Ryō Ikebe

Ryō Ikebe

出生 : 1918-02-11, Tokyo, Japan

死亡 : 2010-10-08


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ryō Ikebe (11 February 1918 - 8 October 2010) was a Japanese actor. He graduated from Rikkyō University and originally wanted to be a screenwriter, but ended up debuting as an actor at Tōhō in 1941. He did not achieve popularity until starring in a series of youth films in the late 1940s. He expanded his acting range in the 1950s, while still frequently appearing in genre films, such as Tōhō tokusatsu films and yakuza films at Tōei. He was also known as an essayist. Description above from the Wikipedia article Ryō Ikebe, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Ryō Ikebe


Zenbei Terazawa
The life and travels of adventurer Naomi Uemura, who disappeared in Alaska in 1984. A member of the first Japanese expedition to reach the summit of Mt Everest in 1970, Uemura also accomplished several "firsts". He was the first man to reach the North Pole solo, climb Denali solo, and float down the Amazon river solo. In the film, Uemura returns to Tokyo after a stint in Siorapaluk in Northern Greenland. In Tokyo, he reconnects with an old friend and, over coffee, shares his life story - from his days as a college dropout to his successful expedition to the top of Everest.
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
Interrogator (segment "Runaway Horses")
物語は三島由紀夫最後の一日となる朝から始まり、『金閣寺』『鏡子の家』『奔馬』を劇中劇として見せながら三島の生涯を描いていく。 どもりを持つ学生・溝口は金閣寺はその美しさに見苦しい自分の姿を責め悩み、放火をしてしまう『金閣寺』。容姿端麗で華奢な美青年・治が、最後はマゾヒスティックな狂愛に溺れていく『鏡子の家』。剣道に励む青年が同じ学生仲間とクーデターを決起する『奔馬』。そして、三島由紀夫の最期の瞬間に至る…。
Shozo Godai
Four girls and their manager aiming for stardom!
Genji Tagawa
A double suicide happens in Morioka in Iwate Prefecture. The two were employees of rival real estate companies. A prosecutor who senses a setup exposes the truth.
In collaboration with the LDP presidential election of the entire national public, a masterpiece depicting the reverse side of Showa political history released, superimposed cast, a group image of real politicians centered on Shigeru Yoshida and political history after the war.
Chief Nakagawa
Riichiro Ujima
Out of the blue, a bourgeois family on the Sea of Japan finds an unconscious woman on the beach and decides to let her board.
Nobuyuki Kinomata
Legendary detective returns
Professor Masato Takigawa
スターウォーズブームの中製作された、映画「海底軍艦」の宇宙版リメイク。1980年代、世界各地でUFO騒ぎがおき、また電波障害により大混乱が発生した。これを宇宙からの侵略の前兆と捉えた国連宇宙局・宇宙防衛軍 (UNSF) は、宇宙防衛艦の設計建造を滝川正人に依頼、一方で隊員の訓練を開始した。しかし次第にその騒ぎは収まり、滝川は平和な地球には必要ないとして宇宙防衛艦の建造を中止、退任してしまった。 1988年秋、再びUFO騒動と大規模な通信障害が発生。国連宇宙局の三好は宇宙防衛艦「轟天」を完成させる使命を帯び、滝川を説得するため日本に帰還する。滝川は消極的だったが、彼を暗殺しようとした刺客から三好、室井、冬木によって救われる。さらに、宇宙ステーション・テラが「巨大なローマ船」という通信を残して爆発。国防軍は滝川に轟天の建造の再開と乗員の編成を要請する。 敵のUFOヘル・ファイターによって世界各地の大都市と地上の国連軍基地が壊滅状態となる中、滝川は隊員達を再招集、太平洋マウグ島で轟天の完成を急ぐ。侵入した工作員の妨害も排除しつつ轟天は完成、地球上を飛び回っていたヘル・ファイターを全滅させ、侵略軍の前線基地がある金星へと進撃を開始する。しかしその途中、三笠の遺体に扮して侵入した敵兵によって滝川の娘・ジュンが拉致されてしまう。三好は冬木達とともに、敵艦の心臓部爆破とジュンの救出のため大魔艦に潜入する。
西村寿行の同名小説を原作としたサスペンスアクション作品。 検事の杜丘冬人は新宿の雑踏で見知らぬ女から「金品を盗まれ強姦された」と告発され緊急逮捕されてしまう。他の男も「カメラを盗まれた」と供述、逮捕に必要な証拠も揃っていた。自分にかけられた罠を取り除くため、現場検証の場から逃走を図る冬人。女の正体をつかみ彼女の郷里へ向かうが、すでに女は殺されており、冬人は殺人犯として追われることに。日高山中に逃げ延びた冬人は、自分をはめた真犯人が政界の黒幕である長岡了介ではないかと思い始める。
Ken's older sister Yoko, who has raised Ken like a mother, decides to move to Brazil with an older man.
