
三人の博徒 (1967)

ジャンル : 犯罪, ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 25分

演出 : Shigehiro Ozawa
脚本 : Akira Murao, Shigehiro Ozawa


Three closely associated gamblers have adventures in Yokohama, Hokkaido, and Macao. Gambling trio endure hardships to rescue Naojiro’s family.


Koji Tsuruta
Koji Tsuruta
Naojiro Oshima
Kyōsuke Machida
Kyōsuke Machida
Kansuke Sugiyama
Ryō Ikebe
Ryō Ikebe
Kunitaro Nagano
Sanae Kitabayashi
Sanae Kitabayashi
Tōru Abe
Tōru Abe
Kichinosuke Koizumi
Tatsuo Endō
Tatsuo Endō
Shorin O
Hōsei Komatsu
Hōsei Komatsu
Denpo Cho
Akitake Kôno
Akitake Kôno
Toyomatsu Inoue
Shigeyoshi Fujioka
Shigeyoshi Fujioka
Noboru Koizumi
Takashi Ebata
Takashi Ebata
Kyuroku Akune
Kenji Kusumoto
Kenji Kusumoto
Tatsuma Okamoto
Ryuko Azuma
Ryuko Azuma
Yoshiko Yamada
Yoshiko Yamada
Jûkei Fujioka
Jûkei Fujioka
Hideto Kagawa
Hideto Kagawa
Takashi Noguchi
Takashi Noguchi
Kyônosuke Murai
Kyônosuke Murai
Gorô Naniwa
Gorô Naniwa
Masaharu Arikawa
Masaharu Arikawa
Tetsuya Yamaoka
Tetsuya Yamaoka
Michimaro Otabe
Michimaro Otabe


Shigehiro Ozawa
Shigehiro Ozawa
Akira Murao
Akira Murao
Kôji Shundô
Kôji Shundô
Keiichi Hashimoto
Keiichi Hashimoto
Kozo Horiike
Kozo Horiike
Shigeji Nakayama
Shigeji Nakayama
Sound Recordist
Shigehiro Ozawa
Shigehiro Ozawa
Jûhei Suzuki
Jûhei Suzuki
Director of Photography
Etsuaki Masuda
Etsuaki Masuda
Lighting Technician
Seiji Yada
Seiji Yada
Art Direction
Toshiaki Tsushima
Toshiaki Tsushima
Original Music Composer




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The Mud-Spattered Pure Heart
Jiro, a young yakuza, and Mami, a diplomat’s daughter, are two young lovers from different worlds. Having met by accident, they soon discover a new life together. But their love is ill-fated. Mami's family will not accept her choice, while leading an honest life seems like an unattainable goal for Jiro. Can there be anything else but a tragic ending?
That Guy and I
Asada Keiko and Kurokawa Saburo are two young college students. When Keiko visits Saburo's house, she meets his father Kokichi and his mother Motoko. Motoko is a famous hair dresser, who openly flaunts her lover. When Kokichi and Motoko fight, which they do a lot, he routinely threatens to leave but never quite does. A relationship develops between Saburo and Keiko, but Saburo is shaken when his mother tells Keiko the truth about Saburo's past and the secret of his birth.
Shokichi, the owner of the clothing store, lives with his daughter Hideko and plans to open an art gallery. One day, Hideko led a handsome art student, Shohei and a poor painter, Sohei. Sohei’s painting was praised by a great printer at the completion ceremony of the art gallery. Since he became successful as a painter, but he looked quite indifferent. Around the same time, Shohei’s sister brought Sohei’s pictures to the gallery and Shokichi noticed that she was a daughter of his first love.
The Lightning Sword
Shinjiro is a rambler, a single sword carrying lone wolf with only his fighting skills to protect him. He doesn’t know where his road leads, only that he must find his lost sister, and the ronin who stole her away. The ronin that Shinjiro has sworn to kill. On the road he’ll find his sister and test his blade against his bitter enemy. He also encounters a lost boy searching for his father, a boy he will swear to protect, and find his own lost love, a daughter of the yakuza who draws him into a frenzied and bloody battle between rival yakuza gangs for the control of a frightened town.
「柳生一族の陰謀」の深作欣二と萬屋錦之介が忠臣蔵に挑んだ大型時代劇。様式美にとらわれないドキュメンタリータッチの作風で描く。 吉良上野介に対し刃傷に及んだ浅野内匠頭が切腹させられ、赤穂はお家断絶となり、領地を召し上げられてしまう。大石内蔵助は家臣たちから誓紙血判を集め、仇討ちの準備を始める。