
Equalizer 2000 (1987)

The Final War Is Over. The Battle's Just Begun.

ジャンル : アクション, サイエンスフィクション

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Cirio H. Santiago
脚本 : Frederick Bailey


In a bleak, postnuclear future world, warring factions struggle to claim the Equalizer 2000, the one weapon powerful enough to guarantee survival.


Richard Norton
Richard Norton
Corinne Wahl
Corinne Wahl
Robert Patrick
Robert Patrick
William Steis
William Steis
Rex Cutter
Rex Cutter
Henry Strzalkowski
Henry Strzalkowski
Don Gordon Bell
Don Gordon Bell
Frederick Bailey
Frederick Bailey
Peter Shilton
Peter Shilton
Vic Diaz
Vic Diaz
Bobby Greenwood
Bobby Greenwood
Ramon D'Salva
Ramon D'Salva
Bill Kipp
Bill Kipp
Steve Cook
Steve Cook
Willy Schober
Willy Schober
Lube Job


Cirio H. Santiago
Cirio H. Santiago
Joe Mari Avellana
Joe Mari Avellana
Frederick Bailey
Frederick Bailey
Frederick Bailey
Frederick Bailey
Cirio H. Santiago
Cirio H. Santiago
Ding Achacoso
Ding Achacoso
Johnny Araojo
Johnny Araojo
Director of Photography
Pacífico Sánchez
Pacífico Sánchez
Ronnie Cruz
Ronnie Cruz
Production Design