直撃地獄拳 大逆転
Vice Admiral Takajiro Ohnishi could see that Japan's defeat in WWII was inevitable. He came to realize that the only way to force a negotiated solution was to convince the Americans that invading Japan would cause massive casualties on both sides. The cold logic of suicide attacks, where one man and one plane could kill hundreds, seemed the only solution. In one of the cruel ironies of fate, Ohnishi actually succeeded; he convinced the Americans that invading Japan would be too costly in lives. But what he could not foresee was that America had another way of ending the war.
直撃! 地獄拳
昭和残侠伝 破れ傘
The ninth and final film in the Contemporary Tales of Chivalry series.
A Yakuza film directed by Kôsaku Yamashita
A ruffian joins the ranks of the emperor’s guards.
昭和残侠伝 吼えろ唐獅子
Jukichi Kazama
A story of lone wolf struggling with human compassion and duty.
激動の昭和史 沖縄決戦
Rear Admiral Ota
日本侠客伝 刃
日本暴力団 組長くずれ
Terajima, an ex-yakuza and current nightclub owner, is brought back into the world of crime when his former brother attempts a hostile take over.
昭和残侠伝 死んで貰います
Young yakuza Shujiro Hanada goes to prison after losing his cool in a rigged gambling game and slashing a few other players. When he's released in 1927, the world has changed. His sister died in the Great Kanto Earthquake and his father is also gone. His brother Jukichi invites him to stay at his in-laws and works in their family pub. He lies low, helping his blind mother-in-law and slowly developing a relationship with Ikuye, the hostess who helped him before his arrest. But trouble lurks when the resident gang decides to show its strength.
Maruoka Yusuke / Orochimaru
A yakuza member embarks on a trail of revenge for his murdered boss. Senzo, the successor of the Mita Family, searches for the man bearing a tattoo of a dragon who is said to be responsible for the death of their former leader.
朱鞘仁義 お命頂戴
Japanese crime film
昭和残侠伝 人斬り唐獅子
This is the sixth film in the Brutal Tales of Chivalry series
現代やくざ 与太者仁義
Back after four years, Goro learns his younger brother's been thrown out of the gang and his girlfriend's married another man. It's payback time.
Chôkôsô no akebono
A film about the construction of the Kasumigaseki Building, the first high-rise building in Japan.
昭和残侠伝 唐獅子仁義
Kazama Jukichi
Hidejuro is sent to prison after killing the boss of a rival family. After being released, he discovers that his family has scattered and he is taken in by a company of quarry workers, whose boss has a strict code of non-violence. When the rival family tries to take over the company and kills their boss, Hidejuro must choose between his promise of non-violence and his yakuza code of revenge...
The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.
Kazuo, a Japanese army intelligence agent, reveals a foreign intelligence network in Japan and then sent to Borneo Island with a special mission.
人間魚雷 あゝ回天特別攻撃隊
Story of loyal sailors giving their lives for their country as human torpedoes towards the end of the War.
