
The Challenge (2023)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 0分

演出 : Klim Shipenko


Thoracic surgeon Evgenia Belyaeva has one month to prepare for a flight to the International Space Station, where she must operate on a crew member. Will she be up for the challenge? Can she overcome her fears and insecurities? Will she be able to perform the complicated surgery in zero gravity, and give the cosmonaut a chance to return to Earth alive?


Yulia Peresild
Yulia Peresild
Evgenia Belyaeva
Miloš Biković
Miloš Biković
Vladislav Nikolaev
Klim Shipenko
Klim Shipenko
Alyona Mordovina
Alyona Mordovina
Vladimir Mashkov
Vladimir Mashkov
Oleg Novitsky
Oleg Novitsky
Anton Shkaplerov
Anton Shkaplerov
Elena Valyushkina
Elena Valyushkina
Varvara Volodina
Varvara Volodina
Andrey Shchepochkin
Andrey Shchepochkin
Aleksandr Baluev
Aleksandr Baluev
Igor Gordin
Igor Gordin
Aleksey Barabash
Aleksey Barabash
Aleksey Grishin
Aleksey Grishin
Arthur Beschastny
Arthur Beschastny
Benik Arakelyan
Benik Arakelyan


Klim Shipenko
Klim Shipenko
Dmitry Rogozin
Dmitry Rogozin
Konstantin Ernst
Konstantin Ernst
Sergey Titinkov
Sergey Titinkov
Eduard Iloyan
Eduard Iloyan
Denis Zhalinsky
Denis Zhalinsky
Vitaly Shlyappo
Vitaly Shlyappo
Alexey Trotsyuk
Alexey Trotsyuk
Bakur Bakuradze
Bakur Bakuradze
Klim Shipenko
Klim Shipenko
Klim Shipenko
Klim Shipenko
Director of Photography
Sergey Tyrin
Sergey Tyrin
Production Design
Viktoriya Efimova-Shestakovskaya
Viktoriya Efimova-Shestakovskaya
Costume Design
Boris Litovchenko
Boris Litovchenko
Director of Photography


