
Our Christmas Love Song (2019)

ジャンル : ロマンス, テレビ映画

上映時間 : 1時間 20分

演出 : Gary Yates


When country star Melody Jones is accused of plagiarizing her holiday single, she returns home to spend Christmas with her estranged family and old flame and learns what is important in life.


Alicia Witt
Alicia Witt
Melody Jones
Brendan Hines
Brendan Hines
Andrea del Campo
Andrea del Campo
Lori Hallier
Lori Hallier
Brandi Alexander
Brandi Alexander
Ava Darrach-Gagnon
Ava Darrach-Gagnon
Karen Kruper
Karen Kruper
Connie White


Gary Yates
Gary Yates
Julie Sherman Wolfe
Julie Sherman Wolfe
Nancy Grace
Nancy Grace
Josh Sabarra
Josh Sabarra
Stan Spry
Stan Spry
Executive Producer
Eric Scott Woods
Eric Scott Woods
Executive Producer
Anthony Fankhauser
Anthony Fankhauser
Co-Executive Producer
Nancy Grace
Nancy Grace
Executive Producer
Devan Towers
Devan Towers
Josh Sabarra
Josh Sabarra
Executive Producer
Gary Yates
Gary Yates
Associate Producer
Matthew Rogers
Matthew Rogers
Paul Suderman
Paul Suderman
Director of Photography
Jason B. Irvine
Jason B. Irvine
Penny Perry
Penny Perry
Gordon Wilding
Gordon Wilding
Production Design
Jesse Miki
Jesse Miki
Art Direction
Nola Chaters
Nola Chaters
Costume Design
Nina Kvaternik
Nina Kvaternik
Makeup Department Head
Jimmy Holcomb
Jimmy Holcomb
Executive In Charge Of Production
Christopher Guglick
Christopher Guglick
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Darren Wall
Darren Wall
Visual Effects Supervisor
Scott Wheeler
Scott Wheeler
Visual Effects Producer
Christian McIntire
Christian McIntire
VFX Artist
Denise Maitan
Denise Maitan
VFX Artist
Andrew Roshka
Andrew Roshka
Visual Effects
Tammy Klein
Tammy Klein
Visual Effects Compositor
Helena Fleger
Helena Fleger
Visual Effects Producer
Glenn Campbell
Glenn Campbell
Visual Effects Compositor