男の勝負 関東嵐
After being bailed out of trouble by a member of the Kaijima Clan, Ryuhei dedicates himself to saving the Kajima’s lucrative lumber business.
昭和残侠伝 血染の唐獅子
Fierce war breaks out when Shujiro’s rival clan attempts to sabotage his lucrative construction business.
Kyohei Shigemasa
It has been 5 years since Eijiro Kikukawa of the Asakusa Kaminarimon family killed the head of the Suzaki family. Finally he gets out of prison and comes to the city of Odahama, where he had a mistress, Okei, whom he could not forget. He accidentally helped a man named Hanji from the Kurokane family and was received by the family as a guest. And soon Eijiro is involved in a showdown between the yakuza families.
Kunitaro Nagano
Three closely associated gamblers have adventures in Yokohama, Hokkaido, and Macao. Gambling trio endure hardships to rescue Naojiro’s family.
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
昭和残侠伝 一匹狼
Yakuza families clash over a lucrative fishery business.
昭和残侠伝 唐獅子牡丹
Hidejiro is a wandering yakuza with a ‘karashi botan’ (Chinese lion and peony) tattoo. Owing a favor to the Soda Family, he kills the boss of the rival Sakaki Family. When the Soda attacks the Sakaki and double-crosses him, with sword in hand, Hidejiro seeks brutal retribution.
After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second-generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in the Enko area. Iwasa has Gennosuke assassinated but before he dies, he names Shinji Terajima as his successor and makes him swear to carry on the family business and not seek revenge or use violence. Shinji tries to make his family’s marketplace a success, but with constant interruption and attacks from Iwasa’s gang, he can no longer keep his word to his former boss.
"When human beings venture too far along a trail made by wild beasts, it is said, they quite often discover themselves on a road of no return." Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
One day a company executive learns that his younger brother, whom he recommended, embezzled company funds. To save the situation he withdraws his life savings and gives money to his younger brother. He then suddenly disappears…
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻
Chikara Tsuchiya
The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (becoming ronin) after their daimyo (feudal lord) was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku for committing the crime of murder.
Dr. Tazawa
黒い画集 第二話 寒流
Drama about two college friends, now working for the same banking firm, torn apart by jealousy over their inequitable positions and love lives.
The life of a toilet-seller during the Japanese Economic Miracle.
Ko Tanomura, who was ordered to study abroad in the United States for two years as a youth executive at Haneda Airport and a royal industry, was looking for the appearance of Sako Ozegawa from a large number of see-offs. --Kou's father, Cheongju, is an authority on religious studies, and Orie is his third wife. Eiko, who is a distant relative of Orie, came to Tokyo to care for her sick. Two months ago, Ko, who first met Eiko, was deeply moved...
Kikumori runs a cabaret on the docks, while his friend Kaji operates transport boats. When a gang of drug dealers tries to force the pair to cooperate in a smuggling scheme, conflict arises between the two friends. Falsely blamed for murder, Kikumori is blackmailed into an attempt to sabotage Kaji's boats and kill him. But the friendship between the two men proves an obstacle to the gangleader's plans.
ハワイ・ミッドウェイ大海空戦 太平洋の嵐
Lt. Koji Kitami is a navigator-bombardier in Japan's Naval Air Force. He participates in the Japanese raid on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and is welcomed with pride in his hometown on his return. As Japan racks up victory after victory in the Pacific War, Kitami is caught up in the emotion of the time and fights courageously for the standard of Japanese honor. But his assuredness of his government's righteousness is shaken after the Japanese navy is defeated in the debacle of Midway.
Major Ichiro Katsumiya
Adapted by Yasumi Toshio and directed by Toyoda Shiro, this is a literary work based on a full-length novel of the same name published by Shiga Naoya of the Shirakaba School.
Seizo Nabayama
An Ishiro Honda film.
