天使 (2005)
ジャンル : ドラマ
上映時間 : 1時間 57分
演出 : Mayumi Miyasaka
脚本 : Satoko Okudera
One day, an angel materializes before Kato's eyes. While the angel seems like an average girl with a passion for gin and lime, she sports a pair of big white wings. Only lonely-hearted people can see her. She may seem ordinary, but this angel touches hearts and transforms lives.
When compulsive gambler Little Joe Jackson dies in a drunken fight, he awakens in purgatory, where he learns that he will be sent back to Earth for six months to prove that he deserves to be in heaven. He awakens, remembering nothing and struggles to do right by his devout wife, Petunia, while an angel known as the General and the devil's son, Lucifer Jr., fight for his soul.
Officer Ryotsu is ordered to team up with FBI agent Lisa Hoshino to find a terrorist who is currently in Tokyo. For an unknown reason, only buildings from the Shinatora corporation seem to be targeted by the mysterious Benten.
A trumpet player in a radio orchestra falls asleep during a commercial and dreams he's Athanael, an angel deputized to blow the Last Trumpet at exactly midnight on Earth, thus marking the end of the world.
Yota is a total loser with girls, one day after the love of his life, Moremi, confesses her love to his best friend, he comes across a video store. He finds a video and plays it on his broken VCR, bringing Ai Amano to life. She tries to help him win Moemi's heart, but falls in love with him instead.
Angelo dreams of creating a medicine that could cure his father’s illness. With some knowledge about medicinal herbs, he makes a living as a faith healer. Everyone believes him, except Cielo Delos Santos, a doctor who swears to do everything to uncover Angelo’s secret. Things get a little complicated when Angelito, an exiled angel comes down to earth to help Angelo become a better man. As the three of them try to achieve their own goals, they realize that they need each other more than they are willing to admit.
The story of two small town boys from different sides of the tracks: 1950's childhood and self-redemption. Young "Whitey" Black (so called because of a tuft of blanched hair on the left side of his head) lives in poverty with his single mother and ailing, four-year old sister, Sandy. Just across town, young Jerry Barlow lives the advantages of a middle class lifestyle with both parents and his younger brother. When mischief casts Whitey and Jerry into a shared paper route, Jerry quickly learns of Whitey's desire to buy his sister an angel doll for Christmas. Even though no such dolls exist in their hometown, Whitey, Jerry and a host of colorful characters set out in search of Sandy's gift. Along the way, reversals of fortune, theft, prejudice and, ultimately, the boy's friendship opens their eyes to the vastness of the small town around them.
魔力を持たない“能なし”ライガットは、士官学校時代の友人であるクリシュナ国王ホズルと王妃シギュンから隣国アテネス連邦による領内侵攻を知らされる。 その前線指揮官が、3人の親友・ゼスであることも。 王都で発掘された推定1000年前の古代巨兵(アンダー・ゴゥレム)にライガットが偶然乗り込んだとき、それは突如起動。圧倒的な力で石英を砕き、襲い来るアテネスのゴゥレム部隊と対峙することになるのだが…。
ゼス率いるワルキウレス部隊の襲撃に対し、クリシュナ軍は城内のゴゥレム部隊を集結させる。 この戦いがゼスの本意ではないと信じ、交渉のため単身出撃するライガット。 戦場で果たされる、旧友との4年ぶりの再会…。 だが、互いこそが兵を退くべきと譲らず、交渉は決裂。 アテネス・クリシュナ両軍を巻き込む戦闘へと発展してしまう。 辛うじて離脱したライガットはゼスの部下・リィと遭遇、一騎討ちを余儀なくされるのだが…。
親友ホズルの国を守るため、クリシュナ軍に正式に入隊したライガット。 同時にデルフィングの大改修が進められる。 リィを失ったワルキウレス部隊は復讐を誓い、ビノンテン第3次攻撃の準備を進めていく。 その動きを捉え、反攻に出るクリシュナ軍。 戦場で人の命を奪う覚悟を決められないまま、ゼスの駆るエルテーミスに突撃してゆくライガット。 一方アテネスでは?戦争の天才?と謳われたボルキュス将軍が動き始めていた…。
ルフィングを組み込んで編成された特別遊撃隊「ミレニル部隊」。 訓練中、部隊は先の戦闘で接収したエルテーミスに突如襲われる。 ゼスですら手こずった機体を易々と操縦したのは、バルド将軍の息子にして ミレニル部隊の隊員候補・ジルグであった。 隊員たちに動揺が走る中、ライガットは意外な行動に出る。 一方アテネスでは遂にボルキュス大隊が出陣。 迎え撃つバルド大隊との、雌雄を決する大衝突がいま幕を開ける!
アラカン荒野で激突したバルドとボルキュスの両大隊は、ともに多大な犠牲を払い、一時の退却を余儀なくされる。 厳しさを増す状況の中、敵部隊の一部がライガットの故郷を襲撃するという報せが入った。 弟・レガッツを救うべく、制止を振り切って単身急行するライガットだったが、村は既に襲撃され、しかも行く手にはボルキュスが待ち構えていた。 アテネス軍最強ゴゥレム・ヒュケリオン対デルフィングの一騎打ちが始まった……。
"Angels" is a trilogy. The three episodes featured in the movies are: "Angel of Mine", "Daddy's Angel" and "Angel of Love". "Angel of Mine,"
Battle Hymn was inspired by the true story of American minister Dean Hess, played here with rare sensitivity by Rock Hudson. A bomber pilot during World War II, Hess inadvertently releases a bomb which destroys a German orphanage. Tortured by guilt, Hess relocates in Korea after the war to offer his services as a missionary. Combining the best elements of Christianity and Eastern spiritualism, Hess establishes a large home for orphans. The preacher's efforts are threatened when the Korean "police action" breaks out in 1950.
A conflicted youth confesses to crimes he didn't commit while a man and woman aroused by death become obsessed with each other.