
Summer of Changsha (2019)

ジャンル : 犯罪

上映時間 : 1時間 56分

演出 : Zu Feng
脚本 : Yang Zhou


A Bin was a police detective. He came across LI Xue, a surgeon, during the investigation of a bizarre murder case. As they got to know more and more of each other, A Bin found himself drawn to this mysterious woman. They both were struggling in their own love and sins. In the end, would they be given a second chance to re-live their lives?


Zu Feng
Zu Feng
A Bin
Huang Lu
Huang Lu
Li Xue
Chen Minghao
Chen Minghao
Brother Lei
Tian Yu
Tian Yu
Wang Yi
Qianru Zhang
Qianru Zhang
Liu Tianchi
Liu Tianchi
Qin Xin
Qiuhai Hou
Qiuhai Hou
Wu Feng
Shi Yueling
Shi Yueling
Wu Feng's Wife


Zu Feng
Zu Feng
Peng Shaoying
Peng Shaoying
Production Design
Yingda Dong
Yingda Dong
Wen Jing
Wen Jing
Xiaozhu Long
Xiaozhu Long
Jeffrey Chu
Jeffrey Chu
Director of Photography
Yang Zhou
Yang Zhou


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