Story of Linda Lovelace, who is used and abused by the porn industry at the behest of her coercive husband, before taking control of her life.
1981年のサンフランシスコ。妻リンダと息子のクリストファーと暮らすクリス・ガードナーは、骨密度を測定する新型医療器械のセールスをしていた。大金をはたいて仕入れた時にはこの機械を「革命的な機械」と信じ、妻とともに希望にあふれていたが、いざセールスをしてみるとその機械は病院関係者にとって「レントゲンより少し鮮明に見える程度で高価な贅沢品」という無用の長物であった。そのため機械のセールスはうまくいかず税金も滞納し、妻のパートでなんとか乗り切る苦しい生活を送っていた。 そんなある日、彼は路上で「真っ赤なフェラーリ」を見かけて思わず持ち主に二つの質問をする。 「あなたに二つ質問がある。仕事と、その仕事にどうやって就いたんだ?」 「株の仲買人をしていて、学歴がなくてもなれる」と返された彼は、株に興味を持ち始め、たまたま見つけた証券会社の養成コースに願書を提出する。半年間の研修期間で定員は20名、その中で選ばれるのはたった1名。しかもそのためにはまず研修生に選ばれることが必要だった。そこで彼は人材課長のトゥイッスルに近づき、彼が持っていたルービックキューブ(当時テレビにも取り上げられるほど大流行していた)を数分で完成させ、驚かせる。そうしてトゥイッスルに認められたクリスは研修プログラムに合格、参加することになる。だが研修期間中は無給であった。もし1名に選ばれなかったら半年間が無駄になる。 そんなとき、とうとうリンダが苦しい生活に耐えかね、息子を連れて出て行ってしまった。クリスは保育所から息子のクリストファーを連れ帰ったものの、大家には立ち退きを命じられ、駐車違反で一晩拘留されてしまう。持ち前の誠実さと機転で研修生にはなれたが、息子と2人で安モーテルに住むことになった。幸い機械のセールスはうまくいき、4ヶ月で売り切るが、一息つく間もなく税の未納分として、そのほとんどを差し押さえられてしまうのである。 行くあてもなく文字通り路頭に迷う2人は、駅のトイレや教会などを転々とするホームレス生活を送る。貯蓄も家もなく、明日も見えない辛い日々の中、クリスを突き動かすものは、この生活から脱け出し幸せになりたいという思いと、父親も知らず育った自分のような境遇を息子に味わわせたくない、という息子への愛情であった。
米海軍特殊部隊ネイビー・シールズに入隊し、イラク戦争に狙撃手として派遣されたクリス。その任務は“どんなに過酷な状況でも仲間を必ず守ること”。狙撃精度の高さで多くの仲間を救ったクリスは “レジェンド”の異名を轟かせるまでになる。しかし、敵の間にもその腕前が知れ渡り、“悪魔”と恐れられるようになった彼の首には18万ドルの賞金が掛けられ、彼自身が標的となってしまう。一方、家族はクリスの無事を願い続けていた。家族との平穏な生活と、想像を絶する極限状況の戦地。愛する家族を国に残し、終わりのない戦争は幾度となく彼を戦場に向かわせる。過酷なイラク遠征は4度。度重なる戦地への遠征は、クリスの心を序々に蝕んでゆく。
Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
A chronicle biopic of the 22-year career of soccer star Roberto Baggio, including depictions of his difficult debut as a player, his deep rifts with some of his coaches, his triumph over injuries and personal discovery of Buddism.
Constructed from over 500 hours of never-before-seen footage, this documentary centers on the personal life and career of the controversial football player Diego Maradona who played for SSC Napoli and Argentina in the 1980s.
保守的なフォークソングを守り"good girl"であろうしていた彼女が、様々なバッシングの中震えながら立ち上がり、自らの言葉を歌にのせて伝える真のパフォーマーとして開花していく様を追った、テイラー・スイフト渾身のドキュメンタリー。
ビリー・ホリデーは、そのキャリアの大半をファンから慕われることに費やした。1940年代、政府は人種差別を助長するためにホリデイを標的にし、最終的には物議を醸したバラード "Strange Fruit "を歌わせないようにしようとした。
The true-life story of Christian music star Jeremy Camp and his journey of love and loss that looks to prove there is always hope.