Disney's クリスマス・キャロル
動物学者の両親を持つケイディは、ずっとアフリカで暮らしていたが、16歳になってアメリカ合衆国のシカゴの郊外に引っ越してきた。新しい環境に馴染めるかと心配する両親をよそに楽天的なケイディだったが、いざ学校に行ってみると、そこは細かいルールが幅を利かす世界だった。すぐにジャニスとダミアンという友人が出来るも、ケイディは戸惑うばかり。そんなある時、同級生レジーナをクイーンとする人気グループ"Plastics"に気に入られる。 <リンジー・ローハン主演の学園コメディ。保護者指導教員であるロザリンド・ワイズマンのノンフィクション『女の子って、どうして傷つけあうの?(Queen Bees and Wannabes)』が原作となっている。>
Samantha Caine, suburban homemaker, is the ideal mom to her 8 year old daughter Caitlin. She lives in Honesdale, PA, is a school teacher and makes the best Rice Krispie treats in town. But when she receives a bump on her head, she begins to remember small parts of her previous life as a lethal, top-secret agent.
Grumpy Old Men
For decades, next-door neighbors and former friends John and Max have feuded, trading insults and wicked pranks. When an attractive widow moves in nearby, their bad blood erupts into a high-stakes rivalry full of naughty jokes and adolescent hijinks.
クリスマスイブの日。ジェリーが住む劇場で開催されていたバレエ「くるみ割り人形」を見たジェリーと仔ネズミのニブルスは、自分たちも踊ることを夢見る。するとクリスマスの奇跡が起こり、その夢が実現。空っぽの舞台はおもちゃの国に変わり、ジェリーはオモチャの国の王様役に変身、バレリーナ人形と踊る。 ところがそこにトムたち野良猫が乱入し、彼らを率いる猫のボスが王国を乗っ取ってしまう。 こうなったらオモチャたちの作者「トイメーカー」に助けてもらうしかないとジェリーは彼に会いに旅立つ。仲間の顔ぶれは本物のオモチャになりたいオーナメントのポーリー、気の小さい木馬のネリー。ところが、猫の王様はトム率いる猫の兵隊たちを追っ手に放つ。果たして、ジェリーはトイメーカーの元にたどり着き、王国と捕らわれのバレリーナを救出できるか。
When a huge snowstorm leaves everyone stranded, Mickey and all of his guests at the House of Mouse, including Pooh, Belle, Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel and many more of his old and new friends, break out the cookies and hot chocolate to help Donald mend his tattered Christmas spirit.
The Zoosters are back in an all-new holiday adventure. When Santa and his reindeer crash onto the island of Madagascar it's up to Alex, Marty, Gloria, Melman and those wacky penguins to save Christmas. Get ready for a sleigh full of laughs in this hilarious new holiday classic.
When Puppy Paws, the fun-loving son of Santa Paws, gets bored, he finds Budderball on Santa's naughty list and figures he's just the dog to show him how to be an ordinary pup. When the magical Christmas Icicle starts to melt however, and the world begins to forget the true meaning of the season, it's up to Puppy Paws and his newfound Buddies to journey back to the North Pole and save Christmas.
Bitter and hateful, the Grinch is irritated at the thought of a nearby village having a happy time celebrating Christmas. Disguised as Santa Claus, with his dog made to look like a reindeer, he decides to raid the village to steal all the Christmas things.
ポップアップ ミッキー/すてきなクリスマス
心おどる楽しくて特別な日―クリスマスのミッキーと仲間たちの物語。今年もいたずらばかりしていたヒューイ、デューイ、ルーイはプレゼントがもらえるように、北極のサンタさんの家にある “いい子リスト” に自分たちの名前を書きに行きます。そしてクリスマス・パーティーをだいなしにしたために、家出してしまったプルートを探すミッキーと仲間たち。みんなでクリスマスを祝うことはできるのでしょうか。
ルドルフ 赤鼻のトナカイ
Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the reindeer games because of his glowing nose, teams up with Hermey, an elf who wants to be a dentist, and Yukon Cornelius, the prospector. They run into the Abominable Snowman and find a whole island of misfit toys. Rudoph vows to see if he can get Santa to help the toys, and he goes back to the North Pole on Christmas Eve. But Santa's sleigh is fogged in. But when Santa looks over Rudolph, he gets a very bright idea...
Shrek the Halls
The Christmas tree isn't the only thing green in this new holiday classic. Shrek is back and trying to get into the spirit of the season. After promising Fiona and the kids a Christmas they'll remember, he is forced to take a crash course in the holiday. But just when he thinks he has everything for their quiet family Christmas just right, there is a knock at the door.
A businesswoman finds herself locked with a unhinged security guard in a parking garage after getting stuck working late on Christmas Eve.
年に一度のクリスマスを楽しんだプーさんと仲間たち。その楽しかった思い出にひたっていると…あっという間に新年へのカウントダウンが始まりました!みんなが集まって新年を祝うパーティーを計画しているときに、プーさんたちはラビットを怒らせてしまいます。100エーカーの森から出ていくと言い出したラビットと仲直りするために、みんなは "今までとはちがう自分になる" と誓います。ピグレットは怖がりをなおすために飛び跳ね、プーさんはもうハチミツは食べないと心に決め、なんとティガーは二度と飛び跳ねない!?―はたして、みんなは無事に新年を迎えられるのでしょうか? 大切な人たちといっしょに過ごすクリスマスと新年のできごとを描いたこの作品は、たくさんのホリデー・ソングに彩られて、見る人をやさしい気持ちにさせてくれます。
Ebenezer Scrooge is far too greedy to understand that Christmas is a time for kindness and generosity. But with the guidance of some new found friends, Scrooge learns to embrace the spirit of the season. A retelling of the classic Dickens tale with Disney's classic characters.
The discovery that she has a terminal illness prompts introverted department store saleswoman Georgia Byrd to reflect on what she realizes has been an overly cautious life. With weeks to live, she withdraws her life savings, sells all her possessions and jets off to Europe where she lives it up at a posh hotel. Upbeat and passionate, Georgia charms everybody she meets, including renowned Chef Didier. The only one missing from her new life is her longtime crush Sean Matthews.
A Christmas Carol
Scrooge is a miserly old businessman in 1840s London. One Christmas Eve he is visited by the ghost of Marley, his dead business partner. Marley foretells that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits, each of whom will attempt to show Scrooge the error of his ways. Will Scrooge reform his ways in time to celebrate Christmas?