
Anemic Cinema (1926)

ジャンル :

上映時間 : 7分

演出 : Marcel Duchamp


A spiral design spins. It's replaced by a spinning disk. These two continue in perfect alternation until the end: a spiral design, a disk. Each disk is labelled and can be read as it rotates. The messages, in French, feature puns and whimsical rhymes and alliteration. The final message comments on the spiral motif itself.



Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp


Megamind: The Button of Doom
For their first day on the job as the new protectors of Metro City, Megamind and Minion are selling off the gadgets from their evil lair. But when one seemingly harmless "button" unleashes the gigantic robot MEGA-MEGAmind, the duo will have to resort to their old tricks to restore order.
Minions: Home Makeover
A social worker is coming to Gru's house to check if it's suitable for children. Margo, Edith, Agnes and the Minions must take care of the situation.
モンスターVSエイリアン 宇宙カボチャあらわる
Susan Murphy (a.k.a. Ginormica) and the Monsters are now working with the US government as special ops. So when an alien presence is detected in Susan's hometown of Modesto, California -- right before Halloween -- the team is dispatched to investigate. Everything appears normal, right down to the jack-o-lanterns peering out from every doorstep and windowsill. But when Halloween arrives, those innocent-looking carved pumpkins reveal themselves for what they really are mutant aliens. The altered pumpkins then start to implement their fiendish plan to take over Earth. The Monsters are there to combat the mutant gourds and try to smash their wicked scheme!
映画 デジモンアドベンチャー
After witnessing a brutal murder on Halloween night, a young woman becomes the next target of a maniacal entity.
Dragon Ball: Goku's Traffic Safety
An educational film featuring characters from "Dragon Ball". Roshi and Krillin are on their way to Bulma's birthday party, and they see a boy run into the street, nearly getting run over. Launch, as a traffic officer, teaches him about traffic safety. Meanwhile, Goku, who is also on his way to Bulma's party, gets a traffic lesson of his own from Suno after running through traffic to see her.
Kick the Cock
Kick the Cock is an old Dutch saying, meaning Peek in the Kitchen.
北ドイツ、カリガリ博士は眠り男ツェザーレの予言を看板にした見世物をカーニバルに出している。友人アランを連れ、その小屋を覗いたフランシス。友人は調子にのって自分がいつまで生きられるかを眠り男に尋ねるが、答えは“ 明日の朝まで!”。本当に彼は翌日には殺されており、フランシスは疑惑究明に乗り出すが……。
Dragon Ball: Goku's Fire Brigade
Goku's Fire Brigade is a ten-minute public service video about fire safety, which aired in Japan in June 1988. This video features the main Dragon Ball characters having jobs as firefighters and Bulma living in a new apartment with Scratch.
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 Air/まごころを、君に
第25話「Air」 全ての使徒を倒したNERVに対し、サードインパクト発動を目論むゼーレが戦略自衛隊を使った武力占拠を開始する。施設が次々と破壊・占拠されていく中、シンジは戦自隊員に発見され殺されそうになるが、生きる意思を失くしていたシンジは抵抗すらしなかった。それをミサトが寸前で救出するが、移動中に銃撃に遭って負傷し、シンジにEVAで戦うよう言い残して命を落とす。 第26話 「まごころを、君に」シンジを乗せたEVA初号機を依代としてサードインパクトが始まる。これによって人類は個体の生命体としての姿を保てなくなり液化して崩れていき、その魂は「黒き月」に集められる。初号機はレイやカヲルの姿をとる巨人(第2使徒リリス)に取り込まれ、シンジはレイとカヲルに再会する。そこでシンジは人類が単体の生命となることを望まず、それぞれの個人がいる従来の世界を望みリリスは首から血を噴き出しながら倒れ崩れ落ちていく。
The Zoosters are back in an all-new holiday adventure. When Santa and his reindeer crash onto the island of Madagascar it's up to Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman and those wacky penguins to save Christmas. Get ready for a sleigh full of laughs in this hilarious new holiday classic.
ドラゴンボール オッス!帰ってきた孫悟空と仲間たち!!
The film follows Hiccup and his young fellows accompanying their mentor, Gobber, on a quest to kill the legendary Boneknapper Dragon. An extra that accompanies the film "How to Train Your Dragon".
Chosen the world’s protector against the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man – pride, envy, greed, hatred, selfishness, laziness and injustice – young Billy Batson accepts his destiny as Captain Marvel. Battling alongside Superman against nefarious Black Adam, Billy soon discovers the challenge super heroes ultimately face: is it revenge or justice?
The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol
When Grouchy Smurf behaves badly to everyone and refuses to celebrate Christmas, the Smurfs of Christmas Past, Present and Future teach him to appreciate Christmas.


Un Chien Andalou is an European avant-garde surrealist film, a collaboration between director Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali.
Stop-motion photography blends with extreme slow-motion in Clair's first and most 'dada' film, composed of a series of zany, interconnected scenes. We witness a rooftop chess match between Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, a hearse pulled by a camel (and chased by its pallbearers) and a dizzying roller coaster finale. A film of contradictions and agreements.
The Starfish
Two people stand on a road, out of focus. Seen distorted through a glass, they retire upstairs to a bedroom where she undresses. He says, "Adieu." Images: the beautiful girl, a starfish in a jar, city scenes, newspapers, tugboats. More images: starfish, the girl. "How beautiful she is." Repeatedly. He advances up the stair, knife in hand, starfish on the step. Three people stand on a road, out of focus. "How beautiful she was." "How beautiful she is." "Beautiful."
Ballet Mécanique
Ballet Mécanique (1923-4) is a Dadaist, post-Cubist art film conceived, written, and co-directed by artist Fernand Léger and filmmaker Dudley Murphy (with cinematographic input from Man Ray). It has a musical score by the American composer George Antheil (However, the film premiered with no soundtrack, on September 24th, 1924 at the Internationale Ausstellung neuer Theatertechnik in Vienna). It is considered one of the masterpieces of early experimental filmmaking.
A cameraman wanders around Moscow, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Odesa with a camera slung over his shoulder, documenting urban life with dazzling invention. Man with a Movie Camera is one of the major manifestos of the world cinema avant-garde. According to the aesthetic principles of Vertov, the film was not based on a script. In Man with a Movie Camera, Vertov implemented experiments that he carried out for many years and theoretical developments in cinematography and editing, turning the film into a film-making methodological guide for subsequent generations of directors. The camera of a talented cinematographer Mikhail Kaufman captures the motley life of Ukrainian megalopolises – Odesa, Kharkiv, and Kyiv – under New Economic Policy.
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
Two families, abolitionist Northerners the Stonemans and Southern landowners the Camerons, intertwine. When Confederate colonel Ben Cameron is captured in battle, nurse Elsie Stoneman petitions for his pardon. In Reconstruction-era South Carolina, Cameron founds the Ku Klux Klan, battling Elsie's congressman father and his African-American protégé, Silas Lynch.
フランス映画の巨匠ジャン・ルノワール監督が、ミュッセの戯曲に想を得て、ブルジョワたちが織りなす恋愛騒動を描き、社会を痛烈に風刺した映画史上の傑作中の傑作。 美しい妻クリスチーヌを愛しながら、愛人と別れられないラ・シェネ侯爵。一方、クリスチーヌのために大西洋横断23時間の偉業を達成した飛行家アンドレと、その友人オクターヴ。ある日、侯爵の別荘で催される狩猟の集いに全員が顔を合わせる…。
Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.