
NYC: Tornado Terror (2008)

ジャンル : ドラマ, アクション, サイエンスフィクション, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Tibor Takács


An unexplained, local split in the atmosphere causes a series of total unpredictable, yet devastating tornadoes. Rookie fireman Brian Flynn gets trapped in the underground sewage with his girlfriend, deputy mayor James 'Jim' Lawrence and climatologist Dr. Cassie Lawrence's niece Lori. Mayor Leonardo of New York initially refuses to pay proper attention to the phenomenon, a 'reelection threat', so the alert status remains too low for long. Atypical lightning discovered inside tornadoes adds unprecedented dangers. The Lawrences and aeronautics renegade Dr. Lars Liggenhorn conceive a possible solution by launching rockets, but NASA's Dr. Quinn overrules them, imposing standard silver iodine.


Nicole de Boer
Nicole de Boer
Dr. Cassie Lawrence
Sebastian Spence
Sebastian Spence
James 'Jim' Lawrence
Jerry Wasserman
Jerry Wasserman
Mayor Leonardo
Winston Rekert
Winston Rekert
Dr. Lars Liggenhorn
Colby Johannson
Colby Johannson
Brian Flynn
Jill Morrison
Jill Morrison
Matthew Harrison
Matthew Harrison
Dr. Quinn
Paulo Ribeiro
Paulo Ribeiro
Jennifer Copping
Jennifer Copping
Maggie Flynn
Patricia Isaac
Patricia Isaac
Richard Ian Cox
Richard Ian Cox
Samantha Ferris
Samantha Ferris
Emy Aneke
Emy Aneke
Ken Hardsell
David Orth
David Orth
Tegan Moss
Tegan Moss
Lori Lawrence


Tibor Takács
Tibor Takács
T.S. Cook
T.S. Cook


NYC: Tornado Terror
An unexplained, local split in the atmosphere causes a series of total unpredictable, yet devastating tornadoes. Rookie fireman Brian Flynn gets trapped in the underground sewage with his girlfriend, deputy mayor James 'Jim' Lawrence and climatologist Dr. Cassie Lawrence's niece Lori. Mayor Leonardo of New York initially refuses to pay proper attention to the phenomenon, a 'reelection threat', so the alert status remains too low for long. Atypical lightning discovered inside tornadoes adds unprecedented dangers. The Lawrences and aeronautics renegade Dr. Lars Liggenhorn conceive a possible solution by launching rockets, but NASA's Dr. Quinn overrules them, imposing standard silver iodine.
A chunk of dark matter shoots right through earth, causing various worldwide disasters. A family in Los Angeles struggles to survive the ordeal.
National Geographic: Inside the Mega Twister
The tornado that struck El Reno, Oklahoma, on May 31, 2013, defined superlatives. It was the largest twister ever recorded on Earth.
Fast Sofa
Rick, a dope fiend, believes his goal in life is to track down Ginger, a famous porn star who is currently staying in her Beverly Hills hideaway. Rick is obsessed with Ginger, watches her movies obsessively, and deals drugs on the side, all to the chagrin of his lover Tamara. He decides to seek out Ginger while on the road, and along the way picks up Jules, a neurotic virgin.
2人の対照的な女性の間で現実と幻想が交錯し、謎が二転三転していくさまを、幾重もの仕掛けを張り巡らせミステリアスかつ官能的に描いたサスペンス・ドラマ。監督は「8人の女たち」のフランソワ・オゾン。出演はいずれもオゾン作品に出演歴のある「まぼろし」のシャーロット・ランプリングと「焼け石に水」のリュディヴィーヌ・サニエ。  創作活動に行き詰まっていたイギリスの女流ミステリー作家サラはある夏の日、出版社社長ジョンの勧めで南仏の彼の別荘を訪れる。そこは明るく静かで、誰にも邪魔されずに執筆できる最適な場所だった。しかし、サラがいよいよ仕事に取り掛かろうとした矢先、社長の娘ジュリーが別荘にやって来る。裸でプールを泳ぎ、毎夜男を連れ込んでは嬌声をあげるジュリーに苛立ち筆が進まないサラ。だがやがてサラは、ジュリーの若さと妖艶な振る舞いに強い刺激を受け、いつしか彼女をモデルに物語を紡ぎ始めるのだった…。
パティエンスフィリップス(ハル・ベリー)は、常に人々を喜ばせようとする従順な女性であり、専属のジョージヘダーレ(ランバートウィルソン)と彼の妻であるスーパーモデルローレル(シャロンストーン)が運営する巨大なヘダーレビューティ化粧品研究所のグラフィックデザイナーとして働いています。 恥ずかしがり屋の忍耐は、すぐに発売され、陰謀に関与している会社からの革新的なアンチエイジング製品に関する不吉な秘密を偶然知ります。 ちょうどその時、彼女は猫の強さ、速さ、敏ility性、鋭い感覚で生まれ変わって死から救われました。 キャットウーマンとしての復venの彼女の新しい人生で、彼女はオフィーリア・パワーズ(フランシス・コンロイ)という名前の神秘的な女性に導かれます。
Snakes on a Plane
America is on the search for the murderer Eddie Kim. Sean Jones must fly to L.A. to testify in a hearing against Kim. Accompanied by FBI agent Neville Flynn, the flight receives some unexpected visitors.


