

ジャンル : アドベンチャー, アニメーション, ファミリー

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Cesar Zelada


A courageous and athletic teenager, Kayara dreams that she is destined to be the first female to break into the league of Chasquis - the official messengers of the Incan empire. As she learns what it takes to be a Chasqui along with its challenges, she tackles every mission she gets and discovers the ancient stories of her land and her people.



Cesar Zelada
Cesar Zelada
Sergio Zelada
Sergio Zelada
Jose Zelada
Jose Zelada
Jaime Fiestas
Jaime Fiestas
Line Producer


Masayuki's parents have gone overseas, leaving him alone in the house. To his surprise, they have hired Sayaka, a fellow student from school, to work as his maid while they are gone. Masayuki wants his life to be peaceful, but alongside Sayaka's affections he also has to fend off the attention of his kohai, his younger aunt, and his aunt's yandere lesbian admirer.
Riki-Oh: The Wall of Hell
In the late 1990s, society is descending into ecological collapse and totalitarianism. Saiga Riki-Oh, a mysterious man with a six-pointed star on his fist, finds himself at the privately-owned Tokyo State Prison. Serving a term of three years due to assault, his first offense, Riki-Oh openly antagonizes The Four Emperors, four powerful prisoners that control the prison and keep the rest of the inmates in line...
タイムスリップ10000年 プライム・ローズ
This is a fantasy story about a sword and the magic of a girl warrior, Emiya, in a fictitious world. A strong country, Guroman, attacks and overtakes the country of Kukurit, though the particulars of when and where this happens are not given. As a means of keeping the peace, the two countries exchange their third prince and princess, respectively. Prime Rose, the third princess of Guroman, is placed in the custody of a noble family of Kukurit under the name of Emiya.
Riko, Midori, and Mai work in an Inn in Kyoto. They are training to become maikos (traditional female entertainers who sing, dance, and perform). A festival is coming and the three must start practicing.
百日紅 〜Miss HOKUSAI〜
アルヴ・レズル -機械仕掛けの妖精たち-
西暦二〇二二年。神経細胞を模した極微細無線通信装置「ナーヴセラー・リンカー・ナノマシン(NLN)」が完成。NLNにより、意識とネットワークをシームレスにリンクさせることを可能にした。 だが、人と機械の垣根を崩すその技術は、数万もの人の意識をネットワークの彼方へと喪わせる災厄「アーリー・ラプチャー」を引き起こし――。
Heidi (1974) Japanese anime series by Zuiyo Eizo. It was directed by Isao Takahata, has been dubbed into many languages. The TV series was directed also in Italy, has been distributed in 1978. After divided also in three feature films, Heidi a scuola (1977), Heidi in città (1978), Heidi torna tra i monti (1979), produced by Beta Film and Riccardo Billi and distributed by Sampaolo Film. The third feature, Heidi torna tra i monti, summarizes the latest episodes of the television series. Heidi finally back from his grandfather, but continues to maintain the friendship at a distance with Clara. Which, precisely during a visit to the girl initially hampered by Mrs. Rottenmeier, on this occasion will resume the use of his legs.
鈴木英雄(大泉洋)35歳。職業:漫画家アシスタント。彼女とは破局寸前。 そんな平凡な毎日が、ある日突然、終わりを告げる…。徹夜仕事を終えアパートに戻った英雄の目に映ったのは、彼女の「異形の姿」。一瞬にして現実の世界は崩壊し、姿を変えて行く。謎の感染によって人々が変貌を遂げた生命体『ZQN(ゾキュン)』で街は溢れ、日本中は感染パニックに陥る。標高の高い場所では感染しないという情報を頼りに富士山に向かう英雄。その道中で出会った女子高生・比呂美(有村架純)と元看護師・藪(長澤まさみ)と共に生き残りを懸けた極限のサバイバルが始まった…。果たして彼らは、この変わり果てた日本で生き延びることが出来るのか。そして、英雄は、ただの英雄(ひでお)から本当の英雄(ヒーロー)になれるのか!?
Dragon Ball: Goku's Traffic Safety
An educational film featuring characters from "Dragon Ball". Roshi and Krillin are on their way to Bulma's birthday party, and they see a boy run into the street, nearly getting run over. Launch, as a traffic officer, teaches him about traffic safety. Meanwhile, Goku, who is also on his way to Bulma's party, gets a traffic lesson of his own from Suno after running through traffic to see her.
劇場版 銀魂 完結篇 万事屋よ永遠なれ
ルパン三世 princess of the breeze ~隠された空中都市~
2112年 ドラえもん誕生
1969年11月。漫画家・藤子不二雄(当時)は学年誌での新連載漫画のアイデアがさっぱり出ず困り果てていた。 そして場面は転換し、2112年9月3日のこと。マツシバ・ロボット工場では黄色の子守用ネコ型ロボットを生産していたのだが、そこで外的要因によるトラブルが発生。頭のネジが一本外れた一体ができてしまった。そのロボットこそが「ドラえもん」である。 彼は他のロボットにはない個性を持ってしまい、ドジばかりしていたため、特別クラスで教育を受けることとなる。
ゲキ・ガンガー3 熱血大決戦
元々は『機動戦艦ナデシコ』の劇中劇であったが、あまりの人気のためスピンオフして制作されたOVA作品。制作陣の70年代のロボットアニメに対する愛情とオマージュに溢れた一作。なお、ゲストとしてナデシコ本編のキャラクターたちが登場する。  地球征服を企むキョアック星人の魔の手を退けるため、国分寺博士は超古代縄文人が遺した設計図を基に、熱血ロボ・ゲキガンガー3を建造。3人の若者を操縦者に任命し、キョアック星人との熾烈な戦いを続けていた。そんなある日、宇宙から超古代縄文人が来襲。その恐るべき戦力の前に、ゲキガンガーとキャック星人のアカラ王子は共闘を余儀なくされる。
キズナ 一撃
Kizuna Todoroki is a young girl who fights using the teachings of the Wadachi Ju-ken school. After winning a big martial arts tournament and cash prize, Kizuna's family are visited by a woman journalist for an interview but are interrupted by a new group of challengers. Studio Ascension's entry for the initial Young Animator Training Project.
万能野菜 ニンニンマン
小学2年生のまりちゃんは、ニンジン、ピーマン、牛乳が大嫌いで、食べると気絶してしまうほどだ。ある日、苦手な食べ物をムリヤリ食べたら、ニンニンマン、ぴーマン、ミルクたち、ヘンテコな《お化け》が現れた! ニンニンマンたちはノリのいい魔法を使って、まりちゃんのトラブルを解決しようと活躍する。はたしてまりちゃんは、気まずくなってしまった親友のモモちゃんと仲直りができるのだろうか?
Wardrobe Dwellers
The mother of an office lady sends her an old dresser. It's much too big for her small apartment, and the receiver is confused on what to do with it. One night she falls asleep after having a few drinks and wakes up after hearing strange sounds. She sees a child's figure by the table eating some rice crackers just before it slips into the wardrobe, but the wardroebe appears to be empty... Thus her life with six spirit children begins. Submitted by Production I.G for the initial Young Animator Training Project.
Buta the sword for hire is recruited by the Tufugu Pirates on their voyage to seek a stockpile of treasure. On board he discovers a child Kitsune locked away below deck. After some misunderstandings and with the promise of more money, the two of them go on their own adventure.