Dance of Chance (2019)
ジャンル : コメディ, ドラマ
上映時間 : 1時間 30分
演出 : Claude Lelouch
That day, there’s tension in the air: Marianne has her car and dog stolen from a highway parking lot. Stéphane is constantly arguing with his wife. Noémie can no longer stand her husband Aldo’s infidelities. A little-known orchestra performs for the last time…
Rattled by sudden unemployment, a Manhattan couple surveys alternative living options, ultimately deciding to experiment with living on a rural commune where free love rules.
The final part of Pasolini's Trilogy of Life series is rich with exotic tales of slaves and kings, potions, betrayals, demons and, most of all, love and lovemaking in all its myriad forms. Mysterious and liberating, this is an exquisitely dreamlike and adult interpretation of the original folk tales.
A group of nerdy college guys who can't seem to connect with girls their own age discover the excitement of hooking up with sexy older women.
Scooby-Doo and the gang are on the case when a mysterious lake monster starts scaring the guests at a summer resort in Erie Point, where Fred, Daphne, Velma and Shaggy have taken on seasonal jobs to pay for a barn they accidentally burned down. But in addition to sneaking suspicions, there's some romance in the air.
ある日、カナダで暮らす双子の姉弟ジャンヌ(メリッサ・デゾルモー=プーラン)とシモン(マキシム・ゴーデット)の母親ナワル(ルブナ・アザバル)が永眠する。後日、長年彼女を秘書として雇っていた公証人(レミー・ジラール)により、母の遺言が読み上げられる。その内容は、所在がわからない自分たちの父と兄に手紙を渡してほしいというもので……。 『渦』のドゥニ・ヴィルヌーヴが監督と脚本を務め、レバノン出身の劇作家ワジ・ムアワッドの原作を映画化した珠玉の人間ドラマ。中東からカナダに移り住んだある女性の壮絶な人生を、過去と現代を行きつ戻りつしながら映し出す。『パラダイス・ナウ』のルブナ・アザバルが陰のある母親を演じ、その娘を、カナダのテレビで活躍するメリッサ・デゾルモー=プーランが演じている。過酷な生涯を生きた女性の胸に秘められた思いに涙する。
In Glasgow, Scotland, while a mysterious pandemic begins to spread around the world, Susan, a brilliant epidemiologist, falls in love with Michael, a skillful cook.
Four erotic tales from in various historical eras. The first, 'The Tide', is set in the present day, and concerns a student and his young female cousin stranded on the beach by the tide, secluded from prying eyes. 'Therese Philosophe' is set in the nineteenth century, and concerns a girl being locked in her bedroom, where she contemplates the erotic potential of the objects contained within it. 'Erzsebet Bathory' is a portrait of the sixteenth-century countess who allegedly bathed in the blood of virgins, while 'Lucrezia Borgia' concerns an incestuous fifteenth-century orgy involving Lucrezia, her brother, and her father the Pope.
A young country girl comes to town and works in a brothel in order to help her fiance get the money to start his own business. "Paprika" is the name given to her by the madam.
イースター島にあるキャンディの国。うさぎとヒヨコが世界中の子どもたちの為に、おいしいキャンディを作っていた。この国の王子イービーは、父親の後を継いでイースターの日にキャンディを配達するイースターラビットになるはずだった。しかし、ドラムの才能を持つ彼は、ミュージシャンとして成功するという夢をあきらめきれずにおり、キャンディの国を抜け出してハリウッドへ向かい、その道中自動車に轢かれてしまった。 負傷したイービーを介抱したフレッドは、イービーから事情を聞き、彼の夢を応援することにした。 一方、イースター島ではイービー捜索のために国一番の最強部隊“ピンク・ベレー”がかりだされていた。そんな中、王国のキャンディ工場乗っ取りをたくらむヒヨコたちのボスであるカルロスがクーデターを起こし、王国の混乱はさらに悪化した。
The Winter Feast is Po's favorite holiday. Every year he and his father hang decorations, cook together, and serve noodle soup to the villagers. But this year Shifu informs Po that as Dragon Warrior, it is his duty to host the formal Winter Feast at the Jade Palace. Po is caught between his obligations as the Dragon Warrior and his family traditions: between Shifu and Mr. Ping.
Six years have elapsed since Guantanamo Bay, leaving Harold and Kumar estranged from one another with very different families, friends and lives. But when Kumar arrives on Harold's doorstep during the holiday season with a mysterious package in hand, he inadvertently burns down Harold's father-in-law's beloved Christmas tree. To fix the problem, Harold and Kumar embark on a mission through New York City to find the perfect Christmas tree, once again stumbling into trouble at every single turn.
Miranda is a sensual tavern owner with a taste for men of all types. Over a year's time, Miranda copes with the death of her husband by enjoying the talents of a different lover for each of the four seasons. All the men are delightful, but which one is the best lover, and who will make a suitable husband?
前作で100万もの兵を率いてギリシャ侵攻を図るペルシャ帝国を相手に、300人の精鋭と共に戦いを繰り広げた果てに命を落としたスパルタのレオニダス王。今回の物語は灼熱の門で全滅したレオニダス達と同じ時間の別の戦い、エーゲ海での海戦を軸にしている。 アテナイのテミストクレス将軍は、パン屋、陶工、詩人といった一般市民から成るギリシャ連合軍を率いてペルシャ帝国海軍に立ち向かっていく。 ペルシャ帝国の海軍指揮官アルテミシアらと拮抗する中、ついに大海原を舞台にした最終決戦を迎えることに。