The story of life on our planet by the man who has seen more of the natural world than any other. In more than 90 years, Attenborough has visited every continent on the globe, exploring the wild places of our planet and documenting the living world in all its variety and wonder. Addressing the biggest challenges facing life on our planet, the film offers a powerful message of hope for future generations.
A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths to one of the world's largest corporations. In the process, he risks everything — his future, his family, and his own life — to expose the truth.
Peter has worked all his life at a Manchester bank. When he is awarded an early retirement, he decides to visit his brother in Benidorm, only to discover that he's disappeared.
Mariana is a young woman looking to fulfill the dream she was once committed with when she left her parents’ house to live with Alex, in Lisbon. When he leaves to New York, she cannot bear what has been left for her. Even though the return seemed unthinkable, she goes back to the North. The burden of failure and the crossing of a legendary river, lead her to an ancient tale: once you cross the river of forgetfulness, your own past will also be forgotten. Alex returns while she is searching for a new setting for herself. He no longer believes in this country. She has gotten closer to the place where everything has started for her. He will leave. She will not return.
A young Italian mother is living a life of part-time prostitution in Austria, unbeknownst to her friends and family. Everything seems to be going well until her secret is discovered.
When Holly’s dark secret is accidentally uncovered by her new emotionally unstable neighbor Tom, they are pulled into a violent confrontation with her father, who will do anything to keep the secret hidden.
In the 1930s, a young reverend and his family are forced to confront their worst fears when they discover their new home holds a horrifying secret.
The Rostom is an overnight shelter for the homeless, located on the outskirts of Bologna. It appears like a ghostly moon base in the middle of the countryside, where beams of neon light draw the profiles of insomniacs, who in the middle of the night get up and go out for a smoke or a chat. Weaving the threads of their stories is David, an Englishman who has been wandering the world for seven years and has landed at Rostom exhausted and eager to get back on his feet and tell his story
Experience the bustle of Istanbul street life through the eyes of three stray dogs – Zeytin, Nazar and Kartal.
1860, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. While Garibaldi's troops are invading this lawless territory, four female bandits nicknamed the "Drudes" are looking for their own personal revenge.
Zen priest Ittetsu Nemoto lost an uncle and two friends to suicide. It left him with deep emotional scars, and he decided to start an online support group for people with suicidal thoughts. Nowadays, he receives them in person at his temple... Each painful story paints an intriguing picture of what life on the edge can look like. Together, the portraits form a quiet plea for a broader view on the treatment of suicidal behavior.
In this family adventure a brother and sister, Mo and Melody, join up with the brilliant scientist and inventor Professor Shonku and his robot helper Robu to find their missing legendary explorer father. Soon they find themselves deep in the Himalayas followed by the evil Franzotti who is tracking a hidden treasure. Along the way they encounter unicorns and other magical creatures, and uncover a hidden paradise kept away from the world.
Claire and Anna are cousins who share a mysterious connection to a dark family secret. Following the death of Clare’s grandmother, ancient spirits are unleashed and the women must do battle with ‘Lilith’, a malevolent female spirit who has returned to claim possession of Anna’s unborn child.
An epic journey along Africa's Great Green Wall — an ambitious vision to grow a wall of trees stretching across the entire continent to fight against increasing drought, desertification and climate change.
A young Haitian immigrant living in Santiago de Chile, will see his life balance shaken after a series of unexpected events that will fuel a deep racist reactions in his environment.
When a mysterious virus causes the world to halt, an economist thinks he has found the answer in a link between animals, a renowned zookeeper and a secret cabal. He sets out to find answers along with his crazy sidekicks until they kidnap a retired zookeeper during the Covid-19 lockdown to unlock the grand mystery and discover who is truly at fault!