
Fatou la Malienne (2001)

ジャンル : ドラマ, テレビ映画

上映時間 : 1時間 30分

演出 : Daniel Vigne


A young vivacious Parisienne of African descent, dreams of becoming a fashionable hairdresser after graduation, but her aspirations clash with the traditional views of her family who forces her to marry a man she does not love. Fortunately, a friend comes to her aid.


Fatou N'Diaye
Fatou N'Diaye
Élodie Navarre
Élodie Navarre
Pascal N'Zonzi
Pascal N'Zonzi
Mariam Kaba
Mariam Kaba


Daniel Vigne
Daniel Vigne
Chantal Renaud
Chantal Renaud
Daniel Vigne
Daniel Vigne
Fabienne Servan Schreiber
Fabienne Servan Schreiber
Jean-Pierre Fayer
Jean-Pierre Fayer
Executive Producer
Ray Lema
Ray Lema
Original Music Composer
Flore Thulliez
Flore Thulliez
Director of Photography
Thierry Simonnet
Thierry Simonnet
Régis Nicolino
Régis Nicolino
Production Design
Marie-Françoise Perochon
Marie-Françoise Perochon
Costume Design
Bertrand de la Fontaine
Bertrand de la Fontaine
Production Manager


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Three teenagers are confined to an isolated country estate that could very well be on another planet. The trio spend their days listening to endless homemade tapes that teach them a whole new vocabulary. Any word that comes from beyond their family abode is instantly assigned a new meaning. Hence 'the sea' refers to a large armchair and 'zombies' are little yellow flowers. Having invented a brother whom they claim to have ostracized for his disobedience, the uber-controlling parents terrorize their offspring into submission.
Chronicles Jack Harris, one of the pioneers of internet commerce, as he wrestles with his morals and struggles not to drown in a sea of conmen, mobsters, drug addicts, and pornstars.
Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda are all married now, but they're still up for a little fun in the sun. When Samantha gets the chance to visit one of the most extravagant vacation destinations on the planet and offers to bring them all along, they surmise that a women-only retreat may be the perfect excuse to eschew their responsibilities and remember what life was like before they decided to settle down.
A modern-day take on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale where a New York teen is transformed into a hideous monster in order to find true love.
ライターのリズは旅行先のバリで、手相を占える薬剤師のもとを訪れる。リズは歯の抜けた人のよさそうな薬剤師から、「生涯に2回結婚し、1回は短く1回は長い」「半年から一年の間にすべてを失うが、そのあと再び取り戻せるから安心するように」などと言われる。 帰国したリズに、夫のスティーヴンは仕事をやめて大学で学び直したいと言う。ふたりはマイホームを買ったばかりで、リズは夫との将来と価値観の違いに激しい不安を抱くようになる。リズは生まれて初めて真面目に神に祈った結果、離婚を決意する。 家を出て親友のデリア夫婦のもとに転がり込んだリズは、離婚協議がすすむなか、自分が執筆した芝居に出演する28歳のハンサムな俳優デヴィッドと出会う。ふたりは付き合うようになり、リズはデヴィッドのアパートに住むようになるが、夫を忘れるための恋は次第にうまくいかなくなる。 リズとデヴィッドは、やがて互いを罵り合うようになる。何もかもがうまくいかなくなって、途方に暮れたリズは、バリの薬剤師の言葉を思い出して、一年間をかけて外国を巡る旅に出ることを考え始める。ずっと行ってみたかったイタリアを回って、デヴィッドのヨガの導師を訪ねてインドを経由し、最後にバリの薬剤師のもとへ行く長い旅の計画に、親友のデリアは反対する。それでもリズは、周囲の反対を押し切って、自分を見つめ直す旅に出発する。
David Carr is a British Communist who is unemployed. In 1936, when the Spanish Civil War begins, he decides to fight for the Republican side, a coalition of liberals, communists and anarchists, so he joins the POUM militia and witnesses firsthand the betrayal of the Spanish revolution by Stalin's followers and Moscow's orders.
A young and devoted morning television producer is hired as an executive producer on a long-running morning show at a once-prominent but currently failing station in New York City. Eager to keep the show on air, she recruits a former news journalist and anchor who disapproves of co-hosting a show that does not deal with real news stories.