
Christabel (2018)

Darkness can hide in beauty.

ジャンル : ファンタジー, ロマンス

上映時間 : 1時間 53分

演出 : Alex Levy Heller


A new look at the poem, "Christabel" (1816), by the British S. T. Coleridge. The only daughter of a rural worker, Christabel meets Geraldine, a mysterious woman who claims to have been attacked by men and needs help. In her innocence and purity, Christabel welcomes Geraldine into her father's house. From then on, the two protagonists relate in a way that Geraldine has a great influence on Christabel, destabilizing her convictions and promoting rupture of the traditions, but that bring a feeling of passion and freedom never experienced by her. In this adaptation, instead of England, the history takes place in the rural zone, in the middle of the closed Goian; The character Geraldine is a mysterious, free and independent woman who appears to swing the established structure and pre-framed relationships, which weigh on Christabel and her father.


Mila Fernandez
Mila Fernandez
Lorena Castanheira
Lorena Castanheira
Camila Molica
Camila Molica
Julio Adrião
Julio Adrião
Alexandre Rodrigues
Alexandre Rodrigues


Alex Levy Heller
Alex Levy Heller


This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last rays of light fade, the town is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires bent on an uninterrupted orgy of destruction. Only the small town's husband-and-wife Sheriff team stand between the survivors and certain destruction.
Jonathan Harker, a real estate agent, goes to Transylvania to visit the mysterious Count Dracula and formalize the purchase of a property in Wismar. Once Jonathan is caught under his evil spell, Dracula travels to Wismar where he meets the beautiful Lucy, Jonathan's wife, while a plague spreads through the town, now ruled by death.
Although deeply in love with her boyfriend — and indeed sleeping in the same bed with him — a schoolteacher cannot handle the almost complete lack of intimacy he will allow. Increasingly frustrated, she gradually finds her sexual appetites leading her into ever more risky situations, including a developing one with the headmaster.
After Sex アフターセックス
Sex is a background to examine intimacy and vulnerability. Looks at the complexity of modern day relationships told through eight separate couples. Through dialogue and compromising situations, the film takes us from the beginning of a relationship to the aftermath of one, and examines every stage in between seeing humor within the drama, heartache and confusion of it all.
Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town and work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a wolf-man and a bearded lady
ドラゴンボール 魔神城のねむり姫
亀仙人に弟子入りして稽古をつけて貰おうと、はるばるカメハウスまでやって来た孫悟空。同じ日、坊主頭の少年クリリンも弟子入りを目的にカメハウスまでやってくる。亀仙人は双方に弟子入りするための条件として、西の果てにある魔神城で数千年間眠り続けているという美女「ねむり姫」を連れてくることを提示する。早速自分が弟子入りを果たそうと、競い合いながら魔神城へ向かう2人。 その後久々に悟空に会いに来たブルマたちは、「スケベなお使い」を隠したい亀仙人から、悟空の行き先は遊園地だと伝えられる。一行は事実を知らないまま、遊園地があると聞かされた魔神城の方角へ悟空を追っていくのであった。 そしてその頃、金髪の謎の女性ランチも、「ねむり姫」のことを知り魔神城へと向かっていた。
The Little Vampire
Based on the popular books, the story tells of Tony who wants a friend to add some adventure to his life. What he gets is Rudolph, a vampire kid with a good appetite. The two end up inseparable, but their fun is cut short when all the hopes of the vampire race could be gone forever in single night. With Tony's access to the daytime world, he helps them to find what they've always wanted.
A respected priest volunteers for an experimental procedure that may lead to a cure for a deadly virus. He gets infected and dies, but a blood transfusion of unknown origin brings him back to life. Now, he’s torn between faith and bloodlust, and has a newfound desire for the wife of a childhood friend.
アンダーワールド ビギンズ
吸血鬼ハンターD ブラッドラスト
「貴族」マイエル=リンクが、都の名門エルバーン家の少女シャーロットを拉致する事件が発生した。エルバーン家は、"D"に加え、「貴族」たちでさえ恐れる凄腕のハンター一味・マーカス兄妹にもシャーロットの救出を依頼した。 "D"、マーカス兄妹、マイエル=リンクと彼が雇った怪物の用心棒「バルバロイの民」が入り乱れての追跡行の行きつく先、最終決戦の場は、悪名高い女「貴族」カーミラの居城であった。