
Три ненастных дня (1978)

ジャンル : 謎, 犯罪, テレビ映画, スリラー

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Lev Tsutsulkovsky
脚本 : Sergei Vysotsky



Yuriy Yakovlev
Yuriy Yakovlev
Igor Kornilov - polkovnik sledovatel


Lev Tsutsulkovsky
Lev Tsutsulkovsky
Sergei Vysotsky
Sergei Vysotsky
Sergei Vysotsky
Sergei Vysotsky


バーニング 劇場版
Deliveryman Jongsu is out on a job when he runs into Haemi, a girl who once lived in his neighborhood. She asks if he'd mind looking after her cat while she's away on a trip to Africa. On her return she introduces to Jongsu an enigmatic young man named Ben, who she met during her trip. And one day Ben tells Jongsu about his most unusual hobby...
On a lonely mission to Alpha Centauri, Milutin is teamed up with Nimani 1345, a female cyborg designed to fulfill his every need. At first thrilled to be able to control her, Sebastian grows tired of having his desires fulfilled so easily. Longing for human intimacy, Sebastian alters Nimani's programmed responses, but in doing so he risks the mission's security — and his own life.
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil
Basque Country, Spain, 1843. A police constable arrives at a small village in Álava to investigate a mysterious blacksmith who lives alone deep in the woods.
John and the Hole
While exploring the neighboring woods, 13-year-old John discovers an unfinished bunker — a deep hole in the ground. Seemingly without provocation, he drugs his affluent parents and older sister and drags their unconscious bodies into the bunker, where he holds them captive. As they anxiously wait for John to free them from the hole, the boy returns home, where he can finally do what he wants.
Blind Beast
A blind sculptor kidnaps an artists’ model and imprisons her in his warehouse studio – a shadowland of perverse monuments to the female form. Here a deranged passion play of sensual and sexual obsession is acted out in world where sight is replaced by touch.
John Hall is a drifter who wanders into a small town in Maine. He needs a job and decides to seek employment at the community's top business: a large textile mill. He is hired to work the "graveyard shift" -- from around midnight to dawn -- and, along with a few others, he is charged with cleaning out the basement. This task strikes the workers as simple enough, but then, as they proceed deeper underground, they encounter an unspeakable monstrosity intent on devouring them all.
The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things
Young Jeremiah lives in a stable environment with loving foster parents until the day his troubled mother, Sarah, returns to claim him. Jeremiah becomes swept up in his mother's dangerous world of drugs, seedy hotels, strip joints and revolving lovers. Salvation comes in the form of the boy's ultrareligious grandparents, but soon Jeremiah's mother returns. Maternal love binds the pair together on the road until Sarah's desperate and depraved lifestyle finally consumes her.
Down-on-his-luck race car driver Jim Douglas teams up with a little VW Bug that has a mind of its own, not realizing Herbie's worth until a sneaky rival plots to steal him.
J・ウェイン、D・マーティン共演、町の実力者の弟を逮捕した保安官チャンスが、わずかな手勢で一味の勢力に立ち向かう、ハワード・ホークス監督の傑作娯楽ウエスタン。 メキシコ国境の町リオ・ブラボー。保安官チャンスは、酒場のゴタゴタから人を殺したジョーという男を逮捕した。ジョーの兄ネイサンは手下を集め、釈放を求めてチャンスを脅迫する。チャンスはわずかな手勢で、ネイサン一派を迎え撃つが……。
A simple man is turned into a genius through the application of computer science.
Cursed since childhood, dentist Charlie Logan cannot find the right woman. Even worse, he learns that each of his ex-girlfriends finds true love with the man she meets after her relationship with him ends. Hearing of Charlie's reputation as a good-luck charm, women from all over line up for a quick tryst. But when Charlie meets the woman of his dreams, he must find a way to break the curse or risk losing her to the next man she meets.
ある日、新進女優イヴ・ハリントンはアメリカ演劇界の栄えある賞に輝いた。だが、彼女がここまで上り詰めるには、一部の関係者たちしか知り得ない紆余曲折の経緯があった。8ヶ月前、田舎からニューヨークへ出てきたイヴは、ひょんなことから憧れの舞台女優マーゴの住み込み秘書となった。するとイヴはこれを皮切りに、劇作家や有名批評家に巧く取り入り、マーゴまでも踏み台にしてスター女優へのし上がっていく…。  監督マンキウィッツ自身による見事な脚本と、名優たちの火花散らす熱演とが融合し、その年のアカデミー賞をほぼ独占する形となった、バックステージものの最高作。田舎からニューヨークへ出、大女優(B・デイヴィス)の付き人となったのを皮切りに、有名批評家に取り入って大女優の代役から一躍、ブロードウェイの寵児にのし上がるヒロインを、A・バクスターがまさに一世一代の体当たり芝居で演じきる。批評家のG・サンダースも、いつになく繊細な役柄を的確に表現し、オスカー助演賞を得た。まだ無名の頃のモンローが顔を出している。
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フィリップ・K・ディックの短編小説「ゴールデンマン」を映画化。ラスベガスの小さなクラブでマジシャンをしているクリス は、未来を予知する能力を隠し持っていた。一方、ロサンゼルスのどこかに核爆弾が仕掛けられ、アメリカ全体が2時間以内に壊滅する危機にさらされる。FBIのカリーはクリスに協力を依頼するが、彼が予見できるのは自分の身の回りに起こるほんの2分先の未来であった。
ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生