
Sense of Urgency (2017)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 32分

演出 : David Ford


When a teen from a wealthy family learns that she is adopted, Izzy hires a private investigator to find her birth parents. When a meeting is set up, Izzy hops on a bus to go meet her mom, but when the bus is taken over by hijackers, Izzy soon discovers her captors are using her as a ransom. Through it all, Izzy meets a variety of passengers, some who encourage her through faith in God and others who are conspiring against her.


Ransom Ashley
Ransom Ashley
Miciah Auden
Miciah Auden
Carl Bailey
Carl Bailey
Larry Michael Hall
Larry Michael Hall
S.W.A.T. Capt


David Ford
David Ford


The story of Joy Division’s lead singer Ian Curtis, from his schoolboy days in 1973 to his suicide on the eve of the band's first American tour in 1980.
Vixen lives in a Canadian mountain resort with her naive pilot husband. While he's away flying in tourists, she gets it on with practically everybody including a husband and his wife, and even her biker brother. She is openly racist, and she makes it clear that she won't do the wild thing with her brother's biker friend, who is black.
After dumping a bucket of water on a beautiful young woman from the window of a train car, wealthy Frenchman Mathieu, regales his fellow passengers with the story of the dysfunctional relationship between himself and the young woman in question, a fiery 19-year-old flamenco dancer named Conchita. What follows is a tale of cruelty, depravity and lies -- the very building blocks of love.
Ken Park
Ken Park focuses on several teenagers and their tormented home lives. Shawn seems to be the most conventional. Tate is brimming with psychotic rage; Claude is habitually harassed by his brutish father and coddled, rather uncomfortably, by his enormously pregnant mother. Peaches looks after her devoutly religious father, but yearns for freedom. They're all rather tight, or so they claim.
Jack Powell suffers from an affliction that makes him grow four times faster than normal, so the 10-year-old looks like a 40-year-old man. After years of being tutored at home, Jack convinces his overprotective parents to send him to public school. The children don't know what to make of Jack, but with the help of his fifth-grade teacher, he makes an effort to win them over.
The Wave ウェイヴ
独裁政治を学ぶ体験授業をきっかけに洗脳されていく高校生たちの姿を描き、ドイツで大ヒットを記録した心理スリラー。アメリカで起こった実話をドイツの高校に置き換え、『エリート養成機関 ナポラ』のデニス・ガンゼルがメガホンを取った。主演には『エーミールと探偵たち』などに出演するドイツの俳優ユルゲン・フォーゲル。単純な興味や好奇心、ゲーム感覚から、あっという間に集団狂気に変化していく様子は、実話ならではのリアルさを帯び、身の毛もよだつほどのラストも衝撃的だ。
美しいキャプレット家の世継ぎジュリエットは、舞踏会でロミオに出会い夢中になる。だが、ロミオはキャプレット家の宿敵、モンタギュー家の息子だった。 二人は密かに永遠の 愛を誓い結婚式を挙げるが、ロミオは逃亡生活を、ジュリエットは両親にパリスとの結婚を強いられる。ロミオと一緒に暮らすため、危険を承知でジュリエットは神父の計画に命を懸けた……。
P.S. アイラヴユー
After surviving a stabbing by a student, teacher Trevor Garfield moves from New York to Los Angeles. There, he resumes teaching as a substitute teacher. The education system, where violent bullies control the classrooms and the administration is afraid of lawsuits, slowly drives Garfield mad.
 2095年、ニューヨーク。人間とミュータント、エイリアンがいびつに共存する混沌の世界。 ピラミッド型巨大飛行物体の突然の出現と時を同じくして、街では人体改造を施した人間だけが犠牲となる連続猟奇事件が発生、記憶喪失の美少女ジルが治安部隊に保護される。彼女の身柄を引き取った女医エルマ・ターナー博士は、彼女の体構造が人間とはかけ離れたものであると発見する。  またその頃、30年前に政治犯として捕らえられていた男、革命の思想的リーダー・ニコポルが、事故により冷凍保存から蘇る。一方ピラミッドの中では、鷹の頭にヒトの体を持つ神ホルスが、反逆罪で神々から死刑を宣告される。彼は残された7日間の猶予の間に、ある目的のためにヒトへと憑依し地上へ転生する。彼が選んだのは、ニコポルの体だった。  ホルスによって引き合わされた2人は次第に惹かれ合い、孤独なジルはニコポルを通して愛とは何かを学んでいく。  だが2人の知らない所で、彼らを追う別の勢力が動き始めていた……。
During the early 16th Century idealistic German monk Martin Luther, disgusted by the materialism in the church, begins the dialogue that will lead to the Protestant Reformation.
学校でも家庭でも問題児となっていた8歳のイシャーン(ダルシール・サファリー)。勉強が苦手な彼は代わりに空想が好きだった。近所の年上の男の子を取っ組み合いの喧嘩をしたイシャーンは、父親に次に問題を起こしたら寄宿学校に入れると言われてしまう。 すこぶる悪い点数のテストを両親に見せられずサインをもらえなかった彼は、授業をサボってしまう。欠席届を出さないといけなかったため、兄のヨハンに書いてもらう。しかしある日、その欠席届が父に見つかってしまう。約束を守れなかったイシャーンに対して激怒した父は、友人のコネを使いすぐにイシャーンを寄宿学校に転校させる。 学校にはいままでよりさらに厳しい先生たちがいたうえ、家族に会えない寂しさが募り、イシャーンにとって非常に辛い環境だった。とうとう完全にふさぎこんでしまうイシャーンだったが、ちょうどその時、臨時で新しい美術の先生ニクンブ(アーミル・カーン)が赴任してくる。 ニクンブはイシャーンの様子を見て、彼は失読症であることを見抜くが…。
London is a drug laden adventure that centers on a party in a New York loft where a young man is trying to win back his ex-girlfriend.
Huo Yuan Jia became the most famous martial arts fighter in all of China at the turn of the 20th Century. Huo faced personal tragedy but ultimately fought his way out of darkness, defining the true spirit of martial arts and also inspiring his nation. The son of a great fighter who didn't wish for his child to follow in his footsteps, Huo resolves to teach himself how to fight - and win.
Roberta is a bored suburban housewife who is fascinated with a woman, Susan, she only knows about by reading messages to and from her in the personals section of the newspaper. This fascination reaches a peak when an ad with the headline "Desperately Seeking Susan" proposes a rendezvous. Roberta goes too, and in a series of events involving amnesia and mistaken identity, steps into Susan's life.
When two brothers organize the robbery of their parents' jewelry store, the job goes horribly wrong, triggering a series of events that send them and their family hurtling towards a shattering climax.