
A Sweet and Vicious Beauty (2012)

ジャンル : ホラー

上映時間 : 2時間 11分

演出 : Eric Thornett


In the town of Harbor Bridge, it is said that when someone dies, his last breath stays in his throat. When the head is severed, that last breath can be taken by another, and the recipient becomes stronger. Narcissa Sentinel has been robbing graves to cure her illness with these last breaths but soon realizes that perhaps fresher specimens are in order.


Bette Cassatt
Bette Cassatt
Narcissa Sentinel
Sara Cole
Sara Cole
Brenden McDougal
Brenden McDougal
Omar Ott
Omar Ott
Felix Drake
Todd Hunter
Todd Hunter
Mayor Tennyson
Bill Taylor
Bill Taylor
Doctor Moreland
Peter Smak
Peter Smak
Constable Albright
Katherine DuBois
Katherine DuBois
Ted Taylor
Ted Taylor
Dave Cooperman
Dave Cooperman
Manolo Santalla
Manolo Santalla
Eero Aames
Eero Aames
Mary Werntz
Mary Werntz
Mrs. Magruder
John Whitney
John Whitney
Farmhouse Husband
Caroline Alderson
Caroline Alderson
Farmhouse Wife


Eric Thornett
Eric Thornett
Eric Thornett
Eric Thornett
Jason Russler
Jason Russler
Eric Thornett
Eric Thornett
Bette Cassatt
Bette Cassatt
Costume Design
Eric Thornett
Eric Thornett
Director of Photography


Dracula is searching for a woman who looks like his long dead wife.
A young teacher on her way to a position in Transylvania helps a young man escape the shackles his mother has put on him. In so doing she innocently unleashes the horrors of the undead once again on the populace, including those at her school for ladies. Luckily for some, Dr. Van Helsing is already on his way.
Dracula 3D
When Englishman Jonathan Harker visits the exotic castle of Count Dracula, he is entranced by the mysterious aristocrat. But upon learning that the count has sinister designs on his wife, Mina, Harker seeks help from vampire slayer Van Helsing.
The police and British security forces call in Professor Van Helsing to help them investigate Satanic ritual which has been occurring in a large country house, and which has been attended by a government minister, an eminent scientist and secret service chief. The owner of the house is a mysterious property tycoon who is found to be behind a sinister plot involving a deadly plague. It is in fact Dracula who, sick of his interminable existence, has decided that he must end it all in the only possible way- by destroying every last potential victim.
Romanticized adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 classic. Count Dracula is a subject of fatal attraction to more than one English maiden lady, as he seeks an immortal bride.
Whilst vacationing in the Carpathian Mountain, two couples stumble across the remains of Count Dracula's castle. The Count's trusted servant kills one of the men, suspending the body over the Count's ashes so that the blood drips from the corpse and saturates the blackened remains. The ritual is completed, the Count revived and his attentions focus on the dead man's wife who is to become his partner; devoted to an existence of depravity and evil.
Francis Barnard goes to Spain, when he hears his sister Elizabeth has died. Her husband Nicholas Medina, the son of the most brutal torturer of the Spanish Inquisition, tells him she has died of a blood disease, but Francis finds this hard to believe. After some investigating he finds out that it was extreme fear that was fatal to his sister and that she may have been buried alive!
A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.
"死者蘇生技術"が発達し、屍者を労働力として活用している19世紀末。ロンドンの医学生ジョン・H・ワトソンは、親友フライデーとの生前の約束どおり、自らの手で彼を違法に屍者化を試みる。 その行為は、諜報機関「ウォルシンガム機関」の知るところとなるが、ワトソンはその技術と魂の再生への野心を見込まれてある任務を命じられる。 それは、100年前にヴィクター・フランケンシュタイン博士が遺し、まるで生者のように意思を持ち言葉を話す最初の屍者ザ・ワンを生み出す究極の技術が記されているという「ヴィクターの手記」の捜索。 第一の手がかりは、アフガニスタン奥地。ロシア帝国軍の司祭にして天才的屍者技術者アレクセイ・カラマーゾフが突如新型の屍者とともにその地へ姿を消したという。 彼が既に「手記」を入手し、新型の屍者による王国を築いているのだとしたら…?フライデーと共に海を渡るワトソン。 しかしそれは、壮大な旅のはじまりにすぎなかった。 イギリス、アフガニスタン、日本、アメリカ、そして最後に彼を待ちうける舞台は…? 魂の再生は可能なのか。死してなお、生き続ける技術とは。 「ヴィクターの手記」をめぐるグレートゲームが始まる!
呪怨 ザ・グラッジ3
Jake Kimble, the sole survivor of the Chicago massacre, is killed while in solitary confinement. His doctor begins investigating the claims he made about a long-haired woman in white, as a mysterious Japanese woman arrives at his old apartment building to help them get rid of the curse.
Gotham City is terrorized not only by recent escapees Joker and Penguin, but by the original creature of the night, Dracula! Can Batman stop the ruthless vampire before he turns everyone in the city, including The Caped Crusader, Joker and Penguin, into his mindless minions?
Abraham Van Helsing, who has tangled with Count Dracula in the past, works as an English antiques dealer. Simon is a vampire hunter in training under his apprenticeship.
ウーマン・イン・ブラック 亡霊の館
The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As he works alone in the client’s isolated house, Kipps begins to uncover tragic secrets, his unease growing when he glimpses a mysterious woman dressed only in black. Receiving only silence from the locals, Kipps is forced to uncover the true identity of the Woman in Black on his own, leading to a desperate race against time when he discovers her true identity.
Jamie returns to his hometown in search of answers to his wife's murder, which occurred after receiving a weird package containing a ventriloquist dummy named Billy, which may be linked to the legend of ventriloquist Mary Shaw. Destined to find out the truth, Jamie goes to the town of Raven's Fair, where Shaw used to perform and is buried. But Jamie is in for more than he expected.
長老殺しの罪で追放されていたヴァンパイア(吸血鬼)処刑人セリーンは、ある日突如、ヴァンパイア族に呼び戻される。 ヴァンパイア族の宿敵である狼男のライカン族が新たなリーダー・マリウスの登場により猛攻を開始、ヴァンパイア族が劣勢に立たされたため、兵士の養成役として彼女が選ばれたのだ。 セリーンは行方不明になっている娘のイヴをライカン族から守るため、再び戦うことを決意する。