
The Beckoning Silence (2007)

ジャンル : ドキュメンタリー, アクション, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 13分

演出 : Louise Osmond


In The Beckoning Silence, Joe Simpson, whose amazing battle for survival featured in the multi-award winning "Touching the Void", travels to the treacherous North Face of the Eiger to tell the story of one of mountaineering's most epic tragedies. As a child, it was this story and that of one of the climbers in particular, that first captured Simpson's imagination and inspired him to take up mountaineering.


Andreas Abegglen
Andreas Abegglen
Willy Angerer
Simon Anthamatten
Simon Anthamatten
Andreas Hinterstoisser
Cyrille Berthod
Cyrille Berthod
Edi Rainier
Steven Mackintosh
Steven Mackintosh
Roger Schäli
Roger Schäli
Toni Kurz
Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson


Louise Osmond
Louise Osmond
Emma Parsons
Emma Parsons
Line Producer
John Smithson
John Smithson
Executive Producer
Julian Ware
Julian Ware
Executive Producer
Ben Lester
Ben Lester
Erika Ökvist
Erika Ökvist
Costume Design
Olly Astles-Jones
Olly Astles-Jones
Terry Brown
Terry Brown
Sound Effects Editor
Matt Stronge
Matt Stronge
Mixing Engineer
Joakim Sundström
Joakim Sundström
Sound Supervisor
Ian Chisholm
Ian Chisholm
Assistant Camera
George Kyriacou
George Kyriacou
Color Grading
Clive Mattock
Clive Mattock
Editorial Staff
Ollie Ryall
Ollie Ryall
Technical Advisor


Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt is a janitor with a mullet hairdo, acid-washed jeans and a dream to find the parents that he lost at the Grand Canyon when he was a belligerent, trailer park-raised eight-year-old. Now, blasting Van Halen in his jacked-up economy car, the irrepressibly optimistic Joe hits the road alone in search of his folks.
Billy Madison is the 27 year-old son of Bryan Madison, a very rich man who has made his living in the hotel industry. Billy stands to inherit his father's empire, but only if he can make it through all 12 grades, 2 weeks per grade, to prove that he has what it takes to run the family business.
Jed Clampett and kin move from Arkansas to Beverly Hills when he becomes a billionaire, after an oil strike. The country folk are very naive with regard to life in the big city, so when Jed starts a search for a new wife there are inevitably plenty of takers and con artists ready to make a fast buck
冒険小説の巨匠アリステア・マクリーンのベストセラーを映画化。原作者自らが脚本も担当したアクション大作。 第2次大戦中、“鷲の城”と呼ばれる難攻不落のドイツ軍要塞に捕らわれの身となったアメリカの将軍を救出するため、スミス少佐(リチャード・バートン)率いる6人のイギリス諜報部員と、アメリカ軍シェイファー中尉(クリント・イーストウッド)による特殊部隊が、鷲の城に侵入する。しかし状況は二転三転、意外な事実が明らかにされていく…。
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When nine-year-old Alfalfa falls for Darla, his "He-Man-Woman-Hating" friends attempt to sabotage their relationship.
The "sematary" is up to its old zombie-raising tricks again. This time, the protagonists are Jeff Matthews, whose mother died in a Hollywood stage accident, and Drew Gilbert, a boy coping with an abusive stepfather.
After a rough divorce, Frances, a 35-year-old professor and writer from San Francisco takes a tour of Tuscany at the urgings of her friends. On a whim she buys Bramasole, a run down villa in the Tuscan countryside and begins to piece her life together starting with the villa and finds that life sometimes has unexpected ways of giving her everything she wanted.
Jumpin' Jack Flash
Terry works for a bank, and uses computers to communicate with clients all over the world. One day, she gets a strange coded message from an unknown source. After decoding the message, Terry becomes embroiled in an espionage ring. People are killed, and Terry is chased. Throughout, she remains in contact with this mysterious person, who needs Terry's help save his life.
Although deeply in love with her boyfriend — and indeed sleeping in the same bed with him — a schoolteacher cannot handle the almost complete lack of intimacy he will allow. Increasingly frustrated, she gradually finds her sexual appetites leading her into ever more risky situations, including a developing one with the headmaster.
La Belle Verte
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A heroic version of Lex Luthor from an alternate universe appears to recruit the Justice League to help save his Earth from the Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the League. What ensues is the ultimate battle of good versus evil in a war that threatens both planets and, through a devious plan launched by Batman's counterpart Owlman, puts the balance of all existence in peril.
Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Emboldened by her success, she decides to give hopelessly klutzy new student Tai a makeover. When Tai becomes more popular than she is, Cher realizes that her disapproving ex-stepbrother was right about how misguided she was -- and falls for him.
スーパーマリオ 魔界帝国の女神
6500万年前、巨大隕石の落下によって、恐竜世界と人間世界が2つに引き裂かれた。絶滅したと思われていた恐竜は進化し、独自の世界を地下に作り上げていった。 そして現代のニューヨーク・ブルックリン。ある1人の女性が教会の前で何かを置きその場を去って行く。それは1つの大きな卵と小さな石。教会のシスター達はこれらを拾う。シスター達の前で何と卵から人間の赤ん坊が生まれた。更に20年の時が経った。ブルックリンで配管工の仕事を請け負うマリオとルイージの兄弟は、地下の下水路で化石発掘を行う調査チームのリーダーであるデイジーと知り合う。ある日、マリオとルイージはデイジー、マリオの恋人ダニエラと外食を楽しむ。食事後マリオ達と別れたダニエラが突然2人の謎の男に誘拐され、その次にデイジーも誘拐されてしまった。マリオ達は後を追い地下を訪れた。そこではデイジーが謎の入り口に引きずり込まれ、マリオ達もその入り口に飛び込んだ。その先には広大な地下空間に広がる恐竜人の帝国を発見した。デイジーを探してさ迷う2人に、地下帝国の王クッパの手が迫る。