
The ExorSIS (2021)

ジャンル : コメディ, ホラー

上映時間 : 1時間 54分

演出 : Fifth Solomon
脚本 : Fifth Solomon


The film follows Gina, who must find an exorcist after her younger sister gets possessed by a dead woman’s spirit.


Toni Gonzaga
Toni Gonzaga
Gina Morales
Alex Gonzaga
Alex Gonzaga
Dani Morales
Melai Cantiveros
Melai Cantiveros
Jessa Mae
Kat Galang
Kat Galang
Joel Saracho
Joel Saracho
Mang Ruben
Tess Antonio
Tess Antonio
Kedebon Colim
Kedebon Colim
Angie Castrence
Angie Castrence
Ruth Lopez-Dee
Ruth Lopez-Dee
Isay Alvarez
Isay Alvarez
Belen Morales
Dennis Padilla
Dennis Padilla
Rekardo Morales


Fifth Solomon
Fifth Solomon
Fifth Solomon
Fifth Solomon


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