
Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (1955)

See 'em sizzle in the big, buxom, beautiful musical!

ジャンル : コメディ, 音楽

上映時間 : 1時間 39分

演出 : Richard Sale
脚本 : Mary Loos, Richard Sale


Two Broadway showgirls, who are also sisters, are sick and tired of New York as well as not getting nowhere. Quitting Broadway, the sisters decided to travel to Paris to become famous.


Jane Russell
Jane Russell
Charlie Biddle / Mrs. Biddle / Mr. Henry Biddle
Jeanne Crain
Jeanne Crain
Connie Jones / Mitzi Jones
Alan Young
Alan Young
Charlie Biddle / Mrs. Biddle / Mr. Henry Biddle
Scott Brady
Scott Brady
David Action
Guy Middleton
Guy Middleton
Earl of Wickenware
Eric Pohlmann
Eric Pohlmann
M. Ballard
Rudy Vallee
Rudy Vallee
Rudy Vallee
Gwen Verdon
Gwen Verdon
Specialty Dancer (uncredited)


Richard Sale
Richard Sale
Mary Loos
Mary Loos
Richard Sale
Richard Sale
Anita Loos
Anita Loos


Staying Alive
It's five years later and Tony Manero's Saturday Night Fever is still burning. Now he's strutting toward his biggest challenger yet - making it as a dancer on the Broadway stage.
バードマン あるいは(無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡)
After failing to make it on Broadway, April returns to her hometown and reluctantly begins training a misfit group of young dancers for a competition.
The Producers
Broadway producer, Max Bialystock and his accountant, Leo Bloom plan to make money by charming little old ladies to invest in a production many times over what it will actually cost, and then put on a sure-fire flop, so nobody will ask for their money back – and what can be a more certain flop than a tasteless musical celebrating Hitler.
ブロードウェイの演出家のジョー・ギデオン。彼の生活はヴィヴァルディを聞きながらシャワーを浴び、目薬と飲み薬を服用し、「さぁショータイムだ!」と自分を鼓舞して始まる。 忙しく不規則な毎日がたたり、ジョーは倒れてしまう。薄れゆく意識の中で彼は自分の人生をミュージカルを見ているように思い返す。
After putting together another Broadway flop, down-on-his-luck producer Max Bialystock teams up with timid accountant Leo Bloom in a get-rich-quick scheme to put on the world's worst show.
Opening Night
A failed Broadway singer who now works as a production manager must save opening night on his new production by wrangling his eccentric cast and crew.
ある日、新進女優イヴ・ハリントンはアメリカ演劇界の栄えある賞に輝いた。だが、彼女がここまで上り詰めるには、一部の関係者たちしか知り得ない紆余曲折の経緯があった。8ヶ月前、田舎からニューヨークへ出てきたイヴは、ひょんなことから憧れの舞台女優マーゴの住み込み秘書となった。するとイヴはこれを皮切りに、劇作家や有名批評家に巧く取り入り、マーゴまでも踏み台にしてスター女優へのし上がっていく…。  監督マンキウィッツ自身による見事な脚本と、名優たちの火花散らす熱演とが融合し、その年のアカデミー賞をほぼ独占する形となった、バックステージものの最高作。田舎からニューヨークへ出、大女優(B・デイヴィス)の付き人となったのを皮切りに、有名批評家に取り入って大女優の代役から一躍、ブロードウェイの寵児にのし上がるヒロインを、A・バクスターがまさに一世一代の体当たり芝居で演じきる。批評家のG・サンダースも、いつになく繊細な役柄を的確に表現し、オスカー助演賞を得た。まだ無名の頃のモンローが顔を出している。
A producer puts on what may be his last Broadway show, and at the last moment a chorus girl has to replace the star.
ヘアスプレー ライブ!
A teenage girl living in Baltimore in the early 1960s dreams of appearing on a popular TV dance show.
Only Angels Have Wings
A traveling performer arrives at a remote South American port town where the head of an air freight service must risk his pilots' lives to earn a major contract.
The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox
A female hustler is chasing after rich men, but becomes repeatedly mixed up with a suave con man and card shark through a series of misadventures before falling in love with him.
Lavish biography of Flo Ziegfeld, the producer who became Broadway's biggest starmaker.
Morning Glory
Wildly optimistic chatterbox Eva Lovelace is a would-be actress trying to crash the New York stage. She attracts the interest of a paternal actor, a philandering producer, and an earnest playwright. Is she destined for stardom, or will she fade like a morning glory after its brief blooming?
Sudden Fear
Actor Lester Blaine has all but landed the lead in Myra Hudson's new play when Myra vetoes him because, to her, he doesn't look like a romantic leading man. On a train from New York to San Francisco, Blaine sets out to prove Myra wrong...by romancing her. Is he sincere, or does he have a dark ulterior motive?
Black Widow
A young stage hopeful is murdered and suspicion falls on her mentor, a Broadway producer.