Jinsei Gekijo
1958 Theater of Life adaptation.
Ryônosuke Taya
May Kawaguchi is a famous Japanese fashion designer. Returning to Tokyo from her home in New York, she travels incognito with a tour group, in hopes of having a quiet vacation without being noticed. But she is spotted and the press has a field-day with the returning celebrity. Her hopes of rest shattered, she agrees to put on a large-scale fashion show.
It's a man's world. Shimamura, an artist, comes to this snowbound town to rejuvenate himself. He connects with Komako, a geisha he met on a previous trip, and it seems like love. She's the foster daughter of a local family, almost engaged to the family's son Yukio, now dying of consumption. He's tended by his sister Yuko who's angry at Komako for abandoning her brother. Shimamura returns to Tokyo but promises he will be back soon. In anticipation of his return, Komako breaks with her patron and her family loses their home. Complications arise when Shimamura doesn't come back as promised. Then Komako discovers that he and Yuko knew each other in Tokyo. Can Komako escape destiny?
A girl rebels against her mother, who runs a brothel in Yokohama, and attempts to find freedom on her own.
Xu Xian
Lavish Japanese-Chinese coproduction based on an ancient Chinese legend about a man who falls in love with a snake goddess in human form.
Kosuke Kindaichi
The story of a professional nude model stalked by a bizarre, unknown man wearing a hideous mask.
Shôji Sugiyama
Period romantic drama.
Naojiro Mikazuki
Forced on the road by yakuza obligations, a man sets out on a reckless journey to Tsumagoi. Movie posters for local cinemas were often displayed at sento (public baths) too. The handwritten text on the bottom here announces the film will play at Hassen for 3 days.
Film directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
Rikiya Kizu
An Ishiro Honda film.
Set at the end of World War II and after Japan's defeat, it is a melodrama about a man and a woman at the mercy of war. Wataru is entrusted by his best friend who has gone off to war with his sister Reiko to marry her, but he is not ready to abandon his love for Kumiko, a nurse at his mother's hospital.
Captain Wakabayashi
This is a film about a Naval Air Corps Director who hates the war. Director Honda uses this film to ask the question "What is war?", showing the human bonds between Japan and America, Japanese military tactics which had little regard for life, and the attitude of Japanese military personnel who treated their actions as if they were just doing a job. This film contains few battle scenes, concentrating instead on the love stories of young officers and female members of the community in this lonely air base.
Ueda [sandwich man]
A human billboard and a shoeshine girl met a kid of five who got separated from her mother at a street of Ginza. They try to find a mother in a crowded town...
1953 Toho adaptation of Natsume's novel.
A screwball tale of a suspected “lady thief” and the detective who is on her trail, following her from Osaka to her home village, where she is going to hold a memorial service for her father. Of course, the detective falls in love with his prey.
A section chief at the Bureau of Construction is in a shady relationship with a construction company. Then a new, young and honest subordinate is assigned to work under the section chief. Once he learns about the shady relationship, however, the new subordinate skillfully conceals the corruption and joins the corrupt, shady relationship.
Once an average and seemingly ordinary Tokyo girl, she suddenly finds herself as a TV star owing to her discovery by a casting company, which noticed photographs that her cousin had sent. When another actress falls ill she is given the role instead. Her first film is a success propelling the young actress to popularity, her own fans, money and a house. While everything looks dandy from the outside not all is well within the family however.
Niheita Inoda
Atsuko is an office secretary who is also her family's primary source of income and caretaker in postwar Japan.
Kanae, who broke up with her husband and moved to her uncle's house, met two men when her father, a university professor, collapsed. Michihara, a wealthy man and Miyashita, a youth scholar. Kanae is attracted to Miyashita, but ...
"My mother is Japanese, a drifting diva of Tokyo" After the death of her father Reika goes to Japan to visit her mother, but can't find her, so she starts performing at a cabaret in Yokohama. Her mother, already settled, found about Reika's whereabouts, but won't acknowledge her daughter for fear of loosing her current status.