After a comet disrupts the rain cycle of Earth, the planet has become a desolate, barren desert by the year 2033. With resources scarce, Kesslee — head of the powerful and evil Water & Power Corporation, the de facto government — has taken control of the water supply. Unwilling to cower under Kesslee's tyrannical rule, a pair of outlaws known as Tank Girl and Jet Girl rise up, joining the mysterious rebel Rippers to destroy the corrupt system.
A lone-wolf scientist sequestered in a mansion near a small desert town arouses the suspicion of the town's doctor when his lab assistant is found dead from a case of acromegaly which took only four days to develop. As the doctor investigates, aided by the scientist's new, and very female, assistant, they discover that, far worse, something much larger and hungrier than it ever should be, is devouring local cattle - and humans - in increasingly large quantities.
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
When brash Texas border officer Mike Norton wrongfully kills and buries the friend and ranch hand of Pete Perkins, the latter is reminded of a promise he made to bury his friend, Melquiades Estrada, in his Mexican home town. He kidnaps Norton and exhumes Estrada's corpse, and the odd caravan sets out on horseback for Mexico.
荒野を彷徨い続けるマックスは、航空機を操る謎の親子連れに乗り物や装備を奪われる。 徒歩でたどり着いた“バータータウン”は、物々交換で成り立つ街だった。街の支配者であるアウンティに腕前を買われたマックスは、自分の持ち物を取り戻すべく、全ての問題を解決するために設けられたステージ“サンダードーム”にて、街の裏の支配者であるマスター・ブラスターと戦うことになる。
Dust Devil
A woman on the run from her abusive husband encounters a mysterious hitch-hiker.
And Then There Were None
Ten people are invited to a hotel for a weekend getaway by a Mr. U. N. Owen, who mysteriously isn't in attendance. When the group gets together for their first dinner, a record is played in which Mr. Owen accuses each guest of committing various unpunished crimes, which sets off a series of murders in the hotel.
A Boy and His Dog
Set in the year 2024 in post-apocalyptic America, 18-year old Vic and his telepathic dog, Blood, are scavengers in the desolate wilderness ravaged by World War IV, where survivors must battle for food and shelter in the desert-like wasteland. Vic and Blood eke out a meager existence, foraging for food and fighting gangs of cutthroats.
The World, the Flesh and the Devil
Ralph Burton is a miner who is trapped for several days as a result of a cave-in. When he finally manages to dig himself out, he realizes that all of mankind seems to have been destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. He travels to New York City only to find it deserted. Making a life for himself there, he is flabbergasted to eventually find Sarah Crandall, who also managed to survive. Together, they form a close friendship until the arrival of Benson Thacker who has managed to pilot his small boat into the city's harbor. At this point, tensions rise between the three, particularly between Thacker, who is white, and Burton, who is black.
David Locke is a world-weary American journalist who has been sent to cover a conflict in northern Africa, but he makes little progress with the story. When he discovers the body of a stranger who looks similar to him, Locke assumes the dead man's identity. However, he soon finds out that the man was an arms dealer, leading Locke into dangerous situations. Aided by a beautiful woman, Locke attempts to avoid both the police and criminals out to get him.
The Quiet Earth
After a top-secret experiment misfires, a scientist may be the only man left alive in the world.
舞台は近未来。凶悪化する暴走族の犯罪が問題となり警察も武装化が進んでいた。特殊警察「M.F.P.(Main Force Patrol)」の所属警官マックス・ロカタンスキーはある日追跡中の暴走族ナイトライダーを追い詰め事故死させてしまう。これが元でトーカッター率いるグループのターゲットとして狙われてしまう。親友グースや家族までもを無残な殺され方をされ、全てを奪われたマックスの復讐が今始まる。
前作から数年後、大戦が世界各地で勃発し文明は衰退し世界は貧困と荒廃が進んでいた。復讐を遂げたものの虚無感に囚われ荒野を目的もなく走り続けるマックス。ある日捕らえた男ジャイロキャプテンより今も稼動し続けガソリンが取り放題の石油精製所があると聞かされる。しかしそこにはガソリンを独占しようとするヒューマンガス率いる暴走族集団と精製所に立てこもる市民が日々攻防戦を繰り返していた。 なんとか精製所にもぐりこんだマックス。中の市民は豊富なガソリンを持って脱出をしたいがガソリンタンクを牽引する車を持って来ればガソリンを好きなだけ渡すという取引を行う。群がる凶悪暴走族の中、マックスは一人で突破を試みるが・・
西暦2025年、太平洋上の無人島8JOに設置された全自動ロボット工場を制御する巨大コンピューター「カイロン5」は突如、人類に宣戦布告。人類は鎮圧のため自動可変戦闘ロボット「ガンヘッド」大隊を投入。長い戦いの末、カイロン5を守護する「エアロボット」にガンヘッド大隊は全滅。カイロン5は勝利を宣言するとその活動を停止した。 それから13年後、コンピューターチップを狙うトレジャー・ハンター“Bバンガー”の一団が、カイロンタワーの屋上に侵入するが、カイロン5の命で連邦政府の研究所から超伝導物質テキスメキシウムを奪って逃亡してきたバイオドロイドにより、彼らは青年ブルックリンを残して抹殺されてしまう。 生き残ったブルックリンと、バイオロイドを追って8JOにやってきたテキサス・エア・レンジャーの女レンジャー・ニムは、カイロン5の陰謀を阻止すべく、破壊され破棄されていたガンヘッド507号機を有人型に修復し、カイロン5とそれを守るエアロボットに戦いを挑む…。


The (alleged) heroic World War Two adventures of Ferdinand Marcos, fighting against the Japanese occupation of the Philippines.
The Blacksheep Affair
A patriotic Chinese cop is reposted to fictional East European country Lavernia as punishment for ignoring orders during a plane hijack operation. There he encounters his ex-girlfriend, who fled to Lavernia after Tiananmen Square. Their paths soon tangle with the charismatic but evil leader of the Japanese cult Aum Shinryuu
The Banker
High-priced prostitutes are being systematically murdered, their corpses mutilated, and a bizarre South American symbol painted in blood is found at the scene. The cop investigating is out to solve the crime before his ex wife, a reporter, becomes the next victim.
Night of the Warrior
A kickboxer has an accounting problem with the mobster (Anthony Geary) who lent him money for a nightclub.
Snake Eater
The Snake Eaters are an elite division of the Marines especially trained for search and destroy missions. This actioner chronicles the exploits of one of them who has become a cop. Known as a tough loner, he returns to find the band of backwoods bad-guys who killed his parents and abducted his sister.