Dead by Dawn (2009)

Her Murder Was Just The Beggining

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 20分

演出 : Nigel Hartwell


A group of teenagers head out to a cottage to party hard, only to be murdered one by one by a vengeful soul that lives in the cottage.


Tiffany Edwardsen
Tiffany Edwardsen
Christopher Simis
Christopher Simis
Anthony Cortese
Anthony Cortese
Norman McIsaac
Norman McIsaac
Elise COrmode
Elise COrmode
Bill Lucas
Bill Lucas


Nigel Hartwell
Nigel Hartwell


A man who specializes in debunking paranormal occurrences checks into the fabled room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel. Soon after settling in, he confronts genuine terror.
The Fearless Vampire Killers
A noted professor and his dim-witted apprentice fall prey to their inquiring vampires, while on the trail of the ominous damsel in distress.
Two hapless freight handlers find themselves encountering Dracula, the Frankenstein Monster and the Wolf Man.
Blonde, bouncy Buffy is your typical high school cheerleader. But all that changes when a strange man informs her she's been chosen by fate to kill vampires.
Having just returned from a mission to Mars, Commander Ross isn't exactly himself. He's slowly becoming a terrifying alien entity with one goal -- to procreate with human women! When countless women suffer gruesome deaths after bearing half-alien offspring, scientist Laura Baker and hired assassin Press Lennox use Eve, a more tempered alien clone, to find Ross and his brood. Before long Eve escapes to mate with Ross.
13日の金曜日 PART6/ジェイソンは生きていた!
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that Jason Voorhees isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
マリーとアレックスは女友達同士。 勉強に専念するために、二人はアレックスの両親のいる田舎の一軒家に行く事にした。 それは周囲をトウモロコシ畑が取り囲む孤立した一軒家だった。 到着後アレックスの家族に挨拶したあと、自分にあてがわれた部屋にマリーはいた。 家の前にトラックがやってきて、車中から降り立った一人の男性が、ドアベルを鳴らし出した。
ある夏の午後、ショーバー一家は休暇を過ごすためにレンジローバーでクラシック音楽のクイズをしながら別荘に向かっていた。途中、隣人のベーリンガーと挨拶をかわす。そこには白いシャツと白いズボン、白い手袋を身に着けた2人組の見知らぬ男たちがいた。 別荘につくと妻アンナは夕食の支度に取りかかり、夫ゲオルクと息子は明日のセーリングの準備をはじめる。そこに、ベーリンガーの所にいた2人組の男のうちの1人が、卵がなくなったので譲ってほしいとアンナに話しかけてきた。 アンナはそれを受け入れて卵を渡すが、男は2度も落として割ってしまう。そして3度目の訪問時、態度を見かねたゲオルグに平手打ちを食わされた途端に男の態度は豹変し、近くにあったゴルフクラブでゲオルクの脚を殴りつけ、一家全員をソファーに縛り付ける。2人は悪びれた態度を微塵も見せず、くつろぐように家を占領し続けた。 夜になると、2人は一家に「明日の朝まで君たちが生きていられるか賭けをしないか?」と持ち掛ける。 こうして、残酷でおぞましいゲームの幕開けが告げられた。
スティーヴン・キング 痩せゆく男
An obese lawyer finds himself growing "Thinner" when an old gypsy man places a hex on him. Now the lawyer must call upon his friends in organized crime to help him persuade the gypsy to lift the curse. Time is running out for the desperate lawyer as he draws closer to his own death, and grows ever thinner.
13日の金曜日 PART7/新しい恐怖
A young girl who possesses the deadly power of telekinesis accidentally unchains the bloodthirsty Jason Voorhees from his watery grave.
13日の金曜日 PART8/ジェイソンN.Y.へ
Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which is soon transformed into the ultimate voyage of the damned.
Jason Voorhees, the living, breathing essence of evil, is back for one fierce, final fling! Tracked down and blown to bits by a special FBI task force, everyone now assumes that he's finally dead. But everybody assumes wrong. Jason has been reborn with the bone-chilling ability to assume the identity of anyone he touches. The terrifying truth is that he could be anywhere, or anybody. In this shocking, blood-soaked finale to Jason's carnage-ridden reign of terror, the horrible secret of his unstoppable killing instinct is finally revealed. And once you know the chilling facts, you'll see him in your nightmares! And he'll see you in hell!
ルール 封印された都市伝説
On a prom-night dare, a trio of high school friends chant an incantation, unleashing an evil spirit from the past with deadly consequences.
A young married couple becomes stranded at an isolated motel and find hidden video cameras in their room. They realize that unless they escape, they'll be the next victims of a snuff film.
In the sequel to Paul Verhoeven's loved/reviled sci-fi film, a group of troopers taking refuge in an abandoned outpost after fighting alien bugs, failing to realize that more danger lays in wait.
Poltergeist III
Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will Tangina be able, yet again, to thwart him?
スティグマータ 聖痕