
Guns for San Sebastian (1968)

The epic of a town that became an army

ジャンル : 西洋

上映時間 : 1時間 51分

演出 : Henri Verneuil
脚本 : Serge Gance, James R. Webb


Leon Alastray is an outlaw who has been given sanctuary by Father John, whom he then escorts to the village of San Sebastian. The village is deserted, with its cowardly residents hiding in the hills from Indians, who regularly attack the village and steal all their supplies. When Father John is murdered, the villagers mistakenly think the outlaw is the priest. Alastray at first tells them he is not a priest, but they don't believe it, and an apparent miracle seems to prove they are correct. Eventually, he assists them in regaining their confidence and defending themselves.


Anthony Quinn
Anthony Quinn
Leon Alastray
Charles Bronson
Charles Bronson
Jaime Fernández
Jaime Fernández
Golden Lance
Leon Askin
Leon Askin
Vicar General
Anjanette Comer
Anjanette Comer
Sam Jaffe
Sam Jaffe
Père Joseph
Silvia Pinal
Silvia Pinal
Jorge Martínez de Hoyos
Jorge Martínez de Hoyos
Felipe Cayetano
Rosa Furman
Rosa Furman
José Chávez
José Chávez


Henri Verneuil
Henri Verneuil
William Barby Faherty
William Barby Faherty
Serge Gance
Serge Gance
Miguel Morayta
Miguel Morayta
Ennio De Concini
Ennio De Concini
James R. Webb
James R. Webb
Armand Thirard
Armand Thirard
Director of Photography
Françoise Bonnot
Françoise Bonnot
Ennio Morricone
Ennio Morricone
Jacques Bar
Jacques Bar
Ernesto Enríquez
Ernesto Enríquez
Associate Producer
Yvonne Wood
Yvonne Wood
Costume Design
Robert Clavel
Robert Clavel
Art Direction
Roberto Silva
Roberto Silva
Art Direction


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