En ole kreivitär (1945)
ジャンル : コメディ, ロマンス
上映時間 : 1時間 26分
演出 : Hannu Leminen
Helena Kara plays a dual role in this spectacularly portrayed adventure story where a real Countess and a false one cause misunderstandings. The film won Jussi Awards for filming and staging.
Sibyl, a jaded psychotherapist, returns to her first passion: writing. But her newest patient Margot, a troubled up-and-coming actress, proves to be a source of inspiration that is far too tempting. Fascinated almost to the point of obsession, Sibyl becomes more and more involved in Margot’s tumultuous life, reviving volatile memories that bring her face to face with her past.
Her husband Sejin is not interested in his wife Ahae as a woman. Ahae's husband is just heartless. In fact, Sejin is having an affair with Ara's young and beautiful younger brother Ara. After having suffered from depression due to work poisoning, he receives a message from the alumni association, and he changes his mind and attends. There, she meets Ahae, the next-door sister who had a crush on her childhood, and is still fantastic with her pretty appearance. Lonely Aha due to the innocence of her husband and Gunhoo approaching her with counseling. As if they were aware of each other's loneliness, they are attracted to each other and spend one night, returning to each other's daily lives, but after forgetting about the Ahae, the hand of the Ahae Abandonment comes to mind all night. Will they be able to go back to their daily lives?
Dragon Ball Z: The Real 4-D is a cinematic attraction at Universal Studios Japan, as part of "Universal Jump Summer". The attraction features a new installment in the Dragon Ball series, which primarily depicts a CG animation of Goku vs. Frieza, presented as a 4D attraction. The event was held from July 1 to September 4, alongside similar attractions based on One Piece and Death Note.
『白蛇:縁起』は中国の四大民間説話の一つ『白蛇伝』の前世の話。 晩唐の時代、国師が民間人に蛇を大量に捕獲させていた。 白蛇の妖怪「白」(見た目は人間の美少女)が国師を刺殺しようとしたが失敗。 少女は逃亡の末、記憶をなくしてしまったが捕蛇村の少年「宣」に救われる。 「白」の記憶を取り戻すため二人は冒険の旅に出る。 その旅の中で二人は恋に落ちるが、少女が白蛇の妖怪ということも明らかになってしまう。 一方、国師と蛇族との間に激しい戦いが始まろうとしていた。二人の恋に大きな試練が待ち受ける。
Oh, Ramona! seeks the transformation of Andrew from a teenager into an adult who lives candidly and selflessly his first love story, innocent and uninvolved, alternating with the second, intense and insane story, incapable of making a choice. Oh, Ramona! is the cinematic rewriting of Andrei Ciobanu's book "Suge-o, Ramona!".
Father-to-be Alan is shocked to learn that he was born a sextuplet. With his newfound brother Russell riding shotgun, the duo sets out on a hilarious journey to reunite with their remaining long-lost siblings.
A guy meets the woman of his dreams and invites her to his company's corporate retreat, but realizes he sent the invite to the wrong person.
世界の命運を握る「最後の鍵」を取り戻す、最も危険な、禁断の魔道バトルが、今開幕!! 世界を崩壊させるという“魔王因子”を持つ魔王候補・春日アラタは トリニティセブンの一人である浅見リリスらと共に遺跡調査を行っていた。 アラタの力に反応した強い力により、辺りはまばゆい光に覆われ、 気づけばそこは古より天空に存在する、全世界の英知を司る場所・「天空図書館」だった。 すると突如、紅い稲光とともに、顔がアラタにそっくりなある男が現れる―。 名は紅の魔王“アビィス・トリニティ” 彼は、魔王を滅ぼすための魔王であり、街を一瞬で消し飛ばす強力な力の持ち主故、 長く「天空図書館」に封印されていた。 アラタの魔王因子に反応してその封印を解かれた彼は、 魔王としての力を取り戻し、世界を、すべてを無に還すことを目論んでいた。 そのカギとなるのが、彼の娘・リリス─── なんと、リリスは最強魔王の娘だったのだ……っ! アビィスの危険すぎる力により囚われたリリス。 アラタたちは、リリスを救い、最強魔王を打ち倒すべく魔王兵器を探すことに……。 しかし、それを使えば、人の心を失い、完全に魔王化してしまうというが……。 魔力を支配するか、それとも支配されるか──。 アラタの最大のピンチが訪れる──!
A kidnapped Fred Savage is forced to endure Deadpool's PG-13 rendition of Deadpool 2 as a Princess Bride-esque story that's full of magic, wonder & zero F's.
A bride's wedding night takes a sinister turn when her eccentric new in-laws force her to take part in a terrifying game.
昼夜問わず走り回るが、実績はどん底、挙げ句の果てに解散の危機を迎える麻薬班。これ以上引き下がることのできないチームの年長者であるコ班長は、国際犯罪組織の国内麻薬密搬入情報を入手し、チャン刑事、マ刑事、ヨンホ、ジェフンの 4人のチーム員たちとともに潜伏捜査に出る。麻薬班は24時間監視のため、犯罪組織のアジト前にあるチキン屋を買い取り、偽装創業をおこなうことに。まさかの絶対味覚を持つマ刑事の隠れた才能でチキン屋は一躍名店としての噂が広まる。捜査は後回し、チキン商売で目まぐるしいほどに忙しくなった麻薬班に、ある日絶好の機会が訪れるのだが…。犯人を捕まえるのか、鶏を捕まえるのか!
Naïma has just turned 16. This summer, she will have to decide what she wants from life if she doesn’t want to miss out. Then her cousin Sofia arrives, with an amazing body and a dangerously seductive lifestyle. Naïma desires only to follow her own path, so long as it leads upwards… Despite the warnings of her best friend Dodo, she and Sofia will live through unforgettable encounters during a long summer that will mark them forever.
Born into an oligarch family, Grigory is so spoiled that he thinks he is above the law. When he goes too far with his escapades and faces a jail sentence, his father takes measures. With the help of a friend he plans to ‘rehabilitate’ his son. They reconstruct an abandoned village, 19th century style. Soon after that, Grigory gets into an arranged car accident and “goes back in time” reincarnated as a serf. All the people he meets there are actors. There are hidden cameras everywhere, and a team of psychologists watches Grigory. He will have to learn how to appreciate life and to work hard.
The story of a streetwise party girl who gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out - by masquerading as a Catholic nun.
When Anna Wyncomb is introduced to an underground, all-female fight club in order to turn the mess of her life around, she discovers she is much more personally connected to the history of the club than she could ever imagine.