
デリシュ! (2021)

ジャンル : 履歴, ドラマ, コメディ

上映時間 : 1時間 52分

演出 : Éric Besnard
脚本 : Éric Besnard, Nicolas Boukhrief


フランス革命前夜の18世紀フランスを舞台に、世界で初めてレストランを作った男の実話をもとに描いた人間ドラマ。 1789年。宮廷料理人マンスロンは、創作料理「デリシュ」にジャガイモを使用したことで貴族たちの反感を買って解雇され、息子を連れて実家へ帰ることに。ある日、マンスロンのもとに謎めいた女性ルイーズが料理を習いたいと訪ねてくる。彼女の熱意に負けて料理を教えることになったマンスロンは、失っていた料理への情熱を徐々に取り戻していく。やがてマンスロンはルイーズと息子の協力を得て、一般人のために開かれた世界初のレストランを開店する。 マンスロンを「オフィサー・アンド・スパイ」のグレゴリー・ガドゥボワ、ルイーズを「ムースの隠遁」のイザベル・カレが演じる。「ブルー・レクイエム」などの脚本家エリック・ベナールが監督を務めた。


Isabelle Carré
Isabelle Carré
Grégory Gadebois
Grégory Gadebois
Pierre Manceron
Benjamin Lavernhe
Benjamin Lavernhe
Le duc de Chamfort
Guillaume de Tonquédec
Guillaume de Tonquédec
Hyacinthe - l'intendant
Christian Bouillette
Christian Bouillette
Lorenzo Lefèbvre
Lorenzo Lefèbvre
Benjamin Manceron
Marie-Julie Baup
Marie-Julie Baup
La marquise de Saint-Genet
Laurent Bateau
Laurent Bateau
Félix Fournier
Félix Fournier
Commis "La Cannelle"
François de Brauer
François de Brauer
Marquis Frigoli
Benjamin Lhommas
Benjamin Lhommas
Marquis des Essais
Louise Rossignon
Louise Rossignon
Marquise n°1
Fabien Rasplus
Fabien Rasplus
Jeune moine
Nicolas Fine
Nicolas Fine
Marchand de vin
Rémy Salvador
Rémy Salvador
Jeune soldat
Lionel Buisson
Lionel Buisson
Soldat expérimenté
Anthony Candellier
Anthony Candellier
Soldat cheveux blancs
Simon Jouannot
Simon Jouannot
Jérôme Quintard
Jérôme Quintard
Client n°1
Elizabeth Saint Blancat
Elizabeth Saint Blancat
Mère supérieure
Gilles Jehlen
Gilles Jehlen
Vieux client
Pauline Hercule
Pauline Hercule
Client n°1
Manon Combes
Manon Combes
Christophe Rossignon
Christophe Rossignon
Le laquais aux chandelles
Jérémy Lopez
Jérémy Lopez
Le marquis de Fourvière
Chloé Astor
Chloé Astor
La maîtresse du duc


Éric Besnard
Éric Besnard
Éric Besnard
Éric Besnard
Nicolas Boukhrief
Nicolas Boukhrief