When miner Charley 'Boomer' Baxter sets off a series of massive mining detonations in West Virginia, a gigantic earthquake is soon rocking the North Atlantic, exposing a deep seismic fault that runs the length of the North American continent. Joining forces with government seismology expert Dr Amy Lane, Boomer must now race against time to stop the chasm that is threatening to tear America - and the entire world - in half.
Into the Inferno
With stunning views of eruptions and lava flows, Werner Herzog captures the raw power of volcanoes and their ties to indigenous spiritual practices.
When a commercial airliner is trapped within a ring of erupting volcanoes, the passengers and crew must find a way to survive - without landing.
Lava Storm
Lori and John Wilson, employees of an emergency response center, must find a way to survive the initial lava storms, to save John's father and their two teenage children. Even more importantly, they must find a way to slow the path of the lava storms, to give humankind the time to find a solution to this natural disaster, in order to save humanity and our Earth.
Meltdown is a action/adventure film about a FBI agent who goes deep undercover to bring down a crime syndicate. When his cover is blown the mob and FBI want him dead. His only hope of survival is a female agent who is willing to break the rules to help save his life. Out numbered and out gunned it is a deadly fight to the finish.
Meltdown: Days of Destruction
Despite scientist Nathan's warnings, his boss continues an experiment meant as publicity for his satellite firm: exploding an asteroid. Instead it splits, and the major piece, the size of Iceland, changes course to earth. It is deflected but so close that it shift our course closer to the sun, causing rapid extreme heating, hopefully only mid-term. Nathan warns his sister, TV journalist Carly, and she her lover, police detective Tom. He brings his unruly daughter Kim, her ex-con lover C.J. and her mother, nurse Bonnie, when Nathan offers a flight to a friend's Arctic weather station. Tom takes charge of a dangerous trip to the airport, as everywhere on earth things catch fire and people fight for water, transport and sheer looting.
Magma: Volcanic Disaster
When a volcano expert becomes convinced that a cataclysmic natural disaster is about to unfold, a volcanologist Professor John Shepherd and his graduate students believes that recent unexplainable volcanic activity as all of the volcanoes in the world are going to erupt and kill every living thing on the planet! They try to convince the government that their theory is true not a joke while also trying to figure out how to stop it before time runs out!
Disaster Zone: Volcano in New York
Illegal experimentation accidentally rips open a previously unknown hidden magma reserve directly under Manhattan!
Global Meltdown
A helicopter pilot and an environmental scientist lead a exodus of survivors in a search for a safe haven after a catastrophic tectonic event causes the crust of the earth to break apart.
Miami Magma
Antoinette Vitrini, a volcanologist, confirms her theory of a long-dormant underground volcano after an offshore-drilling rig bursts into flames. Now, she must stop catastrophic amounts of magma from pumping out right under Miami, Florida.
10.0 Earthquake
Los Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.
世界初の火山テーマパーク「天火島リゾート」。 そこでは、活火山を間近で感じ未体験のスリルが楽しめる。 しかし、賑わう人々の真下では、マグマが目覚めようとしていた。 そして今、史上最大の大噴火の時が近づく―。 迫り来る火砕流!!降り注ぐ火山弾!! 孤島のテーマパークが、紅蓮の地獄と化す―。
Super Eruption
A Yellowstone National Park scientist and a thrill-seeking ranger join forces to plug-up a volatile super volcano that threatens to wipe out the entire United States.
Nature Unleashed: Earthquake
An earthquake destroys a Russian Nuclear Power plant.
With the discovery of an incoming asteroid, the government of America formulate a plan to destroy it. When the plan fails, all the world can do is wait. The main impact zone is revealed to be Dallas, Texas. Generally, the plot follows the lives and reactions of several characters: an astronomer, her father, her son, two firefighters from Kansas, two young doctors in Dallas and the heads of the government agency in charge of the situation.
Eruption: LA
Struggling screenwriter Josh Kendricks finds himself the star of his own disaster movie when super volcanoes begin erupting all over Los Angeles Now Josh, along with wacko-scientist-turned-novelist Quinn Irwin and Hollywood diva Kat Rivers, must band together to get Quinns' research to the mayor and save the city before it blows in one final eruption.
The Earthquake
After the devastating Spitak earthquake of December 7th, Konstantin Berezhnoy, a 50-year-old Russian, and Robert Melkonyan, a 28-year-old Armenian, work together to rescue the desperate survivors.