も排除しつつ轟天は完成、地球上を飛び回っていたヘル・ファイターを全滅させ、侵略軍の前線基地がある金星へと進撃を開始する。しかしその途中、三笠の遺体に扮して侵入した敵兵によって滝川の娘・ジュンが拉致されてしまう。三好は冬木達とともに、敵艦の心臓部爆破とジュンの救出のため大魔艦に潜入する。
Atomic Rulers
Super criminals are planning to infiltrate Earth with mass nuclear destruction! Only Starman can defend civilization by thwarting evil!
Terminal Invasion
Aliens in human disguise commandeer a rural airport during a snowstorm. To survive, the people trapped inside must determine which of their own is not of this Earth.
Scientists investigate a huge meteor that crashes into the ocean off Mexico, and encounter a skyscraper-tall, mobile machine which is designed to syphon energy from earth, including any energy directed at it in an effort to destroy it.