Suffering from acute kidney failure, Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave—the birthplace of his first life.
巨匠チャン・イーモウ監督が、中国の農村の小学校の代用教員になった13歳の少女と、生徒の子どもたちとの交流を描いた感動の物語。プロの俳優を使わず、ドキュメンタリー的な手法で描き、ベネチア映画祭で2度目の金獅子賞を受賞した。 過疎化が進む中国のある村の小学校に、13歳の少女ミンジが代用教員として雇われる。まだ幼さが残る彼女は必死に教師を務めるが、ある日、1人の生徒が家庭の事情で出稼ぎにいったまま行方不明となる。ミンジは彼を探しに都会へ向かい、次第に生徒との心の交流が生まれる。
女子大生・中村由美(柴咲コウ)の友人でもある岡崎陽子や河合ケンジが、謎の死の予告電話によって次々と不可解な死亡を遂げていく。その死の予告電話の内容は、なぜか未来からの発信時刻で来ており、死ぬ瞬間の声や映像、画像が送られてきてその未来の時刻に差し掛かったとき、その通りに死んでしまうのである。 新たに死の予告電話を受けた小学校からの幼馴染みの友人・小西なつみ(吹石一恵)を救うため、由美は謎の男・山下弘(堤真一)の協力を得て事件の真相を追うが、彼女も今までと同様に予告通り、テレビの生放送中に悲惨な死を遂げてしまう。そしてその直後、遂に由美自身が「死の予告電話」を受けてしまう。
Huo Yuan Jia became the most famous martial arts fighter in all of China at the turn of the 20th Century. Huo faced personal tragedy but ultimately fought his way out of darkness, defining the true spirit of martial arts and also inspiring his nation. The son of a great fighter who didn't wish for his child to follow in his footsteps, Huo resolves to teach himself how to fight - and win.
Down-on-their luck brothers, Lars and Ernie Smuntz, aren't happy with the crumbling old mansion they inherit... until they discover the estate is worth millions. Before they can cash in, they have to rid the house of its single, stubborn occupant—a tiny and tenacious mouse.
舞台は古代の中国。安住の地で知られる平和の谷が凶悪なカンフー使い、タイ・ランに狙われてしまう。しかし彼に対抗できるのはウーグウェイ導師が選んだ伝説の「龍の戦士」だけだ。 そこでマスター・モンキーやマスター・カマキリといったカンフーの達人たちが選抜大会で腕を競うが、ウーグウェイ導師が選んだのは何とぐうたらで小心者のパンダ、ポー。カンフーへの熱意だけは人一倍のポーは達人の師匠・シーフー老師に弟子入りする。
トム・ポッパーはマンハッタンの不動産会社に勤務するエリートサラリーマン。だが、仕事人間だった彼は、妻と離婚して子供達との関係も険悪なものになってしまっていた。 そんなある日、彼のもとに長年合っていない父親から大きな荷物が届く。早速開けてみると、中に入っていたのは、なんと生きたジェンツーペンギンだった。突然の異常事態に混乱するトムだったが、次第にペンギンを通じて家族の絆を取り戻していくのだった。しかし、そんな彼らのもとに、ペンギンの引き渡しを要求する怪しい男が現れる。
Kung Fu Panda Holiday
The Winter Feast is Po's favorite holiday. Every year he and his father hang decorations, cook together, and serve noodle soup to the villagers. But this year Shifu informs Po that as Dragon Warrior, it is his duty to host the formal Winter Feast at the Jade Palace. Po is caught between his obligations as the Dragon Warrior and his family traditions: between Shifu and Mr. Ping.
The true story of Richard Kuklinski, the notorious contract killer and family man.
ザ・レイプ 欲望の報酬
Nineteen-year-old Laura is stressed by her first year at college when money worries distract her from her studies and so, desperate for cash, she answers an online advertisement for intimate companionship that leads her down a dangerous path.
シェフ 三ツ星フードトラック始めました
くもりときどきミートボール2 フード・アニマル誕生の秘密