Approaching the Unknown
Captain William Stanaforth is on a one-way solo mission to take the first steps in colonising Mars. Like all pioneers throughout history, Stanaforth will face insurmountable odds and life and death decisions as he rockets bravely through space.
To Catch a Comet
On November the 11th, billions of miles from Earth, a spacecraft orbiter and lander will do what no other has dared to attempt: land on the volatile surface of a comet as it flies round the sun at 41,000 mph. If successful, it could help peer into our past and unlock secrets from our very origins. The stakes couldn't be higher.
The Astronaut
An elaborate deception emerges when an American astronaut is lost on a mission to Mars. Space agency officials fearful of losing public support and government funding decide to cover up the accident by employing an exact double for the lost astronaut. The ruse begins to unravel when the wife of the lost astronaut realizes she is living with a different man. Although angered by the deception, the woman has fallen in love with the replacement and plans to keep the secret. They both have a change of heart and decide to reveal the secret when they discover a new Mars mission is underway.
Who Invented the Yoyo? Who Invented the Moon Buggy?
Stuck in the German lands of “Yodelburg,” our hero Kidlat dreams of space and muses on humanity’s endless capacity for creativity, whether on the moon or at home in the Philippines. A delightful, self-proclaimed “third-world space spectacle.”
スタンリー・キューブリックがA・C・クラークのアイディアを基に製作したSF映画の金字塔。 月に人が住むようになった時代。月のティコクレーターの地中からの謎の石碑「モノリス」が発掘され、合衆国宇宙評議会のフロイド博士が調査に向かう。それから18カ月後、最新型人工知能「HAL 9000型コンピュータ」を搭載した宇宙船ディスカバリー号は、デビッド・ボウマン船長、フランク・プールら5人のクルーを乗せて木星探査に向けて航行していた。しかし、その途上でHALが探査計画に対して疑問を抱いていることを打ち明ける。ボウマンとプールはHALの不調を疑い、いざというときはHALの回路を切断することを決めるが、それを知ったHALは反乱を起こす。
Mission Galactica: The Cylon Attack
Running low on fuel, the Battlestar Galactica receives the help of the supposedly lost Battlestar Pegasus which is taking the offensive with the Cylons.
Robinson Crusoe on Mars
Stranded on Mars with only a monkey as a companion, an astronaut must figure out how to find oxygen, water, and food on the lifeless planet.
The Dark Side of the Moon
It is the year 2022. A mysterious systems failure causes the crew of a spaceship to be stranded on the dark side of the moon, while rapidly running out of fuel and oxygen. They are surprised to discover a NASA space shuttle floating in space, and board it in the hope of salvaging some supplies. One by one, the crew is possessed and killed, and it is up to Paxton Warner to find the links between the dark side of the moon, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Devil himself.
西暦2125年、太陽系外縁の開発に着手していた太陽系開発機構 (SSDO) は、エネルギー問題の解決と開発のシンボルとして、2140年の実現へ向けて「木星太陽化計画」(JS計画)を進めていた。その前線基地であるミネルヴァ基地で、計画主任・本田英二は長らく音信不通だった恋人マリアと再会を果たす。彼女は過激な環境保護団体「ジュピター教団」の破壊工作グループのメンバーとなっていた。英二は宇宙言語学者ミリセント・ウィレムに協力し、木星探査艇「JADE-III」で数万年前に太陽系を訪れた宇宙人の母船「ジュピターゴースト」の探査を行う。一方、英二の友人であるパイロット・キンと天文学者・井上を乗せて彗星源探査に向かっていた宇宙船「スペース・アロー」が謎の遭難を遂げる。計画責任者のマンスールの調査の末、原因はマイクロブラックホールとの接触によるものであり、しかも太陽に衝突するコースをとっている事が判明する。
VERA is a sci-fi drama short film that focuses on an astronaut who is stranded alone in space and is now headed on a collision course with the Sun. Adam struggles with isolation and his sanity on the ship while dealing with emotions from his past and future.
Star Command
A bunch of young and impulsive space cadets make their first real flight in space and realize that the attack they suffered wasn't a training mission. They face the Enemy alone and have the chance to save the world, and maybe to prevent the war? Can the cadets conquer the more experienced, stronger and much more evil enemy? (Written by Peter 'grin' Gervai )
傑作「2001年宇宙の旅」の続編。 2001年のディスカバリー号の木星探査は失敗に終わり、生き残った船長デビット・ボーマンは木星の衛星軌道上で巨大なモノリスと接触し、謎のメッセージを残して失踪する。 それから9年後、米ソの緊張が高まる中、ディスカバリー計画の責任者ヘイウッド・フロイド博士は、HAL9000の開発者チャンドラ博士らとともに、ソ連の宇宙船レオーノフ号で木星へ向けて旅立った。そこで明らかにされるディスカバリー号のHAL9000の反乱の真実。そしてフロイドの前に表れたボウマン船長の幻影が語る。
Space Station 3D
Some 220 miles above Earth lies the International Space Station, a one-of-a-kind outer space laboratory that 16 nations came together to build. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this extraordinary structure in this spectacular IMAX film. Viewers will blast off from Florida's Kennedy Space Center and the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Russia for this incredible journey -- IMAX's first-ever space film. Tom Cruise narrates.
ホワイトハウスの女性スキャンダルを追っていたテレビ局のジェニーは、「エリー」という名に行き当たる。だがそれは女性の名ではなく、「Extinction Level Event(種の絶滅を引き起こす事象)」の略だった。大統領は、1年後に未知の彗星が地球に衝突する可能性があることを公表。これを阻止すべく彗星を核爆発させて軌道修正するプロジェクトが実行されたが、結果は失敗。衝突が刻一刻と迫る中、ついに大統領は地下に選ばれた100万人だけを移住させる計画を発表するのだった。
Archival material from the original NASA film footage – much of it seen for the first time – plus interviews with the surviving astronauts, including Jim Lovell, Dave Scott, John Young, Gene Cernan, Mike Collins, Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Edgar Mitchell, Charlie Duke and Harrison Schmitt.
Clear Skies
Clear Skies follows a trio of down-and-out misfits who've seen no end of bad luck. John Rourke is the obstinate captain of the Clear Skies, a Tempest class battleship manufactured by the downtrodden Minmatar race of New Eden. Rourke's attitude toward his hazardous chosen lifestyle is cavalier, although this does not sit well with his friends among the crew.