Ikeuchi was captain of the K - University ice hockey team. The daughter Shikotsuko of Ginza 's western restaurant "Piccolo" was also a female student at K University and was a figure player. They had a dream of being dispatched to Oslo in the Olympic Games and were struggling in each way. Mizuno who runs a sports equipment store in Ginza, showed the geisha by guiding the junior's Ikeuchi and others to the shop of Shimbashi one day.
Corporal Fukami
War film by Kon Ichikawa
In a small town, according to the homecoming of Professor Ishinaka, the youth culture group was overwhelmed to make a presentation for the summer festival, but because of lack of funds, she works part-time at the spectacle of a tour, a haunted house Especially. The ghost was a struggle amongst the people, it was a great success in filling the crowd, but in the circus hut next to it, Kenji who was supposed to have disappeared was pitiful.
Aoi shinju
Though recognized worldwide almost exclusively for his colorful kaiju fare, director Ishirō Honda (Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra) was a natural humanist with a particular understanding of the relationship between people and their social environs. His debut fiction feature, The Blue Pearl (Aoi Shinju) – virtually unseen in the west until now – depicts the melodramatic, but keenly-observed interplay between a young man from Tokyo and two ama (pearl divers; literally “women of the sea”) in a superstitious coastal town. Though raised within the same tradition-bound crucible, the two women – Noe and Riu – are portrayed as diametric opposites; the former meek but affectionate, the latter strong-willed but jaded by a tryst with metropolitan life. Nonetheless, Honda provides equal weight to their desires and their ambitions to break free from the social mold imposed upon them from birth.
平安群盗傳 袴だれ保輔
A young lord joins gang of Robin-esque robbers.
A Japanese adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's short story Boule de Suif, directed by Kimura Keigo
Seiichi Endo
Ai to nikushimi no kanata e
A young man, convicted of a crime and imprisoned in the penitentiary, comes to believe that his wife is being unfaithful to him. He contrives his escape from the prison in order to seek her out and learn the truth, but the police give chase and he must flee into the mountains.
Adaptation of a novel by Yojiro Ishizaka, originally released in two parts.
This little seen early work by Ichikawa was produced during the director's Shintoho period (1947-51). Written by Kaneto Shindô and featuring Ryô Ikebe as a young policeman it is part crime drama, part social study. Definitely not an undiscovered masterpiece, but still a must for Ichikawa buffs.
Goichi Murashima
A film by Kiyoshi Saeki
Meiichi Mizushima
Woman melodrama by Shiro Toyoda
An attempt is made to suppress a journalist's investigation of collusion between a rural police chief and the local gangster bosses.
Three humorous love stories set in rural Japan.
Mikami, a Japanese soldier, is captured by Chinese forces. Although able to escape, he is treated with contempt by his peers. After falling in love with a prostitute named Harumi, she convinces him to desert the army and live with her. Directed by Senkichi Taniguchi with a screenplay by Taniguchi and Akira Kurosawa and assistant direction by Ishiro Honda. Kurosawa's final credit as a screenwriter was removed from initial release due to various rewrites.
續 青い山脈
Rokusuke Kaneya
Continuation of The Blue Mountains: Part I. Released a week later.
Rokusuke Kaneya
Teacher Yukiko finds herself in opposition to conservative faculty and villagers after defending a student for being in a relationship with a young man from Tokyo.
Shigeya Moriguchi, a newspaper reporter
Japanese mystery thriller.
Japanese noir.
A teacher at a Japanese school tries to hide his outcast upbringing.
Omnibus of love stories from 1947 directed by famous directors, featuring big stars.
Set in Qingdao, China, a Japanese company locates an office there and begins work and cooperation with a local Chinese company for business. Many Japanese engineers also move to China, with their families, for the company in order to construct a canal. There are young Chinese resisting the Japanese in this area.
What is marriage? Young couple in match-making wanted to know before they decide. They visited married couples of sisters and brothers. Love comedy in 1942.