Two simple-minded friends discover a giant fly in the trunk of a car and decide to domesticate it to earn money with it.
Lacking inspiration, a composer isolates himself at a desolate house, on a small island, in Brittany. There he finds an old piano and receives visits from people who won't let him rest.
Etienne, an often out of work but endearing actor, runs a theater workshop in a prison, where he brings together an unlikely troupe of prisoners to stage Samuel Beckett’s famous play Waiting for Godot. When he is allowed to take the colorful band of convicts on a tour outside of prison, Etienne finally has the chance to thrive.
Black Box
Matthieu is a young and talented black box analyst on a mission to solve the reason behind the deadly crash of a brand new aircraft. Yet, when the case is closed by authorities, Matthieu cannot help but sense there is something wrong with the evidence. As he listens to the tracks again, he starts detecting some seriously disturbing details. Could the tape have been modified? Going against his boss' orders, Matthieu begins his own rogue investigation - an obsessional and dangerous quest for truth that will quickly threaten far more than his career...
Two strangers believe in love but never seem to be able to find its true meaning. In a wild twist of events, fate puts each in the other's path on one stormy New Year's Eve.
Employee of the Month
Vincent, a civil servant, has always enjoyed the benefits of his family's status. When the government votes on a massive savings plan, Vincent is pushed out. When he is transferred to the North Pole, he meets Eva and finds love. It's time for him to choose.
Marcia, a classy Parisian young singer, is recording an album with her idol Daredjane, a rock icon from the 70's. When Daredjane accidentally dies, Marcia needs to get approval from Daredjane's right-holder, Anthony, a suburban market vendor in his thirties, to release their album. But Anthony never liked his distant relative, let alone her music. Their two worlds clash between good and bad taste, sophistication and rudeness, sincerity and lies. Unless love gets in the way...
An English-German filmmaking couple retreat to Fårö for the summer to each write screenplays for their upcoming films in an act of pilgrimage to the place that inspired Ingmar Bergman. As the summer and their screenplays advance, the lines between reality and fiction start to blur against the backdrop of the Island's wild landscape.
A world-weary college professor is given a life-changing diagnosis and decides to throw all pretense and conventions to the wind and live his life as boldly and freely as possible with a biting sense of humor, a reckless streak and a touch of madness.
「ラバー」「ディアスキン 鹿革の殺人鬼」などの独創的な作品で知られるフランスの鬼才カンタン・デュピューが監督・脚本を手がけ、「時間が半日進んで肉体が3日分若返る」という不思議な穴に翻弄される夫婦の運命を描いた異色ドラマ。 平凡な中年夫婦アランとマリーは怪しげな不動産業者に案内され、郊外に建つモダニズム風の一軒家を下見に訪れる。不動産業者は購入すべきか迷う彼らに、奇妙なセールスポイントを教える。それは、家の地下室に空いた穴に入ると「時間が12時間進み、肉体が3日分若返る」というもの。夫婦は半信半疑でその家に引っ越すことを決めるが、やがてその穴の存在は、彼らが胸の奥深くに秘めていた欲望や衝動を呼び覚ましていく。 「恋愛睡眠のすすめ」のアラン・シャバと「ジュリアン」のレア・ドリュッケールが主人公夫婦を演じ、「ピアニスト」のブノワ・マジメル、「彼は秘密の女ともだち」のアナイス・ドゥムースティエが共演。
The Speech
Meet Adrien! He's 35. He's stuck in a mid-life crisis. He's neurotic and hypochondriac. Tonight he's stuck in an endless family dinner and his girlfriend is not answering his texts. On top of that, his dumb brother-in-law asks him to prepare a speech for his wedding. Could it get even worse?
A Tale of Love and Desire
Ahmed, 18, is French of Algerian origin. He grew up in the Parisian suburbs. On the benches of the university, he meets Farah, a young Tunisian full of energy recently arrived from Tunis. While discovering a body of sensual and erotic Arabic literature that he never knew existed, Ahmed falls deeply in love with this girl, and although literally overwhelmed by desire, he will try to resist it.
A fictionalized biopic of Aline Dieu, a multitalented singer from a musically inclined family.
After escaping a Michigan prison, a charming career criminal assumes a new identity in Canada and goes on to rob a record 59 banks and jewellery stores while being hunted by a rogue task force. Based on the story of The Flying Bandit.
Anything for Jackson
A bereaved Satanist couple kidnap a pregnant woman so they can use an ancient spellbook to put their dead grandson's spirit into her unborn child, but they end up summoning more than they bargained for.
Eugenie has a unique gift: she hears and sees the dead. When her family discovers her secret, at the end of the 19th century, she is taken by her father and brother to the neurological clinic at La Pitié Salpêtrière with no possibility of escaping her fate. Her destiny becomes entwined with that of Geneviève, a nurse at the hospital.
Benjamin is meant to be a great doctor, he’s certain of it. But his first experience as a junior doctor in the hospital ward where his father works doesn’t turn out the way he hoped it would. Responsibility is overwhelming, his father is all but present, and his co-junior partner, a foreign doctor, is far more experimented than he is. This internship will force Benjamin to confront his limits… and start his way to adulthood.